The eyes of all the players are focused on the entrance of the base!

This base here is a big change from the previous cave style of the Rockets, but is built in a large and unique store. This is the entry point of a forest somewhere outside Hualan City. This store usually comes and goes. There are a lot of guests, and no one has found it before.

If it weren't for the mysterious legendary elves behind the alliance, I'm afraid the alliance would have struggled to discover this hidden Rocket Team base!

The big one is hidden in the city, and the small one is hidden in the wild.

The Rockets are obviously well versed in this, although many bases are hidden in some remote mountain peaks and caves, but there are still some bases that exist in more lively areas with more people coming and going!

After completely eliminating the Rockets players who were defending outside the base, the players of the Alliance camp gathered here focused on the Rockets base that looked like a large store. .

Chapter five hundred and sixty-eight destruction of the base

Looking at the building in front of them, the players are all emotional.

If it wasn't for the precise coordinates given directly by the Alliance, no one would have thought that such a huge store would be a hidden secret base for Team Rocket.

Those lucky enough to break through the Rockets' secret base are really nine points to one point of luck.

Then...they were ready to enter and destroy this Rocket-Base!

Unexpectedly, just as the players of the alliance camp were preparing to attack, a dark purple shield suddenly appeared from the inside of the base, gradually expanding, and in the blink of an eye, it encompassed the entire base!

The entire base is surrounded by shields, and there is no dead angle at all!

After the players behind the Rockets camp were defeated, the Rockets NPCs in this base took action!

Moreover, it turned out to be such a large-scale super shield!

With such a large area and such a large-scale super shield, it is definitely not something that a super elves can use. This is probably because many super elves in the base shot together to create such a huge super power. Shield!

Originally, this place was the Rocket Team base of a large store, and there was an entrance on the front, but now, the entrance is covered by a super shield, blocking the back!

Some players couldn't help but run to the shield, trying to see if they could pass through, but the result was very unexpected!

Under the blessing of such a large number of super-type elves, the super-power shield has a solid body, and the players of the alliance camp are completely blocked from the outside, and there is no way to enter!

Even when some players couldn't help but tap the super shield with their hands, they made a dong dong dong sound!

The number of super power elves inside is definitely an extremely terrifying number!

There are so many!

Seeing that the mission is about to be completed, and encountering such a scene, some players can't bear it any longer, and direct their elf to: "Haoli, use the impact!"

A well-developed Haoli heard the words and agreed, the whole body was condensed, the hind legs kicked, and suddenly sprinted out, directly hitting the super shield!

The result was unexpected!

I saw that after the powerful force hit the super shield, not even a ripple was aroused, and the entire super shield could not see any consumption at all!

This made many players frown!

Some players did not give up, and commanded their elf to use the impact on the super shield again, in order to break the super shield and enter the Rockets base!

Moreover, there is more than one person who has this idea!

The scene is very spectacular. Many fighting elves are using their fists or their bodies to attack the super shield, but the results are the same without exception!It didn't do any damage to the super shield at all!

After many attempts... everyone finally confirmed one thing, this super shield composed of an unknown number of super-type elves inside the Rockets base is completely immune to melee attacks!

Therefore, fighting skills, etc., cannot cause any damage to the shield!

Inside this Rocket Team base, I am afraid that in addition to the large number of super energy elves, there are also research and inventions of the Rocket team, which further enhance the super energy shield and produce the current effect!

The appearance of the super shield has put a layer of tortoise shell on the jacket of the Rocket Team base, blocking the pace of the players of the alliance camp!

The members of Team Rocket inside are obviously extremely strong. After the players of Team Rocket were defeated, they did not give up the idea of ​​​​this base at all, but chose to stick to it!

Do your best to defend!

However...their super shield tactics did indeed work, temporarily successfully blocking the offensive of the alliance players!

Not far from the base, there are two teams of investigators from the Alliance camp. When they saw the super shield that covered the entire Rocket Base, they couldn't help frowning. Obviously, it was a bit tricky!

And at the front of the two teams, stood a tall woman!


Hualan City is located in the southern part of the entire Guandu area, and there is still a long distance from where Lin Wen is located!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Even at the height and speed of the Flash Dragon, it took a long time.

I have to say that the Flash Dragon is definitely a top-quality elf for home travel and must be taken when going out. Not only is it a very powerful fighter, but also has outstanding combat power. In terms of mounts, it also does a very good job!

For ordinary players, in such a large-scale task with many twists and turns, I am afraid that the time spent on the road will be spent a lot, so many opportunities to earn points will be lost, but here in Lin Wen, because there is a flash dragon. Existence shortens the travel time infinitely...


Lin Wen is very suspicious. Even if many players have broken through and destroyed a Rocket Team base and received the second mission, but on the way... I am afraid that it may happen that the base has been destroyed before anyone arrives. .

After all, the entire Guandu area is still very large... It is not for everyone to move fast in such a huge area!

However, after a long journey, Lin Wen finally arrived at the goal of this trip!

The distant coastal city of Hualan City is already far away!

"Flash Dragon, speed up!"

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