The five hundred and sixtieth chapters are defeated like a mountain

Looking at the mission panel, Lin Wen was surprised to find that the coordinates of this mission were very close to Hualan City!

"Perhaps... after destroying this Rocket Team base, you can go to Hualan City to see the situation?" Lin Wen thought of this idea.

"Well... it all depends on the situation." He said in his heart.

The flashing dragon galloped through the sky, turned into a streamer, and moved towards Hualan City!


At the same time, Hualan City.

There are countless water construction projects here, and the water system gymnasium in the Kanto area is located here.

Outside Hualan City, in a location, countless players are fighting!

Alliance camp, Rockets camp!

The firepower of both sides was fierce, and they fought their lives for the points!

"Fire-breathing dragon, shoot flames!"

A calm voice came out, and a handsome fire-breathing dragon evolved from MEGA with a fierce dragon roar, and the hot flames spurted out!

As soon as the Team Rocket elf in front of him was touched by the flames, he couldn't help showing a pained expression. Under the scorching flames, he quickly lost his ability to fight!

A successful hit, the fire-breathing dragon did not stop, and quickly turned to the next target!

Zoom in!

Next to the fire-breathing dragon, there is a familiar face of Lin Wen.

Right fire!

First place in the current standings!

As Lin Wen's former defeated general, Right Fire not only did not get discouraged, but instead became more diligent, and his strength was much stronger than before. Fire-breathing dragons could wipe out most of their opponents with a single bite of seemingly simple flames.


In the sky!

The figure of the flashing dragon flashed by...even the naked eye could not capture its figure!

As a lord-level elf, the speed attribute of the Flash Dragon is extremely high. With the addition of Lin Wen's ability to ride, the speed has reached an unimaginable level!

Looking down from the sky, the buildings below, humans, elves, seem to have become little ants!Very small!

Lin Wen really enjoyed the feeling of galloping in the sky!

When flying high in the sky, the whole person seems to be open-minded, very refreshing!

Towards the Hualan City Base, Lin Wen is moving fast!


At the same time, outside Hualan City, at a base of Team Rocket, the battle is still going on!

Players from the alliance camp and players from the rocket camp start a shopping spree!Both sides took out their milk strength and tried to defeat each other!

After all, the points gained in the battle at this time represent the rewards that can be received after the end!

But as time went by... the Rocket players at this base began to gradually become unable to resist, and the resistance began to weaken.

Team Rocket, this evil force, although it has been developing in the Guandu area for a long time, can even be described as the underground overlord in the Guandu area!

The strength is extremely powerful!

Therefore, in the Guandu area, there are also many players who joined the Rockets camp. They all reported that they had an evil mentality, or they valued that the Rockets camp did not have so many rules and regulations to join!

If you change the enemy this time, with the strength of Team Rocket, I am afraid it can be easily resisted!

But... their enemy this time is the Spirit Alliance!

Hundreds of years ago, an alliance of elves was formed by an agreement signed between legendary elves and humans!

After nearly a hundred years of rapid development, with legendary elves as the background, the power of elves (biad) has long covered the entire elves world!Moreover, as the official force in the elf world, the NO.1 positive force, when facing the evil force of the Rockets, can be said to be in a natural advantage!

Not to mention, in the Elf League, which covers the entire Elf world, there are many more players than Team Rocket!

The strength of many players is even higher!

The mission of the Rocket Team's annihilation battle this time, but there are also requirements for the elf level and template to participate in it!Therefore, those who can join the battle are also in the middle level among the players, and even above, they can be called the existence of the elite!

This is the Rocket Base outside Hualan City because of this!The number of players in the alliance camp has a certain advantage, and at the same time, their strength is not weaker than those of these Rockets players, and they soon occupied a certain advantage, advancing step by step!

Not to mention, there is still a very powerful player here, who is currently ranked first in the standings, Right Fire!

His quasi-god-level fire-breathing dragon, after the evolution of MEGA, can be said to be invincible, and few enemy spirits will be his enemy of unity!

Under this circumstance, the advancement of the alliance camp was very fast. At the beginning, the players of the Rocket team organized a wave of effective resistance to resist the enemy, but as time passed, they finally could not defend themselves!

As there are fewer and fewer teammates around, the elves of the players in the Rockets camp have been defeated one by one and lost their ability to fight!

Defeat like a mountain!

After a period of continuous fighting, there is absolutely no existence of the Rocket team players here!

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