"That's right... I saw the madness of our players this time, that guy, rushing up, no one can stop him! 》

Not only the forum, but as the virtual reality game with the largest number of players in the world at present, I don’t know how many media are paying attention to Elf Century all the time. The emergence of world-class tasks makes these media like stealing cats, and they start to go crazy. related reports.

 "Six Six Seven" After most players received the quest to gather in Vibran City, the report appeared soon after!

"Gather Vibran City, the final battle? 》

"The world-class mission has finally come to a climax, can the Rockets resist the league's offensive? 》

"Heart of Yang Yan's rage shot, Minas's skills destroy the world! 》

"Right Fire Interview Video..."

For a time, the eyes of all players in the entire Elf Century were focused on Vibran City!The city where the wind and clouds converge!


Outside Joban City.

The power of the alliance is fully revealed, and the temporary base built is very atmospheric, and it has played a role in a very short period of time, receiving players who come to Victory City all the time.

Almost very quickly, the place has become full of people, and a lot of players have come here because they have been prompted by the task.

In addition to the players, there are also prosecutors and trainer troops from the Elf Alliance, and they are gradually gathering their troops and gathering here.

The importance the league attaches to Sakagi can be described as unprecedented, because aside from his own identity as the leader of the Rockets, Sakagi can also be described as a stain on the league, a shame!

As the leader of an evil force like Team Rocket that dominates the Kanto area, he actually took the position of the master of the Vibran City Gym. This is absolutely intolerable for the Alliance, and he has long been removed. Heart, now that Team Rocket dared to risk the taboo and researched the artificial elf, which made the behemoth of the elf alliance finally unable to hold back its anger, and started this large-scale mission in one fell swoop!

In the center of the temporary base built by the Elf Alliance is a simple conference room. At this time, the three heavenly kings from the Guandu Chengdu area have gathered here.

Kona, Kazuki, Sheba.

After hearing the news from the alliance and discovering the Rockets base where Sakagi was most likely hiding, the three heavenly kings rushed over immediately!

In the previous battle... these three heavenly kings also joined in and assisted the players in destroying a lot of Team Rocket bases. Each of them was powerful and had their own attribute elves. After Team Rocket knew that the Alliance was going to start encircling and suppressing them , they shrank their troops, and many outside cadres went into hiding one after another, which made it impossible for the Heavenly Kings to face ordinary members of Team Rocket.

Just as Lin Wen can completely solve the battle with a sweeping trend, as a trainer of the Heavenly King class, they are also the same!

In addition to the three heavenly kings, Yulongjian, the representative of the Yulong family in this mission, is also in the conference room.

As the No. 1 force in the urban capital area, apart from the Elf Alliance, the Yulong family has a huge foundation, and behind its strength, there are countless powerful dragon-type trainers. Getting thicker!

As the elf investigator, Yulongjian has nurtured dragon-type elves, and has the strength of a quasi-celestial king. In addition, he has the background of the Yulong family, so it is not surprising that he will sit in the conference room.

In addition to them, in the conference room, there are some quite powerful trainers from the Elf Alliance this time, all of them have their seats.

King Kona sits in the main seat. Although she is a woman, her aura is very compelling!Very sharp!

Sitting on the main seat, Kona glanced at the time, glanced at every trainer present, and immediately said: "I have contacted Researcher Yang Yan, and when he arrives, I will take this time. Circumstances are specified. …”

When the trainers present heard the words, they nodded.

They were still a little puzzled. Now, almost all the extraordinary trainers who participated in the mission in the Guandu area have gathered in the conference room. I understand.

Lin Wen's reputation has exceeded [-], so it's not just a decoration!

His fame has spread among NPCs for a long time, especially in the Guandu area as his starting place, there are almost no NPCs who have not heard of the name of the Heart of Yang Yan!There is no NPC who will not be amazed by Lin Wen's deeds!

A trainer who has just debuted for less than a year can even be called a rookie trainer with someone else!

But Yang Yan's Heart, Yang Yan Researcher, within this year, firstly defeated the Eighth Avenue in Guandu area and qualified for the regional competition, and then conquered the lord-level fast dragon, and his strength increased greatly!

Before the start of this mission, the NPCs sitting here, the elite trainers in the alliance, heard a news that almost suffocated them!

Team Rocket's boss, Boss Sakagi, was defeated by Researcher Yang Yan!

Hit 1.6 head-on and lose, there is no falsehood!

This is undoubtedly a thing that shocked all trainers and couldn't believe it!

As the leader of Team Rocket, although Boss Sakagi revealed his identity and defected from the Elves Alliance from the position of the Gym Master in Joban City, he has rarely fought, and not many people have seen his battles, but the shadow of the famous tree, The trainers of the alliance will not have any contempt for this wily guy!

He must have the power of a king!

This is recognized by all!But whether or not this is the case requires some consideration.

Even Lin Wen himself did not dare to admit that he could defeat the Heavenly King. The strength of the Heavenly King was not the elf, but the unfathomable routines and skills. .

Chapter five hundred and seventy-fifth is overrated strength

It seems that the Heart of Yang Yan defeated Sakagi in a head-to-head battle, which seems to prove that this rookie trainer who has just debuted for less than a year already has the strength of a king!

Actually it is not.

The reason why Lin Wen is considered powerful by people is that he rarely fails in battles, and this is the only time he fought against Xiaogang in Nibi Gym.

If he fails a few more times, he will also fall to the altar like the fire on the right side, leaving everyone alone.

According to the information obtained by the alliance, if it wasn't for Sakagi's secret research on Team Rocket at the last minute, and the artificial legend-level elf that has made great progress, the fear forest pattern would not be a match for the boss of Sakagi at all.

But reality and fact are two different things, and people often like to tout things that are worth pursuing.

Even if they don't know the strength of Yang Yan's heart, it doesn't affect their preferences for watching the fun, especially the trainers of these alliances are usually arrogant and arrogant, but they are humble in the face of Yang Yan God. .

After hearing what Kona said, the elite trainers in the conference room were noisy for a while, and they all fell silent, waiting for Lin Wen's arrival!

Outside, in this assembly site temporarily built by the alliance, there are more and more players gathered here!

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