It is a fire-breathing dragon that has undergone MEGA evolution, and it looks very powerful!

And on it, it is the fire on the right!

After the Rocket Team's base in Hualan City was destroyed, the fire on the right also received the next mission information, and then came here riding a fire-breathing dragon!

The fire-breathing dragon's combat power is extremely ferocious, and every hot flame spews out, representing the destruction of a hostile elf!

Although this world-class mission is limited by strength requirements, those who can join it can be regarded as middle and high-level players in the wizard century, and each of them can not be regarded as a rookie!

but!Middle and high-level players are also divided into high and low!

People like Right Fire, possessing a quasi-god-level fire-breathing dragon, are definitely the best among them. When facing other players, there is a big gap, and they can easily sit and destroy!

Under this rapid attack, the fire on the right gained quick points. The Rockets place great importance on this base, and they don't know that they have summoned too few players from the Rockets camp to resist!

Lin Wen even wondered if Team Rocket had summoned the vast majority of Team Rocket players in the entire Guandu area to come here for a last-ditch effort!

The entire battlefield covers a huge area, and the battle here at Right Fire is just a trivial scene!

Elsewhere, there are also many very good players fighting!

Many characters who have appeared on the leaderboard have appeared in this world-class mission and participated in the battle!

Doomsday is coming, love to eat spinach, proud of the city... and so on!

Over time, they have all joined the battle, and quickly gained dominance, advancing in constant imagery!

Lin Wen stepped on the back of the flashing dragon, and his eyes swept across most of the battlefield!

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed.

Because... he saw Ling Feng and the team of Lingxi Guild!

This expansion is the expansion of the Quartz Plateau, the main location for world-class missions, and also the Kanto area!

As the most powerful Lingxi Guild in Guandu and Chengdu, of course, Lingfeng will not miss this opportunity!

After annexing the two major guilds in one fell swoop, and after such a long period of slow development, the strength of the Lingxi Guild has undergone a qualitative change again!

In the battlefield, Lingfeng guild members led by Lingfeng formed a sharp arrow, and the elves were neat and orderly, fighting under the instructions of Lingxi guild players!

Their advancing speed is very fast, and ordinary Rocket players are not opponents at all, and they are completely incomparable!

Beside Ling Feng, Lin Wen also saw the former president of the Heaven-defying Dragon Clan, Long Aotian, and the president of Hellfire, Nirvana.

The two of them are now the vice presidents of the Lingxi Guild, with high authority, and they are also fighting very seriously now!

Lin Wen was in the air, and he didn't join the battle. He could easily see Ling Feng and others, but Ling Feng and others who were immersed in the battle didn't notice him.

Lin Wen didn't care either, and his eyes flowed again.

There are not a few teams like the Lingxi Guild that are formed by guild members to fight in small groups!

The world-class tasks include a wide range of tasks, and there is even a legendary elf, Chaomeng's figure!This makes every player yearn for it, and there are many player guilds with different ideas!

I saw that in the battlefield, there are many players' guilds fighting, and they all came to participate in the battle with the help of this world-class mission!

So far, although the players from the alliance camp have taken a certain advantage due to their numbers, they have not been able to break into the Charles Industrial Park immediately under the resistance of Team Rocket members who are not afraid of death!

The 510 players from both camps were stalemate on the periphery of the Charles Industrial Park, fighting constantly!


Lin Wen's eyes narrowed slightly.

The players of the Rockets camp can hold on because in addition to them, among the personnel participating in the defense, there are many bottom-level personnel of the Rockets!

Lin Wen saw many members in Team Rocket uniforms fighting.

Being able to temporarily stalemate the scene, these Rockets' bottom-level personnel obviously played a lot of roles!

"These can be called cannon fodder." Lin Wen thought in his heart that the strength of the bottom-level members of the Rocket Team did not have any advantage over the players. Not as good as a player!

The Rockets sent them out to fight, obviously thinking about consuming the strength of the Alliance as much as possible!

"I just don't know... what exactly is Team Rocket's plan." Lin Wen thought of this, and immediately said, "Flickering Dragon, let's go down.

The flashing fast dragon roared, and then controlled the figure to find a relatively open place, and slowly landed! .

Chapter five hundred and eighty first join the battle

The figure of the flashing dragon naturally attracted the attention of many people, but it is currently in an anxious battle situation, and the players are making continuous efforts around the points, so... I cast a little curiosity at Lin Wen, After the eyes of admiration, the majority of players closed their eyes and continued to concentrate on their battles!

With a sensitive jump, Lin Wen fell to the ground, and then, he directly took out the Poke Ball and put away the Flash Dragon!

To deal with these Team Rocket players and the bottom members of Team Rocket, there is no need to use Flash Dragon!

That's a complete bull's-eye knife!

And... So far, the senior cadres of the Rockets, and the boss of Sakagi, have never appeared, and Lin Wen also has the plan to let his main force retain his stamina, waiting for them to appear, and make his debut!

Four Poke Balls were thrown in a row, and four Pokemon appeared in place!

Ice Elf, Minas, Nine Tails, Shanaido!

Four elves appeared in the field!

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