Sakagi who can defeat the Rockets means that Lin Wen has the strength to be on an equal footing with the kings of the major regions!

If it weren't for his junior qualifications, and he was just a small "researcher", and there was Kazuki next to him, Xiba, the two heavenly kings in the city area, I am afraid that Lin Wen would have been directly assigned to the seat beside Kona. superior!

After everyone was seated, Kona glanced around, then slowly got up and said, "Since Researcher Yang Yan has also arrived, I will explain the specifics of this mission." 887

On the round table in the conference room, on the side of Kona, there was an electronic screen that suddenly lit up and displayed a map.

Kona came to the side of the electronic screen, pointed at the screen and said, "This time, the alliance has discovered a large base of the Rockets that has been hidden for a long time!"

Kona's finger snapped to a spot on the screen.

Lin Wen took a closer look and saw that the location Kona was pointing to was a large industrial area called Charles Industrial Park.

This made Lin Wen couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and had some bad associations in his heart.

Everyone present here is a human being. When they saw the location that Kona pointed to, they all thought of something. Suddenly, the voice of sucking in the cold air came, and Xiba couldn't help but said: "Could it be..."

"That's right!"

Kona seemed to know what he was going to say, and nodded directly: "After the alliance's investigation, the entire Charles Industrial Park is built by the Rockets. On the surface, the Charles Industrial Park is a large enterprise, but underground, it is hidden. A huge base for Team Rocket! A very important base!"

"It turned out to be so!"

"Team Rocket is so blatant!"

Lin Wen couldn't help but sigh slightly when he looked at the range of Charles Industrial Park displayed on the map on the electronic screen.

In the previous mission, some of the Rocket Team bases he came into contact with were hidden in caves in the deep mountains and forests.

But now, thinking about the secret base that looked like a large store in Hualan City before, and then looking at the Charles Industrial Park, which covers an extremely large area, Lin Wen found that he still had some mistakes in his view of the Rockets. of.

The big one is hidden in the city, and the small one is hidden in the wild. Even though many of the Rockets' bases are hidden in caves, there are also many bases, covered with a layer of skin on the surface, and hidden by the side.

As an evil force that has dominated the Guandu area for a long time, Team Rocket naturally has its own unique side.

"This base is very important to the Rockets." Kona continued: "And, after the information we got, Sakagi is likely to be hidden in this base!"

"And this time, we have only one goal!"

Kona paused, his eyes swept over everyone present: "Break the Rockets base, arrest Sakagi and bring him to justice!"

"If necessary, you can kill Sakagi!"

Kona's voice is decisive!

Her eyes swept away (biff), and she said, "Do you understand?"

"Understood!" A neat voice sounded in the conference room.

"If that's the case, then start taking action!" Kona said.

Just as his voice fell behind, the players of the alliance camp gathered at this temporary assembly point all received mission information!

"Ding Dong, do you accept the mission:" Attack the Charles Industrial Park. "

Mission Name: Attack the Charles Industrial Park

Mission introduction: The Charles Industrial Park, located in the vicinity of Vibran City, covers a vast area and is a very important base for the Rockets. You, who are on the mission of the alliance, must break through here!

Task reward: distributed according to contribution.

The appearance of the mission immediately made every player present agitated!

Lin Wen in the conference room was also prompted by the system, and he directly agreed.Then, with Kona and the others, they walked out of the conference room.

"Researcher Yang Yan." After walking out of the conference room, Kera turned around and said, "The alliance has not issued any mandatory orders to you. In this mission, you can play freely."

Due to the consideration of Lin Wen Tianwang's combat power, the Alliance will naturally not restrict him.

"Yeah." Lin Wen nodded lightly, expressing understanding.

Later, King Kona said again: "Our large-scale assembly will definitely attract the attention of the Rockets and take precautions, but it doesn't matter!"

Her tone was full of confidence: "The alliance is determined this time, and will tell this group of Rockets bastards to challenge justice and will eventually be punished!"

While the two were talking, the players around who finally received the new quest had already started to act.

Target, Charles Industrial Park!

Purpose, break!

Charles Industrial Park is located on the west side outside Victory City and is a large industrial park with a very large area.

On the surface, there are no flaws here. As a large industrial park, there are many workers coming in and out.

If it weren't for the alliance's determination to completely eliminate Team Rocket this time, it used its own huge information collection system, and with the help of the mysterious legendary elves behind it, I'm afraid it would never have discovered that Team Rocket was so blatant. A base with such a huge area was built around the city!And there's a perfect cover on the surface!

But now... this Charles Industrial Park has been exposed, and the next step is to see the Rockets' choice! .

Chapter five hundred and seventy-eight Lin Qi calls

Should we carry on, or should we give up this very important base?

Lin Wen didn't know.

King Kona has already explained that Lin Wen does not have any clear mission in this battle. As a powerful trainer with the power of the King of Heaven, he can completely decide his own actions.

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