It was her!

Behind Xiaoxia, there is also a team of investigators wearing alliance uniforms. Now they all look at Lin Wen and say hello...  

"Researcher Yang Yan."

"Why are you here?" Lin Wen blurted out and asked.

After Lin Wen left Hualan City after receiving the mission to find Suijun for the first time, he had never met this lovely girl again.

Although Lin Wen once came to Hualan City after finding Suijun, he also went straight to the city hall, then left the Guandu area and went to the Hezhong area to complete the template promotion task of Ye Elf, and did not go to Hualan City. Meet Xiaoxia at the gymnasium.

Now that they will meet on the battlefield, Lin Wen's heart is very pleasantly surprised!

After he finished the question, he realized that he had asked a stupid question.

This time, the action of the Elf League for the Rockets is very huge!Including the entire elf world, vowing to clear this cancer rooted in the Kanto area!

Now this secret base is around Hualan City. As the gym owner of Hualan City, Xiaoxia is no exception to come here before the meeting!

After all...she is also a strong trainer herself.

as predicted.

When Xiaoxia heard Lin Wen's question, she burst out laughing 2.7 and replied, "I'm the gym owner of Hualan City. Destroying the surrounding Rocket Team base is my job."

Lin Wen touched his head embarrassedly, and laughed twice.

Then... I saw Xiao Xia scrutinized his eyes carefully, clicked his tongue, and slowly said, "Heart of Yang Yan, you can do it now!"

"How?" Lin Wen didn't respond.

"Your reputation in the alliance is very big now! Everyone says that you are the rising star of the alliance, and your strength is already comparable to that of the King of Heaven. I, the master of a small gym, can't match it!"

Xiaoxia is speaking from her heart!

She once fought with Lin Wen, and when she destroyed the hidden Rocket Team base discovered by Lin Wen, she was the one who brought reinforcements. .

Chapter five hundred and seventieth unexpected joint

Later, when Lin Wen challenged Hualan Gym, he fought against Lin Wen as the master of the Gym.

At that time, the Heart of Yang Yan was far from its current strength!

Xiaoxia also never thought that after she went to the Chengdu area, the heart of Yang Yan, which was already progressing rapidly, was like a hang-up, and she improved rapidly. As the gym owner of the alliance, she naturally knew more information. After a lot, the seemingly inconspicuous researcher Yang Yan in front of him has already defeated Team Rocket's boss Sakagi head-on!

Absolute king-level strength!

Although this information is said to have been narrated from the heart of Yang Yan, according to the strong confidence gathering ability of the Elf Alliance, these things have long been confirmed to be true!

This is terrible!

As the big boss of Team Rocket, in the entire elf world, there are not no trainers who can defeat Sakagi, but Yang Yanzhi, this rookie trainer who has just debuted for such a short time, has successfully defeated Sakagi!

18 Talent, strength, absolutely outstanding!

Hearing Xiaoxia's compliment, Lin Wen smiled, and then looked at the Rocket Base not far away, which was covered by a dark purple shield.

Many players have begun to control the elf at this time, and they are constantly using skills to consume shields. When they find that melee attacks do not work at all, skill damage has become the main consumption method!

However... the effect is really worrying. The defensive power of the super shield composed of an unknown number of super energy elves is really amazing. Players' skills bombarded the super shield, which only caused a wave.

"what's going on?"

Looking at the direction of Team Rocket's base, Lin Wen asked.

"The members of Team Rocket inside are doing their final resistance." Xiaoxia replied: "The players who were guarding the outer layer of this Team Rocket base have been defeated long ago, but after the members of Team Rocket inside realized that something was wrong. , which opened this super-large super shield."

Xiaoxia frowned slightly, obviously feeling a little troubled by this shield, and continued: "I'm not too sure how many super-type elves are in this base, but it must not be a small number."

Looking at the super shield that didn't weaken much under the players' offensive, Lin Wen frowned even more and asked, "Is there any way to break him as soon as possible?"

"Yes, yes." Xiaoxia replied: "After previous tests, this super-large super shield is completely immune to melee attacks, and only long-range attacks are used to continuously consume it."

She paused and continued, "But you saw it too."

She pointed to the players who were constantly attacking and consuming the super shield: "Their role is really limited."

"If you want to break the shield in one fell swoop, you can only use elves with strong power and continuous damage. Among all elves, only fire and water elves are more suitable for the current scene."

"Only by bursting out a powerful skill damage in one fell swoop, can we successfully break through the protection of the super shield!"

"Is that so..." Lin Wen nodded lightly, "Wait, water and fire attributes?"

His eyes suddenly lit up and he took out a Poké Ball.

After the light flashed, the figure of Minas appeared on the spot.

Lin Wen looked at Minas, after absorbing Hualan's heart, Minas' strength skyrocketed!Moreover, it is also in line with the elf attributes that Xiaoxia said!

Water system!


Seeing Lin Wen calling out the elves, Xiaoxia's eyes focused on Minas. Hualan Gym is a water elves Gym. Xiaoxia's love for water elves is unparalleled. You can see it at a glance. Only Minas was bred to perfection.

"You want to use it to..."

"Well." Lin Wen's eyes turned to the super shield: "Let it try!"

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