Lin Wen was not at all surprised that someone was in the forefront of him. The Rocket Team annihilation mission started yesterday, and many players have been earning rewards since yesterday. After a long time, they have definitely gained a lot of points. , is also a very considerable number.

On the other hand, Lin Wen, after the appearance of the world-class mission of Team Rocket's annihilation, was very calm and not in a hurry because of his confidence in his own strength!

And now, just one branch mission has allowed him to gain points for reaching the fourth place!

This is the convenience brought by strength!

Players are generally close in strength, which means that a battle will take a long time to fight, and it may take a long time to fight before you can win and get so pitiful points.

On the other hand, Lin Wen, under the crushing strength, can be said to be the dominant player in the battle of the player, and he can easily defeat the opponent, which is simply reaping points!

What Lin Wen needs to worry about... is whether there are enough enemies!

"However... this world-class mission has really hooked up many players!"

"Looking at the many unfamiliar names on the standings." Lin Wen thought to himself.

Not every player likes to be in the limelight, and many players like to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and usually hide it.

But in this kind of task, the points are related to rewards, so I can't sit still, and they bubble up one after another, and they are on the list!

In this world-class mission, there are bound to be many high-profile games that have been hidden for a long time, creating a certain new pattern in the entire elf world!

Just when Lin Wen thought of this in his mind, the system prompt suddenly sounded!

"Ding Dong, player Yang Yanxin, do you accept the mission: Destroy Team Rocket Base"~?"

Mission Name: Destroy Team Rocket Base

Requirement: Player's Heart of Sunfire

Content: After the exploration of the legendary elves of the alliance camp, most of the Rocket Team's secret bases were found. According to the strength, the Alliance will take a Rocket Team base located around Hualan City as the mission target of your trip. You must destroy this place. Rocket Base.

Reward: unknown.

Another mission!

Although Team Rocket's bases are spread across the entire Guandu area, Lin Wen did not expect that after he destroyed the Team Rocket base here and completed the mission, he would actually receive another mission.

The same is to destroy the Rocket base, but it is a different location!

Suddenly... Lin Wen had some guesses in his heart.

Although Team Rocket has many bases, there are also a lot of players from the alliance camp in the Guandu area. Evenly distributed, every base will definitely have players from the alliance to attack!

Will this secondary mission after the successful destruction be a hard bone that is hard to gnaw away?

Beside him, Qianxia apparently also received the information of the second mission, and looked at Lin Wen.

Lin Wen noticed her gaze and asked, "Qianxia, ​​where is your next mission?",

"The location of my next mission is Dry Leaf City." Qian Xia replied, brushing a strand of hair that fell to her forehead, and asked, "How about you? Where is the next mission point?"

"I'm in Hualan City." Lin Wen said slightly disappointedly, "It seems that we can't do the mission together again."

Qian Xia lowered her head slightly after hearing this.

Hualan City and Kuye City, one is located in the southern part of the Guandu area, and the other is a coastal city in the northern part of the Guandu area.

When Lin Wen came here, he could also take the little night cat whose mission location is Rainbow City along the way, but now... the direction is completely different, and the two are destined to be separated.

"That's right." After being silent for a while, Qianxia said, "Since that's the case, I wish you success in your next mission."

"You too." Lin Wen responded.

"Wait until this large-scale mission." Qian Xia said immediately: "You can contact the ghosts and heavy costumes. With your current strength, we can already consider attacking the World Tree again."

Speaking of which, Qian Xia grinned and said sweetly: "." Great God Yang Yan, wouldn't you have become so powerful now that you wouldn't take me with you? "

Her smile is very charming, revealing a woman's side, full of temptation.

Lin Wen was slightly absent-minded. After hearing her question, he shook his head and smiled: "How is it possible, I'm not such a person, let's focus on this mission first, and we'll discuss the World Tree after the mission is over."

"Well, that's fine." Qian Xia nodded lightly.

Then, she said, "In that case, see you next time."

"See you next time." Lin Wen responded.

Afterwards, Qianxia turned her head and left, heading towards the city of Dry Leaves, her gaze.

Lin Wen looked at her back slightly stunned. This time he would meet Qian Xia (Qian De) at the mission location, but it was something he had never thought about.

But soon, Lin Wen calmed down and focused on the next task goal.

Hualan City!

The Rockets have been operating in the Kanto area for many years, and they have built a lot of bases, big and small!

Around Hualan City, a base had already been destroyed by Lin Wen, and now it still exists!

Looking at the coordinates on the task panel, Lin Wen summoned a flashing dragon, took off directly, and galloped towards Hualan City!

"Hualan City..." Standing on the back of the Flash Dragon, Lin Wen couldn't help muttering.

This city... It can be said that he has a deep relationship with him. He helped Hualan City complete the task of finding the water king and successfully purified the water quality. Calculate the time, the time for the annual review has passed, and I don't know if they have any. Get excellent reviews. .

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