Under this circumstance, in their battle, with the addition of the Heart of Yang Yan, it is no doubt that they have been assured.

But at the same time... the expressions of the defense personnel of this Rocket Team's secret base, those of the Rocket Team camp players who are outside the base and are fighting with the Alliance camp players, are a little unsightly.

"It's getting old and there are so many bases, how come it's just here that I hit the heart of Yang Yan"?"

"Come on! Damn, I thought it would be easy to earn points this time!"

"Heart of Yang Yan... I heard the gossip from the top of Team Rocket before, and it seems that he almost picked a secret base for Team Rocket by himself."

"real or fake?"

"Who knows, this guy is strong anyway."

Originally, the two sides in this secret base were evenly matched, and the players from the Alliance camp also failed to break through the defenses of the players from the Rockets camp and penetrated into the base.However, the appearance of Lin Wen will obviously bring about a great change to this stalemate!

Outside this base, in addition to the players from the alliance camp, there are also two NPC teams sent by the alliance. With the growth of Lin Wen's reputation, among the NPCs, the reputation of researcher Yang Yan has long resonated throughout the Guandu area. , after seeing him slowly fall, the two NPC squads that did not join the player's battle approached one after another.

Wearing the uniforms of the Elf Alliance, they quickly arrived at the location of Lin Wen.

"Researcher Yang Yan, hello." After arriving not far from Lin Tattoo, an NPC who seemed to be the leader said, his tone full of respect.

As NPC members of the alliance, they naturally know a lot more than the players. The news that Lin Wen defeated the boss of Sakagi has not spread among the players, but in the NPCs of the Elf Alliance in the Kanto area, almost every member has already known about it. .

Yang Yan researcher in the Guandu area, possessing a king-level combat power!Definitely a strong candidate for the next king!

Under such circumstances, they naturally did not dare to neglect Lin Wen, and immediately came to ask questions after encountering Lin Wen.

"Hello." Lin Wen nodded slightly.

He looked at the battle that had been slightly weakened by his arrival, and asked casually, "Why didn't you join the battle?"

The NPC leader heard the words and replied: "Researcher Yang Yan, we will join the battle when we invade the Rocket team's base next."

Lin Wen nodded slightly when he heard the words.

Obviously... Now the NPCs on the Rockets side have joined the battle, so the teams from the two alliances have not joined the battle.

It's also for some kind of balance.

However...the matter of their NPCs can't affect Lin Wen. In the battle with these players, using the Flash Dragon is completely killing chickens and slaughtering a bull. Lin Wen directly put the Flash Dragon away and then took it out. Two Poké Balls, ready to engage in a battle between players.

Just when he was about to release the elf, a voice suddenly came from not far from his side, interrupting his movements.

"." Heart of Yang Yan? "

Lin Wen heard the call and looked around, only to see a beautiful figure standing not far away, looking at him.

He was slightly puzzled, and felt that this figure was somewhat familiar, and then suddenly realized that this figure was Qianxia!

(Channon's) The girl he once met in the elf battle!

Obviously, now here, it seems that the target of this large-scale mission of this girl is the secret base of the Rocket Team here.

Seeing Lin Wen looking at him, Qian Xia's face was slightly overjoyed, and she took a few quick steps and came to Lin Wen's side.

After all, he was an acquaintance, but Lin Wen felt a little surprised when he met her. When he saw her approaching, he said directly, "Qianxia, ​​is this base your mission target?"

Qianxia nodded lightly.

"Sure enough." Lin Wen said with a forehead, knowing it in his heart.

Just as he was about to speak again, he saw Qianxia looking at him with a very inexplicable look.

This made Lin Wen a little stunned, and he asked, "What's wrong? Look at me like this?".

Chapter five hundred and sixty-two mentality changes

After the two elf battles in Oludlang City, although they became friends with each other, they were not always in contact with each other, and they hadn't seen each other for a long time. Lin Wen couldn't understand Qianxia's gaze.

After staring at Lin Wen for a while, Qian Xia retracted her gaze and exhaled, "Heart of Yang Yan, you have changed so much..."

Lin Wen: ...Huh?

He was a little strange.

Seeing Qianxia speak with a very emotional tone: "In the elf battle, although you successfully defeated the fire on the right side and won the championship, your strength is not as invincible as it is now..."

Seeing Yang Yan's heart again, the emotions in Qian Xia's heart are very different.

Since the launch of Wizard Century, there has been the first batch of famous players, and Heart of Yang Yan is undoubtedly one of them.

Before Orudlang City first saw the Heart of Yang Yan, Qianxia had heard of his name and had a certain impression of him.

However, in the Pokémon 353 match in Orudelang City, she was completely acquainted with Lin Wen and had an understanding of Lin Wen.

In the elf battle that time, although the strength of the heart of Yang Yan was already very strong, it was not an overwhelming force. She herself, and even the right fire with the MEGA evolution fire-breathing dragon, gave Yang Yan's attention. Heart of Fire caused some trouble.

Then, it was the task of World Tree, and the two cooperated together!

The last battle seemed to be in front of her eyes, but after thinking about all the news about the man in front of her during this period of time, Qianxia couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

It's just... unbelievable!

As a powerful high-end player, even if she is a female player, she naturally has a certain understanding of the information about the various heats in the wizard century!

And I believe that as long as the players who pay attention to the latest news of the Elf Century, they will know a name clearly!

Heart of Yang Yan!

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