Chika is exactly that!

She never thought that after the (biai) elf battle in Orudelang City ended, after the two cooperated, the strength of the Heart of Yang Yan could change so much!

First, I went to the Chengdu area, and when I was ambushed by the money hunters on the bus, I destroyed their plan by myself!

Afterwards, the Dragon Trial in the Dragon Cave subdued the first lord-level elf in the elf century, and fought against the three elite guild squads alone.

Immediately after that, he won the first place in the Dragon Royal Trial and participated in the guild battle between the Lingxi Guild and the three major guilds in the Chengdu area!With his own strength, he has caused a great threat to the three major guilds and changed the situation of the war!

Even now, the scene where the heart of Yang Yan summoned the wild elves to participate in the battle is still talked about by countless players, wanting to find out how it was done!

But now, it's just useless!

After the guild battle, the news of the Heart of Yang Yan was finally a little less, and it seemed to be hidden, but no one expected that when he appeared in the public eye again, he made another big news!

Qianxia's big eyes blinked twice, and she turned her eyes slightly. A few days ago, the sound of the system announcement seemed to be still in her ears.

As a player, he prompted the legendary elf, Chaomeng, to appear in advance, and directly opened the expansion piece of the Quartz Plateau, which is definitely the only one!

If you don't call it, it's a blockbuster!

Looking at the entire elf century, who can do it except for the heart of Yang Yan?

All kinds of news about the Heart of Yang Yan quickly flashed through Qianxia's mind, and some subtle changes occurred unconsciously in her gaze as she looked at Lin Wen.

Even she herself doesn't know what this small change means!

"I really didn't expect it." After a pause, Qian Xia continued: "Your current strength should really have the combat power of a heavenly king, right?"

Qianxia herself is a very proud girl. She even expressed her fighting spirit against Lin Wen in the elf battle, but now, when she faced Lin Wen again, she couldn't show her pride.

No way, the strength shown by the other party is really terrifying!Not one level at all.

Qianxia had to admit that during the elf battle, her elf could still have a few tricks with the Linwen elf, and it was even close to being evenly matched, but now, facing the lord-level flashing dragon, facing the forest pattern elf With the rapid growth of her strength, although her strength has been constantly improving, it is far inferior to Lin Wen!

There is a gap between the two!

On the Quartz Plateau, Guandu, Chengdu, Kona and other three Heavenly Kings' attitudes can show everything. As NPCs, they even talked with Yang Yan Xin. The strength of Yang Yan Xin can be imagined. Know.

So, this question was asked.

Lin Wen nodded lightly: "I do have the power of a heavenly king now."

"Sure enough." Qian Xia said softly, not feeling surprised at all.

Although she didn't know many of Lin Wen's undisclosed glorious deeds, such as the fact that Ye Elf had been promoted to the lord level, and Lin Wen defeated Banmu in a frontal battle, the strength shown by Lin Wen alone was enough for her to see clearly Lin Wen's strength.

After the shock in his heart, Qian Xia lowered his gaze, and some did not dare to look directly into Lin Wen's eyes. After a few seconds of silence, he found a topic at random and said, "You...are you here to perform a mission this time?"

"That's right." Lin Wen replied: "The system has also assigned my mission target here to destroy the Rocket Team base in front of me."

"Yeah." Qianxia nodded lightly, then fell silent.

In the final analysis, she and Lin Wen were not too familiar with each other, they just met in the elf battle, and there was not much contact after that, and the relationship between them was not very close.

Although there are some inexplicable feelings in my heart, this does not immediately improve the relationship between the two.

So... when she faced Lin Wen, whose strength had greatly increased, she couldn't find a topic for a while. .

Chapter five hundred and sixty third cooperation again

After the awkward atmosphere lasted for a while, Lin Wen finally couldn't help but propose: "Then let's come together?"

"Okay, let's go together." Qianxia nodded lightly.

Because of the movement made by the flashing dragon, there are many players around who have been watching Lin Wen distractedly. Now hearing the conversation between Qianxia and Lin Wen, he can't help crying, feeling that he is being physically and mentally affected A double whammy on!

Heart of Yang Yan is now well-known in the game, but Qianxia, ​​a beautiful player in Rota City, also has a certain reputation and is known by many players.

Girl players are originally one of the targets of the majority of male compatriots. Like Qianxia, ​​she looks beautiful, and at the same time, her fighting skills are also very powerful. To be sought after by countless people...

You know, Qianxia is regarded as her goddess by many male players!

And now...their goddess agreed to other players' requests so easily, and suddenly countless players couldn't help but mutter.

"Meow, my goddess Qianxia...Is it just like this?"

"Damn, it's a dog, but the target is still the Great God of Yang Yan, I can't beat it!"

"Goddess Qianxia, ​​woo woo..."

"The heart of Yang Yan has lost its conscience, return my goddess quickly!"

"I used to be single for [-] years, just to wait for the appearance of the goddess Qianxia. Now I find that I am used to it!"

As for some players from the Rocket team who knew Qianxia and admired her, they were even more depressed... The goddess just promised to be with others, but she promised to fight them with others!

Where is he going to make sense?

Originally, because of the arrival of Lin Wen, these Rockets players felt that their luck was a little bit bad. After taking a quest, they could meet the opposing Yang Yan Heart, and the possibility of completing the quest was infinitely reduced. They felt very depressed, and now they have to watch their most powerful opponent and the goddess attack them together.

All kinds of sadness, only you can taste it.

The voices of the surrounding players were loud or small, and many of them entered the ears of Lin Wen and Qianxia.

Hearing these voices, for some reason, Qian Xia's cheeks involuntarily turned slightly red, and she glanced at Lin Wen twice, feeling a little strange in her heart.

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