Charles Industrial Park.

The entire Charles Industrial Park has a very large area, and the interior is divided into several major parts. On the periphery of the industrial park, there are countless fences and railings as basic protection.

The Flash Dragon crossed a crimson streamer in the sky, and Lin Wen stepped on the back of the Flash Dragon. With the help of excellent forces, the discovery of "July [-]" can be clearly seen. On the way to Charles Industrial Park, there is a strange sight. Players from the few alliance camps are fighting against players from the rocket camp!

Both sides received the task of gathering in the Charles Industrial Park, but one was guarding and the other was attacking. It was inevitable that they would encounter each other on the road. Players from the hostile camp all represented points, which also made it impossible for the two to meet at all. The possibility of reconciliation, just do it when you meet!Until it's done!

Of course, Lin Wen, who is heading towards the Charles Industrial Park in the air, doesn't have so many things... Everyone knows the name of the heart of Yang Yan, even if there are players in the Rocket camp who are not convinced by Lin Wen, I am afraid I don't even dare to try it out to see how powerful the Great God of Yang Yan in the Elf Century is!

The Flash Dragon is definitely the most famous elf in the hands of players in the current elf century!The huge body and unique complexion make it very eye-catching no matter where it goes!

The flashing dragons flying in the sky are often seen by many players, and they immediately understand that this is the heart of Yang Yan, and the Great God of Yang Yan passed by!

Just as Lin Wen rode the Flash Dragon towards the Charles Industrial Park, a voice suddenly came from the side beside him.

The voice was very small, and if it wasn't for Lin Wen's sensitive ears, he might have simply ignored it.

"The Great God of Yang Yan!"

"You called me?" Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, then followed the voice and looked at the other end!

I saw where his eyes were looking, a well-developed eagle, quickly gathered towards the side of the flashing dragon.

As a bird elf of the flight department, the flight speed of the eagle is extremely fast. After Lin Wen consciously slowed down the flashing dragon slightly, it actually chased after it!

On Bi Diao, there is a player.

Since the launch of the Elf Century server, riding elves has long been an unattainable thing. Many players have elves mounts, just like in the Chengdu area, the former money hunter guild has a giant mantis on hand. Very cool as a mount.

In this case, many players have finally fulfilled the wish of heaven and soared in the sky, but it has been something that everyone has longed for since ancient times!

There are even many players who deliberately capture the elves of the flight department, just to satisfy the dream of flying to the blue sky.

"God Yangyan!" After Bidiao gradually approached the Flashing Dragon, the players on him were obviously a little excited: "What a coincidence! I can meet you here."

"Yeah, it's a coincidence."

Lin Wen replied indifferently, after becoming famous in Elf Century, he himself has a fan group like the Yang Yan Group. Naturally, there is no shortage of fans, and the pursuit of players has become calm. There will be a special reaction.

It's not surprising that the player on Bi Diao continued to ask: "God Yangyan, are you going to Charles Industrial Park?"

"Well, that's right." Lin Wen replied.

"I'm going too!" The player said, "God Yangyan, I know that you are very close to the NPCs in this game, can you tell me, will this attack on Charles Industrial Park be? The end of this world-class mission?"

The battle has continued to this day, and the Rockets' base has been destroyed countless times by the quick actions of the players and alliance trainers. Now, as soon as the mission to attack the Charles Industrial Park is issued, and the mission introduction, it is specially explained that the Rockets' The old Dabanmu is very likely to be hidden in the Charles Industrial Park, which immediately made countless players guess...  

Could this be the last major battle of this world-class mission?

"This..." Lin Wen frowned slightly, then shook his head and said, "I'm not too sure. The information I got is almost the same as yours. I just know that Sakagi is very likely to be hiding in the Charles Industrial Park."

"As for the rest..." Lin Wen spread his shoulders and shook his head, "I'm not too sure."

"That's it." Hearing this, the player was a little disappointed, but then he resumed his smile and said, "Thank you, God Yang Yan, go ahead! I think the first place in the standings is Right Fire, God Yang Yan, You have to hurry up and surpass him!"

"Thank you for your blessings." Lin Wen smiled at him, and then said, "If that's the case, then I'll speed up."

As he said that, he lowered his head slightly and said to the flashing dragon under him: "Speed ​​up!"

The Dragon Wings of the Shining Fast Dragon slammed a few times in succession, and the speed suddenly increased a bit, turning into a stream of light, and instantly left Bi Diao, who was originally on a par with him, far behind!

Far from 1.9, Lin Wen's voice came back: "See you next time."

"see you later."

The player responded, and then opened his mouth to the Bidiao below him: "Let's speed up too, Bidiao!"

Bidiao uttered a cry, and the frequency of flapping his wings was a bit higher, and his entire body rushed out in an instant. It seemed that it was not much slower than the speed of the Flashing Dragon!

If Lin Wen saw this scene, he would definitely be a little surprised. As a lord-level elf, the template of the Flash Dragon is extremely powerful. Although it is more reflected in the defense and physical strength, the speed attribute is also a number that many elves need to look up to.

Not to mention, with the bonus of the Linwen Rider, its flight speed has been improved again. .

Chapter five hundred and eighty masters

The speed of this eagle can be similar to that of the flashing dragon, so you can see its power in disguise!

And the player on Bidiao is named Ouch Yellow Chicken!

He is currently the ninth in the league's faction rankings!


The location of the Charles Industrial Park is not far from the temporary assembly point of the alliance. After just ten minutes of fast travel, Lin Wen came to the outside of the Charles Industrial Park!

Here, the war has begun to spread!

Countless Rockets camp players resisted one after another on the outside of the Charles Industrial Park, and organized players from the Alliance camp who kept coming and joined the battle!

In the face of such a big move by the league, the Rockets did not choose to give up this base, but chose to fight hard!fighting!

This must be one of the Rockets' extremely important bases!

Countless players are fighting around the entire Charles Industrial Park. This is definitely a very rare scene from the opening of the elf century in the 18th century!

No one knows what the final outcome will be!

Lin Wen rode the flashing fast dragon and stayed in the sky, and he saw an acquaintance under his line of sight!

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