But now... such a scene has appeared!

What was supposed to be a semi-circular super shield has now become an irregular body. The shield above is constantly sinking due to the pressure of water rage, like a ball being pressed into a cake!

A skill that shocked the audience!

Even Lin Wen himself was a little stunned. This was the first time that Minas used the Water Fury skill. He never thought that it would have such a powerful power!

As for other players, not to mention!

He was stunned to see this scene, unable to speak for a long time.

The water rage is still pounding, the super shield is compressed a little bit, the top is sinking more and more, and the ripples on the shield are getting more and more violent!

"I'm not mistaken...〃々..." Some players couldn't help muttering.

"Yeah...Fuck, how is this possible!"

"As expected of the Great God of Yang Yan!"

After being quiet for a full five seconds, some players couldn't help but speak up!

At this time, the super shield that originally enveloped the entire Rocket Base has been crushed by the impact of water rage, and its height has been reduced by a third!

"What are we all doing? Hurry up and attack now!" A player suddenly roared!

Because of this amazing attack, I don't know how many players who have been attacking the super shield stopped their movements. Now, they finally reacted.

"That's right! Everyone, attack now! Seize the opportunity!"

A word to wake up the dreamer!

I don't know how many players who were in shock came back to their senses, and quickly commanded their elves to join the battle, attacking the super shield!

The fire on the right was originally in the air, and after evading the water rage in a woeful way and not being affected by Chi Yu, he stopped the offensive action. Now he heard the voices of the players below, and after taking a deep look at Lin Wen, he also said: Command the fire-breathing dragon to join the onslaught!

At the beginning of the attack, players found amazing changes!

Their previous attack felt like a mosquito slap to the super shield, only with ripples appearing!

But now, it seems that under the action of water rage, the defense ability of the super shield has reached an extreme, even the attack of ordinary elves will make the super shield shake!

This greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the players, and desperately commanded the elves to continue their skills!

A series of skills (promised) bombarded the super shield, and at the same time, the water rage skills in mid-air continued!The huge amount of water is crushing the super shield!

The defense of the super shield is getting lower and lower!

Five seconds later!


With a deafening explosion, the last barrier in front of the player, the super shield, shattered!

The super power that was originally close to condensing into a solid body is scattered, and it can no longer be gathered!

Just as the super shield shattered, it was constantly oppressing the super shield in the sky, and the crushing water rage skill suddenly fell down as if it had been released!

The appearance of this Rocket Team base is a large store on the second floor. Now it is not blocked by the super shield, and the water rage skills are detonated from the top. ! .

Chapter five hundred and seventy-two Sakagi trail

This base is a relatively important base for the Rockets. It was built with great care. Not only did they not cut corners, but they also strengthened a lot. Otherwise, under the impact of Minas' water rage skills, it is even possible to directly This place is in ruins!

Just after the super shield was broken, the situation inside the Rockets base was finally seen by the players.

I saw that inside the base, in addition to the Rocket members wearing the Rocket uniforms, there were hundreds of elves of the super power system.

The previous super shields were constructed by their constant force!

But now, the state of these super-type elves is obviously not good. They have worked hard to maintain the super-shield for so long, and have endured the skill bombardment of countless players. This is a great test for their physical strength.

What's more, now that the super shields are shattered, they have also suffered a slight backlash!

Inside the base, a member of Team Rocket stared closely at Lin's tattoo, and roared with anger: "Heart of Yang Yan! It's you, you damned fellow again!"

He, who has been inside the base, naturally knows who caused their super shield to fall short, and was defeated by 450 in one fell swoop!

It is the heart of Yang Yan!This guy who has been against their Rockets and caused a lot of trouble!

But now... his anger has nowhere to vent!

The players from the Alliance camp defeated the players from the Rockets camp early, but they were blocked by the super shield for so long and could not complete the mission.

Now that the super shield is finally broken, and there is no obstacle in front of it, the players of the alliance camp have long been unable to bear it, and they commanded the elves to rush up and start the battle!

The main elves of this Rocket Team base are the super-type elves, but they waste a lot of physical strength because of maintaining the super-power shield. Defeat one after another!

The investigators of the own alliance arrested the members of the Rockets one by one!

Then... this Rocket Team base was quickly destroyed!

The system prompt rang in Lin Wen's ear.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Yang Yanxin for completing the mission: Destroy the Rocket Team base, you (bied) got 100 points reward."

Another hundred points!

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