As a wizard-type elf, Shanaido's special attack has already reached an unimaginable number!You must know that at Team Rocket's secret base, Shanaido, who turned on the super runaway, is a powerful elf who can fight against Chao Meng!

Now facing the elves of these players, it is even more unfavorable!

I saw a strange light flashing in the eyes of the super queen, and she waved her palm gently, and countless sharp leaves emitting a fluorescent green light appeared in place!

Then, it swept away towards the enemy elves under the dual restrictions of the frost aura and the flame vortex!

Swish swish swish!

Countless air-breaking sounds sounded, and the magic leaves broke through the flame vortex in the blink of an eye!

It seems that because of the strange combination of the two skills, I saw a hot flame burning on the countless magic leaves!

It's amazing!

But at the same time, the power is also greatly increased!

In the next second, countless flame-enhanced magic leaves have bombarded dozens of elves!


The explosion sounded loudly!

Smoke and dust splashed everywhere, and the whole scene fell silent for a while.

Minas, who received Lin Wen's order, originally wanted to use the wave of water against the enemy spirit, but stopped for some reason.

When the smoke cleared away... all the players who were paying attention to the battle of Lin Wen couldn't help but calm down and make no sound.

The shock in my heart is hard to hide!

I saw that the dozens of elves bound by the flame vortex had completely lost their fighting ability under the last shot of Shanaido's multi-magic leaves!

Dozens of elves collapsed to the ground, motionless, and were directly destroyed by a round of skill attacks from the ice elves, nine tails, and Shanaido!

Minas lost his target, so he didn't use his skills!

In just one round of skills, dozens of elves were wiped out!

No one thought of this!

Everyone knows that the heart of Yang Yan is powerful, but after the appearance of the lord-level flashing fast dragon, everyone's eyes are focused on the flashing fast dragon.

You must know that the mission requirements of this Rocket Team annihilation battle are very high!

Have at least one boss-level elf above level [-], or three elite-level elf above level [-]!

This is the mission requirement of the alliance side!

In the same way, the mission requirements of the Rockets side are naturally only high and not low!

In this case, the enemies are not some new players who have just entered the game, but all veterans!Even the elite!

But in the face of Lin Wen, dozens of them were eliminated by one round of skills!

The power of Yang Yan's heart is clearly demonstrated!

With such a huge victory in one fell swoop, the morale of the players in the entire alliance camp suddenly increased, and even the NPC members of the Elf Alliance who had not yet shot in the rear couldn't help but admire: "This is the combat power of Researcher Yang Yan's 2.3... No wonder the alliance It is widely rumored that he is already a powerful candidate for the next king!"

After eliminating dozens of elves, Lin Wen's expression did not change at all, his eyes changed, his eyes shifted, and he looked to another direction, commanding his four elves, and joined the battle again!

Minas, who has been strengthened by the Hualan Heart, also has a role to play, showing unmatched combat power!

"Ding Dong, your Pokémon Minas has been upgraded to LV42, gaining 16 fixed attributes and 3 effort points..."

"Ding Dong, because of your talent "Giraqi's Blessing" Minas gained 1 additional free attribute."

During the battle, the reminder sound of the upgrade kept appearing in Lin Wen's ears. .

Chapter [-] Points Ranking

Minas has no quasi-god restrictions, and the level rises very quickly!

Seeing Lin Wen join the battle and create such a brilliant result at such a fast speed, Qianxia was already prepared, but she couldn't help but open her mouth wide, slightly surprised.

But soon, she withdrew her surprise.

"Sun Elf, Elleido, we're going up too!"

Qianxia's eyes fell on Lin's tattoo: "You can't easily lose to him!"

The battle is still going on!

Players from the Alliance and Team Rocket are constantly reinforced. There are many players who have received a base, but due to the distance, they cannot arrive at the same time at the same time, which has caused the current situation.

On both sides, there are new forces joining in all the time!

"Minas, use a high-pressure water gun!" Lin Wen's calm voice came.

Hearing the order, Minas suddenly opened his mouth, and the high-pressure water gun with a powerful impulse suddenly sprayed on a big rock snake. The powerful impact even pushed the big rock snake back slightly for 18 distances!

The restraining damage of the water system to the rock system suddenly made the big rock snake show a painful expression, and directly lost its fighting ability!

"Xanaduo, use psychic power! Throw them out to me!"

A lavender light surrounded several elves, and several elves struggled desperately, but with the blessing of Shanaido's powerful special attack attributes, they couldn't break free and were suddenly lifted to the sky!

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