Mission reward: unknown.

The mission appears...

Before, it was just a verbal message from King Kona, but after a period of time, it finally turned into a mission to appear.

Standing on the body of the flashing dragon, the wind was blowing around him, Lin Wen was a little distracted, and said softly: "Joban City..."

It was discovered by the alliance that it was very likely that the base of Sakagi's hiding place was actually in Vibran City...

This made Lin Wen couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

The Rocket team's base that he can choose as a hiding place must be an extremely important location for the Rocket team, and even before Sakagi's identity was revealed, he was already the gym owner of Vibran City.

Thinking about it this way, the location would be in Vibana City as a matter of course.

Perhaps, Boss Sakagi also has a place from the end, and the idea of ​​starting and rising again may be. After all, everyone has a nostalgic heart, and subverting their own past is also a very meaningful thing for an ambitious man. .

With these thoughts flashing in his mind, Lin Wen restrained his mind and headed towards Vibrant City.


Outside the light red city, there is a battle site for the Rockets base.

Players from both camps are fighting fiercely, but if you look closely, you can see that players from the alliance camp are taking advantage and advancing step by step in an orderly manner.

This is also the norm for both camps in most bases.

Compared with the Elf Alliance, which covers the entire Elf world, the foundation of Team Rocket is a little shallow after all, and there is no way to compare it with the Alliance!

Among the players in the alliance camp, there is one person who stands out!

He commanded a huge quasi-god-level Bangira!Sweep the enemy in front of you with ease!

He... is called Doomsday!

I don't know how many players have been bubbling with this large-scale mission, and he is a high-end player who usually does not show off the mountains and waters!

With the gradual advancement of the alliance camp, the defense of this Rocket Team base was broken step by step, and finally... here, it turned into a ruin.

The system's successive prompts sounded from the ear of the doomsday, and his brows slightly wrinkled.

"The ultimate goal, is it in Vibran City?"

His eyes turned and looked in another direction, where it was the direction of Vibran City!


At the same time, this scene, I don't know how many players appeared in front of them!

As the old saying goes, catch the thief first and catch the king. After exploring the Rockets base where Boss Sakagi is most likely hiding, the Alliance paid enough attention to sending the same mission to many Alliance players who have completed a mission. !


Gather in Joban City!

The Alliance has proven that this is an extremely important base for the Rockets, and it has been designed into a number of researches by the Rockets, so... the Alliance is not going to send people to fight grass and startle the snakes, but to gather the most powerful forces in one fell swoop to defeat them all!

After such a long time of fighting, the entire Guandu area, I don't know how many Rocket Team bases have been destroyed, the entire Rocket Team can be said to have been hit unprecedentedly, and the various bases can't support each other at all!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????

So... this gave way to this secret base in Vibran City, and it became like a lone boat on the waves, which could be overturned at any time.

Under this circumstance, many players from the Alliance faction who received the quest began to quickly gather towards Vibran City at the same time!

Victory City has instantly become the hottest spot in the entire Kanto region, and even the entire Elf Century. I don't know how many players have gathered here, preparing for the final battle.

at the same time……


As the most powerful evil force in the Kanto area, Team Rocket naturally has its own unique information collection system. Soon after the players, investigators, and NPCs of the alliance began to gather towards Vibran City, they received relevant information!

So... above the top of Team Rocket, a mission was also released!

Gather like Joban City and guard the Rockets base!

Players from both sides began to gather towards Vibran City at the same time, and the battles they encountered in the middle were everywhere!

The eyes of almost the entire Elf Century have been focused on Vibran City!

On the forum, there are also unknown how many players are on their way to Vibran City, posting to discuss this related matter!

The large-scale mission has continued to the present, and the Rocket Team base in the entire Guandu area has been destroyed, and the Rocket Team branches in other regions have also suffered a near-devastating blow!

It can even be said... Even if the Alliance stops its offensive against the Rockets now, the Rockets will be severely damaged, and it is estimated that they will not be able to take any storms for a long time to come!

But now... the alliance has made great determination to clear Team Rocket. After the release of the world-class mission, it is naturally impossible to give up halfway, so... this time, almost all the players in the alliance camp have released missions and gathered them in Vibran City. Countless player discussions.

On the forum, there are posts where players communicate with each other and guess. .

Chapter five hundred and seventy fourth player's mind

"I just received a quest reminder that I will gather in Vibran City... Boss Sakagi seems to be there, is this the final battle? 》

"I also received a task reminder, I don't know if it is. 》

"It's very possible by visual observation... Although it has only been eight or nine hours, but now Team Rocket's base has been destroyed, I don't know how much! 》

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