
The flashing dragon is soaring rapidly in the sky, and the wings of the dragon will fly forward a distance of dozens of meters at a time!

Under this powerful power, it is fast, and it is heading towards Vibran City!

Lin Wen had a very subtle feeling for Victory City. This was the first city he entered after entering the Elf Century, and it was here that he received the initial hidden quest that could be said to have triggered this world-class quest.

Mysterious meteorite.

That is, from Dr. Ohye's hands, he obtained the initial body of the Lord-level Leaf Elf King, Ibrahimovic, who has been with him until now!

It is here that with the help of Dr. Ohno, he became a researcher in his sub-professional career, and he has an identity that can be said in the NPC. From the beginning of obscurity, to now, he is the name of Yang Yan researcher, Almost spread all over the elf world!

Of course, his reputation as a researcher does not depend on doing research that is beneficial to the elf world and inventing something, but on his reputation for doing nothing right!

As a researcher... I've hardly ever done researcher work, and what I've done has always been the work of an alliance investigator.

Fighting against members of various evil forces, sabotaging the evil plans of the evil organization has forged his current reputation.

When Lin Wen was thinking, the voices around him roared past. At the speed of a flashing dragon, the entire Guandu area was just a small map in his opinion. Soon, Lin Wen came to a temporary assembly outside Vibran City. point!

The coordinates of the assembly point are always displayed on the task panel, so that Lin Wen can easily find it here...

Of course, even if there were no coordinates, Lin Wen felt that he could easily find this place!

Without it... So the players who gathered here at this time have really had an attitude!

From a high altitude, around the assembly point, there are densely populated players from the alliance camp!

There is a lot of grand occasion when the quartz plateau was before!

Many players have guessed that this mission is likely to be the end of this world-class mission, and the mission introduction must have specifically mentioned "suspected Sakagi's hiding place." This point!

As the big BOSS and soul of the Rockets, the boss Sakagi was killed, which almost represented the end of the Rockets!

This is not the main point.

The most important thing is... super dream!

The content of this expansion pack is Chaomeng's counterattack!

But the world-class mission has been carried out to the present, Chaomeng has never appeared, and no player has ever seen the existence of Chaomeng!

That's a legendary elf!

Since the launch of Elf Century, there is no news about the legendary elves. Many players have not even heard of them, let alone read them.

Now, the first legendary elf, Chaomeng debuted, naturally attracting the attention of countless players!

Since Mewtwo had not been seen in previous battles, players naturally thought of the only possibility.

Obviously, Chao Meng is most likely to stay by the big BOSS of the Rockets, the boss of Sakagi!

Therefore, many of the players gathered here have the idea of ​​​​taking a look at the first legendary elf that really appeared in the elf century.

Of course... there are also many players who think more, that is a legendary elves!In the Age of Elves, what is most important?


Legendary is undoubtedly the most high-end template!

If you can successfully capture Mewtwo... that's almost the beginning of invincibility!

Why is the heart of Yang Yan very strong and has a lord-level elves, but does he have a legendary-level elves?


537 As long as the legendary elves are caught, the famous players in the past, the game gods, will become the losers, which has created a great temptation for countless players!

Beat a fight, bike change bike!

In the face of the legendary elf, it is false to say that you are not excited. I don't know how many players are conspiring to find a way to capture Chaomeng and take it into the bag.

Therefore, it will cause the grand occasion of the assembly point now!The noisy sound spread for miles around, and there were conversations between players everywhere.

There are a lot of players below, which makes the landing of Lin Wen's Flash Dragon a problem. The Flash Dragon has soared around the assembly point for a few laps, but has not been able to find a suitable landing spot!

Such a large and uniquely colored fast dragon soared several times in the sky, attracting the attention of countless players below, and the object of discussion among the players also changed from this mission to Lin Wen.

"Eh? Isn't this the Great God of Yang Yan?"

"That's right! This flashing dragon is so handsome! I really want it!"

"What's wrong with Yang Yan? Why did it fly in the air for several laps and still not come down?"

Gradually, as Lin Wen rode the flashing dragon for a few laps in mid-air, the players finally realized something was wrong! .

Chapter five hundred and seventy-six find a location

"The Great God Yang Yan seems to have no place and can't come down!"

Although the flash dragon is not as large as the giant dragon, it is also one-third the size of it, and its size is far better than the ordinary dragon!

Flying in the sky like a huge cloud,

"The Great God Yang Yan seems to have no place and can't come down!"

Although the flash dragon is not as large as the giant dragon, it is also one-third the size of it, and its size is far better than the ordinary dragon!

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