Seeing Hualan City, Lin Wen's spirit couldn't help being shaken, because he was a little confused in the fast road, and he immediately woke up and said.


The flashing fast dragon roared, and the wings slammed, and the speed increased a little bit again!

It also knows that the destination of this trip is about to arrive, so it explodes in speed!

In the blink of an eye, the coordinates on the quest panel are about to arrive!

While flying towards the mission location, the flash dragon lowered its posture and prepared to land.

And Lin Wen's eyes also fell to the front, and he frowned slightly!

Combined with the coordinates displayed on the mission panel and the grand occasion of the players ahead, Lin Wen has already seen the goal of his mission! .

Chapter five hundred and sixty-ninth encounter Xiaoxia

Second floor of a large store.

There is still a sign on the store. There should be a lot of ordinary customers in this geographical location. If it weren't for this mission, I'm afraid no one would have thought that this would be a secret base for the Rockets!

And the reason why Lin Wen frowned was not because of this!

Because... he saw the dark purple shield surrounding the entire Rockets base!

"What the hell is this? The latest defense developed by Team Rocket?" Lin Wen guessed in his heart.

Just when Lin Wen thought of this in his mind, the flashing dragon dragon wing closed, he had already searched for the landing spot and landed on the ground!

The huge body fell to the ground, and the whole ground trembled slightly.

At the same time... I don't know how many "Nine Eight Zero" players from the alliance camp around were attracted.

"It's the Flash Dragon!"

"Fuck, this is the Great God of Yang Yan!"

"God Yangyan actually came to our base? He has a mission with us?"

The noisy discussion rang out.

Lin Wen swiftly jumped off the Flash Dragon, then took out the Poké Ball and temporarily retracted the Flash Dragon.

During the last observation on the Flash Dragon, Lin Wen found that the battle here seemed to have been resolved. The players who are still here are basically players from the alliance camp. After thinking about the situation of his previous mission, Lin Wen already understood. situation here.

I'm afraid, the players of the Alliance camp have already defeated the players of the Rocket team!

After retracting the Flash Dragon, Lin Wen's gaze fell on the dark purple shield surrounding the entire Rocket Team base and stayed for a while.

Immediately... His eyes scattered and circled around.

"This is!"

Suddenly, his eyes stopped and fell on a figure!

It was a face that Lin Wen was quite familiar with, and what made him even more familiar was the domineering fire-breathing dragon that was evolved by MGEA and stood on the side of this figure!

Right fire!

It was him!He is actually here at the base!

After the battle in Orudelang City, Lin Wen had never seen this opponent who had caused him a lot of trouble in the battle, but he did not expect to meet now under such circumstances.

However, the last time they were opponents, and now the two of them are standing here, they are players of the same camp and have a common enemy!

It's really amazing to think about it. At the last mission location, I met Qianxia by chance, and now at this mission location, I actually encountered the right fire!

Both are high-end players he knew when he was in Oludelang City!

However... After thinking about it carefully, Lin Wen is relieved. Most of the missions released by the alliance are divided according to the player's strength. The missions that Lin Wen can accept are some of the more important bases of the Rockets. strong.

Under such circumstances, Qianxia and Youfang Zhihuo's strengths are remarkable, so it's not surprising to meet them both.

"This mission really blew up a lot of people." Lin Wen whispered.

The emergence of the first world quest has involved countless players in the Elf Century, and many high-end players who usually do not show themselves in the mountains will probably bubble up and join the battle.

The appearance of the flash dragon is very crazy, and it attracts countless attention every time.

The fire on the right also saw the existence of Lin Wen before, and now he noticed Lin Wen's gaze, and nodded slightly.

Lin Wen also nodded slightly towards him, and was about to walk over immediately. Among the players here, the only thing he was familiar with was the Fire on the Right. Now this dark purple shield made Lin Wen a little confused. I'm going to ask him about the situation.

Unexpectedly, he just took two steps, and suddenly heard a crisp cry from behind him.

"Researcher Yang Yan!"

It's a girl's voice, very crisp and sweet.

Hearing this rather familiar voice, Lin Wen stomped abruptly and turned around suddenly!

I saw behind me, a familiar figure was standing behind me beautifully!


The gym owner of Hualan City, Xiaoxia!

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