"Brother Yangyan." After jumping off the flashing dragon, the cute night cat said, "Go to your mission location, thank you."

"It's alright." Lin Wen shook his head gently: "It's just a drop in anyway, you can help me a lot."

The cute night cat stuck out her tongue, and then said: "Okay, I'm going to the mission location this time." She waved her small fist and continued: "Brother Yangyan, do your best for this mission."

"You too." Lin Wen responded.

"Then I'll go." The cute night cat waved at Lin Wen. After checking the coordinates of the task panel, he turned and headed towards the Rocket Team base hidden outside Rainbow City and left.

Seeing her back disappearing from his sight, Lin Wen withdrew his gaze and came to Shining Dragon again.

"Flickering Dragon, heading towards the Golden City!" he said.

In the eyes... the fighting spirit has been continuously condensed.

Next, there are obviously countless fun and dripping battles waiting for him!


Golden City is located in the eastern part of the Guandu area. It is the largest and most prosperous metropolis in the entire Guandu area!

It is also very famous in other regions!

Moreover, the headquarters of Silver Corporation is located in Golden City!

Riding the flashing dragon, Lin Wen soon came to the outside of the Golden City.

If it was normal... he would probably be interested in visiting the most prosperous metropolis in the Guandu area, but now that the task is at hand, Lin Wen does not have this mood.

He commanded the Flash Dragon and flew directly towards the coordinates on the task panel!

Below, there are many players moving forward, and the flashing fast dragon whizzing through the sky attracts the attention of most players!

On the way along the coordinates, Lin Wen soon arrived at this destination!

It was a halfway up a mountain in the northern region outside the Golden City.

At this time, a lot of players have gathered there and are engaged in a rather fierce battle with the players of the Rocket camp!

The players on the Alliance side are fighting, while the players on the Rockets side are obviously guarding!Guard the Rocket bases everywhere from being destroyed!These players here obviously came here after receiving a mission!

The flashing dragon stopped in the air and did not land immediately. Lin Wen's eyes swept the place, and then he couldn't help but complain, "Team Rocket really has a soft spot for caves..."

Although due to the distance of sight, he has not yet seen the entrance of the Rocket Team's secret base, but this location is halfway up a mountain peak. Thinking about it based on his previous experiences, Lin Wen suddenly became clear. , Team Rocket's secret base is estimated to be built in a cave!

It can be said... Team Rocket seems to have a different feeling for caves, and especially likes to build bases in caves. Although it is indeed very secretive, it really wants to attract people's complaints.

After glancing at the battle situation, Lin Wen said, "Flickering Dragon, whereabouts."

The flashing dragon roared, then waved its wings and slowly fell!

The players of the two camps below were originally fighting in full swing, but with the exclamation of the players, they all noticed the situation above their heads.

"What is that?" A player couldn't help shouting after looking up after the battle.

I saw above the sky, a huge figure was gradually falling.

Flash Dragon!

As the height of the Flash Dragon gradually decreased, the movement it caused became bigger and bigger, and more and more players discovered the Flash Dragon.

"Fuck, isn't this Flash Dragon!"

"Meow, God Yang Yan actually came to our base?"


After the investigation of the mysterious legendary elf, most of the Rocket base locations were exposed and released to every player in the form of an alliance mission. .

Chapter five hundred and sixty-one

After all, not every player has the same Heavenly King-level combat power as Lin Wen, and even most NPCs are far from the strength of Lin Wen!

In this case, destroying Team Rocket's base is naturally not something that can be accomplished by one or two players. Many players are assigned to each base.

As one of the strongest players on the alliance side in this battle, Lin Wen is also known by the alliance. When talking with several heavenly kings, Kona once mentioned that they will deal with those who may be hiding Boss Sakagi. base to attack.

However, at present, the hiding place of Boss Sakagi has not yet surfaced, so Lin Wen and several heavenly kings are going to different targets, and they have joined the attack on the Rockets base in order to increase the combat efficiency!

As the ground trembled slightly, the flashing dragon fell on the ground, and Lin Wen jumped down from the flashing dragon. The movement he caused even caused a pause in the originally anxious battlefield.

A loud exclamation reached Lin Wen's ears.

"Damn it! It's really the Great God of Yangyan! Meow, he's here to join the battle, and our mission to destroy this base this time is stable!"

"I'm so lucky that I can meet the Great God of Yang Yan even by participating in the mission!"

"When you go back, you must do more good deeds and do good deeds to save your character, and you can meet the Great God of Yang Yan."

These, of course, are all players from the Alliance camp!

The arrival of Lin Wen has brought them great confidence!

On the Quartz Plateau, Lin Wen stood on the high platform, chatting casually with the other three Heavenly Kings, but many players posted screenshots to the forum!As the only player among the current players who can stand together with a Heavenly King-level NPC so easily, Lin Wen's strength has undoubtedly been affirmed once again.

Many players have determined that the Heart of Yang Yan must already have the power of a king!

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