Flying in the sky is like a huge cloud, covering the sky and the sun, leaving a shadow wherever you fly.The sky is obscured, and wherever the flight has said, it will leave a shadow.

Just as Lin Wen was looking for the landing spot, the communication device rang again!

Lin Wen took out the communication device, and saw that it was a call request from King Kona.

At the same time, in the conference room in the central part of the assembly point below, King Kona stood by the window, watching the flashing dragon in mid-air, with the communication device beside his ear.

"Kona King." After the call was connected, Lin Wen said.

"Researcher Yang Yan." In the conference room, Ke Na's eyes were still focused on the body of the flashing dragon. The huge body was really eye-catching: "Why don't you come down?"

"Well..." Lin Wen smiled bitterly and said, "Wait a moment, wait for me to find a parking space."

"Huh?" Kona didn't respond.

"Ah! I said I was looking for a place to land. There are too many people below, and there is no place for my elves to land!"

"What?" Kona was dumbfounded.

At the same time, the players below finally discovered the reason why Lin Wen did not land. In one place, the players spontaneously stepped back a bit, making way for a place for the Flash Dragon to land.

Lin Wen held the communication device in one hand, his eyes swept downwards, his eyes lit up when he saw the empty space that the players spontaneously gave up, and he quickly directed the flashing dragon to land directly there.

"Okay! King Kona, I hung up first and found the landing spot ¨"." Lin Wen said to the communication device, and immediately hung up the call.

As soon as the dragon wings unfolded, the flashing dragon quickly came to the landing site, and then landed smoothly.

The players around stared at Lin Wen on the back of the Flash Dragon with admiration, curiosity, or jealousy.

Leaping down from the Flash Dragon, Lin Wen just took out the Poke Ball and put away the Flash Dragon when a staff member in an alliance uniform came over.

"Researcher Yang Yan, several heavenly kings are waiting for you in the conference room." The staff said.

"Well, I see." Lin Wen nodded lightly, and then followed the NPC staff towards the conference room located in the center of the assembly point.

Along the way, the players gave way one after another. As the most famous players in the game, their curiosity about the Heart of Yang Yan even overwhelmed their curiosity about this mission. When Lin Wen passed by, their eyes fell on Lin Tattoo.

Lin Wen doesn't feel much, because he has experienced this kind of scene many times!

Since he became famous in the game, especially with a flamboyant elf like a flashy dragon, it has become a very common thing to be watched by people, and he is not surprised.

At the beginning, I may not have adjusted my mentality, I felt a little nervous, and I felt that it is really difficult to be a celebrity, but now, I have long been used to it.

Turning a blind eye to the gazes of the surrounding players, Lin Wen followed the alliance staff all the way to the central conference room.

The staff of the alliance took two steps forward, opened the door of the conference room very respectfully, and then turned around and said, "Researcher Yang Yan, please come in."

"Yeah." Nodding lightly at him, Lin Wen walked into the conference room with full style.

Up to now, although he is not an investigator of the Alliance, nor is he a Gym Master, a trainer who has an important position in the Alliance, he is just a researcher.

However, due to his strength, he is already in a high-level position in the alliance. Even Guandu and several heavenly kings in the Chengdu area regard him as a character of the same level, so Lin Wen's status can be imagined. Got it.

Researcher Yang Yan has long been not only referring to his position and the status of a researcher, but also represents the status of a Heavenly King-level trainer!

As soon as he entered the conference room, Lin Wen saw a few acquaintances.

Shiba, Kazuki, Kona, the three heavenly kings were all there, and when they saw him walking in, they all nodded their heads like him.

In addition, the Yulong key of the Yulong family is also inside, like him saying hello.

As for the others, Lin Wen didn't know much.

However, those who can enter this conference room are probably not simple things, they must have their own status or strength in the alliance.

However... these people all smiled after Lin Wen came in, and someone said hello: "." Researcher Yang Yan, hello. "

Lin Wen nodded slightly in response.

"Researcher Yang Yan, I have long admired your name."

"Researcher Yang Yan, you are really young..."

Although many of the alliance trainers here have heard all kinds of information about Lin Wen before, this is the first time they have seen Lin Wen. Seeing his young face, now (Qian Zhao's) can't help but whisper softly. road.

Lin Wen also responded one by one. It is not without benefits to have a good relationship with the NPCs of these alliance camps!

Although he now has the strength of a heavenly king, the NPCs here are probably the only three heavenly kings who can be regarded as opponents by him, but Lin Wen did not show any contempt for others.

"Cough cough cough."

Just as the crowd began to enter the business mode of licking each other, Kona in the main seat couldn't help but coughed twice.

These two coughs had a great effect, making the entire conference room suddenly quiet, and the elite trainers of the alliance returned to their seats one after another.

Lin Wen glanced at it and saw that the seats in the conference room were almost full, and only the second seat at the end of Kona's main seat was vacant. .

Chapter [-] Charles Industrial Area

In the first position on the left and right ends of Kona, there are two heavenly kings, Kazuki and Shiba!

The status of the three heavenly kings is naturally equal to each other, but this time they are performing tasks in the Guandu area. Among the three heavenly kings, only the king of Kona is the local heavenly king in the Guandu area, so she will act as the king. the identity of a principal.

After seeing this seat, Lin Wen did not hesitate, walked over directly, and sat down grandly.

The elite trainers around have no objection to this either.

Strength determines everything. From ancient times to the present, there is a tradition that the seat determines the status. This seat in the second place is obviously prepared for Lin Wen.

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