Then, Shanai Duo's eyes flashed, and several elves were thrown out and smashed to the ground!


After a few twitches, the elves lost consciousness and lost their ability to fight!

"Ice Elf, use Frozen Wind."

The biting cold wind hit, and the frost was attached to it, and it blew on the elves of the Rocket players. The frost condensed. I don't know how many elves were directly passive in place!


"Nine tails, use super jet flames!" Lin Wen's order came down.

The nine tails followed closely, and the hot and strange flames shot out, directly attacking the frozen elf!

The flames and the frost collided, causing double damage to the enemy in an instant. There was no resistance at all, and the fighting ability was directly lost.

This scene appears all the time.

After the guild war ended, Lin Wen had not fought with players for a long time!

He was abused by Kyurem in the Hezhong area. After returning to Kanto, he swept the Rockets base and defeated the Rockets old Osaka Wood, but he was defeated by Chaomeng's men.

Recently, his enemies are all NPCs, and they are all powerful NPCs!

Now, when facing players again, Lin Wen's combat power is undoubtedly a crushing level!

It's a long battle!

After Lin Wen joined the battle, although he quickly helped the players of the alliance camp to gain an advantage, the follow-up players of the Rocket camp were also coming!

The players on both sides who received quests were not just here at the beginning, there were many players who did not come!

However, these cannot stop Lin Wen's pace!

After a period of crushing-level battles, the players of Team Rocket's camp were finally completely defeated!

No more follow-up troops!

The sprites of countless Team Rocket players lost their ability to fight and left here helplessly. The entrance gate to Team Rocket's base was completely empty!

"Researcher Yang Yan."

When the battle between the player and the player was over, the alliance NPCs who were watching the whole way finally came over.

There was even more respect in his eyes, this was the transformation that took place after witnessing Lin Wen's strength!

"Researcher Yang Yan, shall we attack now?" he asked.

Lin Wen's eyes fell on the entrance of Team Rocket's base, and he said bluntly, "Go in now!"

At the same time, players who could not hold back already entered the Rockets base first.

Qianxia followed Lin's tattoo side and walked into the Rockets base together.

Team Rocket, as a cave specialist, did not live up to Lin Wen's expectations. This time, the base was also in the cave. After entering the cave, the sound of fighting continued.

This should be a research base for Team Rocket, with many members of Team Rocket.

Players from the alliance camp have already joined the battle.

After entering the base, the two NPC team members beside them also showed serious expressions and joined the battle!

Lin Wen and Qianxia glanced at each other, and each participated in it!

The battle was resolved very quickly.

Compared to the battle with the Rockets players outside the base, it can be described as very fast.

After all, the members of Team Rocket in the base are not like players outside. They are always here to help the 723 Army. Under the attack of a large number of players from the Alliance camp, the elves of Team Rocket have been defeated one after another. This kind of building was also brutally destroyed directly.

In the end, the members of Team Rocket here were directly controlled and arrested by the coming Alliance NPC team, ready to bring them back to the Alliance.

After completely destroying this Rocket Team base, the system prompt rang in the ears of every player here.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Yang Yanxin for completing the mission: Destroy the Rocket Team base, you have been rewarded with 100 points."

In this large-scale mission, the way for alliance players to obtain rewards is the point system!Defeating the enemy has points, and now after completing the task, you will also get points reward!

After this long battle, Lin Wen himself did not know how many enemies he had defeated, and received countless tips about points in the middle, but after investigating, he found that his current points were 461 points.

This is the harvest of attacking this Rockets base.

With his powerful strength, Lin Wen did not know how many enemies he had defeated, and he accumulated such a huge amount of points.

Even, in the points rankings, Lin Wen has quietly come to the forefront, ranking fourth! .

Chapter five hundred and sixty-six folk gods

And the third place above him is a slightly unfamiliar name called Ao Qingcheng, with 473 points!

The second place is called Ouch Yellow Chicken, with 475 points.

As for the first place, it was a name that Lin Wen was slightly familiar with!

Right fire!

Possessing the right fire of the quasi-god fire-breathing dragon, one of Lin Wen's former opponents!

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