However, Lin Wen was a little regretful. After he arrived here, the Rocket players here had been repelled, so he lost a lot of points.

Just when he was a little depressed, another system prompt sounded again.

"Ding Dong, the player's heart of Yang Yan was detected, and he made a great contribution in this mission and received an additional 100 points reward!"

It's one hundred o'clock again!

Lin Wen's eyes lit up!

This great contribution naturally refers to his Minas as the main force, which shattered the super shield of the Rockets base!

This is definitely a surprise!

At this moment, Xiaoxia said, "Yang Yan, where are you going next?"

As the master of the gym, Xiaoxia naturally knows a lot more than ordinary people. She knows that the Alliance's attitude towards the Heart of Yang Yan in this large-scale mission is completely regarded as a heavenly king-level trainer.

Therefore, he is very curious about his next mission, and wants to know where he will go next.

"Next step..." Lin Wen groaned and did not answer immediately.

Because, the next task of the system has not yet come.

After the previous Golden City destroyed the Rocket Team base, Lin Wen received the next mission and came to Hualan City, but now, this base has been successfully destroyed, the mission is completed, but there is no further mission. hint.

Just when he was slightly silent, the communication device on his body suddenly rang!

Lin Wen glanced at Xiaoxia apologetically, then picked up the communication device and connected it!

On the other end of the communication equipment is the King of Kings!

The King of Kona in the Kanto region!

"Researcher Yang Yan." As soon as the call was connected, the voice of King Cona came over: "Where are you now?"


Lin Wen was a little puzzled, and then replied: "I'm currently in the vicinity of Hualan City, and I just broke through a Rocket team's base."

"I see, Researcher Yang Yan, please go to Vibran City!" King Kera said.

"Joban City?" Lin Wen was keenly aware of something: "Could it be?"

"That's right!"

Seeming to understand Lin Wen's meaning, Kona nodded and said, "The alliance has discovered a secret base with a high possibility of hiding Boss Sakagi! Me, Kazuki and Shiba, the two heavenly kings, are also on their way to Victory City at this time. Researcher Yang Yan, please come quickly!"

"I understand!"

Hearing that Sakagi's position was likely to be exposed, Lin Wen was shocked and replied, "I'll go to Vibran City!"

"Okay, Researcher Yang Yan, then we will see you in Vibran City." King Cona said one last sentence, and then hung up the phone.

Lin Wen's eyes turned to Xiaoxia in front of him.

The distance between the two was very close, and Xiaoxia could hear the conversation between Lin Wen and King Kona just now.

Seeing Lin Wen looking at her, Xiaoxia grinned and said, "Since the alliance has assigned a mission, then you should hurry up!"

Lin Wen smiled apologetically at her and said, "Sorry."

I haven't seen this lovely girl for a long time, Lin Wen wanted to catch up with her, but now the location of the boss of Sakagi seems to be discovered, of course he wants to go there as soon as possible!

In the last battle, although he defeated Boss Sakagi head-on, he was beaten back by Chaomeng, and Lin Wen was still very angry!

"Let's have a good reminiscence next time we meet." Lin Wen said, "Now... I'm going to Vibran City immediately."

"Yeah." Xiaoxia nodded lightly and said, "The Rocket base here was successfully destroyed. It is estimated that the alliance will release my next mission soon."

"Since that's the case, let's just say goodbye to it today." Lin Wen smiled at her, then took out the Poké Ball and released the Flash Dragon. .

Chapter [-] Assemble, Joban City!

Under Xiaoxia's gaze, Lin Wen swiftly jumped onto the flashing dragon and waved at Xiaoxia: "See you next time!"

"See you next time." Xiaoxia also waved at him.

Afterwards, the flashing dragon's wings unfolded, soared into the sky, and soon rose into the sky.

Xiaoxia on the ground watched the figure of the flashing dragon gradually recede. Because of the air waves brought by the take-off, her hair was blown away and floated, and it looked really beautiful.

Suddenly, there was a smile on the corner of her mouth, and she whispered softly: "Heart of Yang Yan... He is really an unpredictable person~."

She didn't withdraw her gaze until the figure of the flashing dragon disappeared completely.


above the sky.

Sitting on the body of the Flash Dragon, Lin Wen moved quickly towards the position of Vibran City.

At this moment, the system prompt suddenly sounded in my ear.

"Ding Dong, do you accept the mission: Assemble!"

Mission Name: Assemble

Mission introduction: The alliance has discovered the hiding place of the suspected Rocket BOSS Sakagi, and now you need to go to Joban City immediately and prepare to participate in the battle.

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