Just as Lin Wen and Xiaoxia were fighting, the other direction, standing in the same place, did not move, watching the fire on the right side of the alliance players consuming the super shield, finally moved!

I saw the fire-breathing dragon leaning down slightly, and then, the fire on the right jumped up and jumped onto the fire-breathing dragon!

With the dragon's wings unfolding, the fire-breathing dragon suddenly soared!

Soon it flew over the Rockets base!

"Fire-breathing dragon, keep spraying flames at the super shield!"

Standing on the body of the fire-breathing dragon, the calm voice of the fire on the right came out!

The fire-breathing dragon nodded lightly, then suddenly opened his mouth, and hot flames spurted out!Continuous impact on the super shield!


The player who currently ranks first in the standings, I don't know if it's because of Lin Wen's arrival, he finally made his move!

The quasi-god-level fire-breathing dragon is very powerful, and in the last battle in Orudelang City, Lin Wen almost capsized.

Now that after such a long period of time, Lin Wen's strength is constantly increasing, and the real power of Right Fire is also increasing!

The hot flames bombarded the super shield, and there was a quick response!

I saw that in the area bombarded by the jet flame, the ripples trembled more violently, obviously suffering great damage!

"Fuck, cheating! As expected of a character on the list!" Some players couldn't help shouting when they saw this scene.

The fire-breathing dragon of Right Fire, both in terms of combat power and potential, is a very outstanding elf. He has also been on the major rankings and is well known by many players.

Now the players of the alliance camp who have been attacked for a long time without success, seeing the effect of the fire from the right, no doubt their morale has greatly increased, they have controlled their id skills, and they are consuming the super shield more vigorously.

"The fire on the right can cause this effect, so what about the Great God of Yang Yan?"

"That's right! Why hasn't Yang Yan made a move yet?"

"Damn it! Hurry up and destroy this base so that you can get bonus points!"

The noise of the players sounded, and for a while, I don't know how many eyes quietly gathered on Lin Tattoo.

The debut of the Flash Dragon was noticed by almost all the players present. As the most well-known character in the game, it is rare to find a player who does not know him! .

Chapter [-]: The Power of Water Fury

The shadow of the famous tree of people, in the hearts of the majority of players, the strength of the heart of Yang Yan must be stronger than the fire on the right side. In this case, since the fire on the right side can cause so much damage to the super shield. Great pressure, what about the Heart of Yang Yan?

For a time, I don't know how many people are watching Lin Wen, waiting for him to shoot!

Such a voice was also heard clearly by the fire on the right side of the fire-breathing dragon who stepped on it in mid-air. His eyes could not help narrowing, and he said coldly: "Fire-breathing dragon, increase the power!"


The fire-breathing dragon suddenly roared, and the flames spewed from its mouth were even more powerful, and the surrounding air was slightly distorted by the heat!

Hearing the voices of the players around him, Lin Wen smiled slightly and looked at Minas in front of him.

"Minas, are you ready?"

Minas was high-spirited and let out a soft cry!

Because of its strength, it has always been in a supportive position in Lin Wen's team, but after successfully absorbing the Hualan Heart, its strength has changed!

An earth-shaking change has taken place!

Today's Minas is very confident in his own strength!

Seeing the performance of Minas, Lin Wen retracted his gaze, looked at the super shield again, and said softly: "In this case... Minas, use Water Fury!"

At the end of the voice, it is already a decisive battle!

Water Rage!

The evolutionary skill of surfing!

Water Fury: An advanced surfing skill that evokes a tsunami to attack all hostile Pokémon on the field except yourself. It can attack airborne enemies. If the opponent is in the air, diving enemies will deal double damage.

This is a new skill of Minas after absorbing Hualan Heart, an advanced skill of surfing skill!

Minas raised his head and tweeted, revealing his beautiful figure. At the same time, outside the super shield in front of him, there was a change that shocked all the players present!

I saw a huge water curtain emerging in the sky, buckling down towards the super shield!

Surfing skills come rushing from the ground, and the advanced water rage skills are in the form of bursting from top to bottom!

This scene made all the players present, and even the NPCs, couldn't help but open their mouths!

This is a scene that cannot be described by natural phenomena!

A huge amount of water in the tens of tons fell from the sky and bombarded the super shield!

Even the fire on the right, who commanded the fire-breathing dragon to consume the super shield in mid-air, had to dodge to the side in a bit of embarrassment, looking at this place slightly stunned.

The water rage bombarded the super shield, producing unprecedented changes!

What appeared on the shield was not the ripples after being attacked layer by layer. The top of the entire super shield, under the impact of the huge water flow, was directly depressed as if it was squeezed!


This super-power shield constructed by an unknown number of super-power elves has been tested and affirmed by countless players before its defensive power!

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