At the other end, the alliance player seized the opportunity and shouted: "' . Wind speed dog, use the jet flame!"

The scorching flames swept over, and the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and the Flame Horse were stacked together, and both suffered damage!

Then...both elves lost their ability to fight.

In the blink of an eye, this bottom-level member of Team Rocket who took the initiative to approach Lin Wen to seek battle, the two elves lost their ability to fight, and even harmed the Team Rocket players next to them! .

Chapter [-]: Harvest Points

The elf in his hand lost the ability to fight, and the bottom member of Team Rocket hurriedly fled to nowhere.

"Ding Dong, congratulations on defeating the bottom members of Team Rocket, you will be rewarded with 2 points."

"Ding Dong, congratulations on defeating the Rockets camp player and get 1 point reward."

The system prompt rang in his ear as promised, telling Lin Wen the reward he had received.

What surprised Lin Wen was that... Shanaido's random action of smashing the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus to find an enemy would actually help him get a little more points.

It was a windfall, reluctantly.

For Lin Wen, with his current strength, defeating an ordinary member of the Rocket Team who is extremely weak is obviously nothing to be excited about. He searches the Quartet very calmly, preparing to find the next opponent.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the side.

"Hey man, thanks."

It is the owner of the wind speed dog who is talking. He is at a disadvantage in the battle with the Rockets players. If such a large iron armored tyrannosaurus smashed over, and his damage successfully killed the flame horse, I'm afraid it will be him who fails.

Now that the battle was over, and after gaining points, he immediately came to thank Lin Wen.

"It's nothing." Lin Wen waved his hand at him, and then led the four elves to continue advancing towards the depths of the battlefield without caring.

The disciple left the player in place, touched his head, and muttered with some doubts: "Eh? Why does this person feel familiar? Where did I meet him?"

He frowned and thought about it for more than a minute, then slapped his forehead suddenly and shouted, "Damn it! Isn't he the Great God of Yang Yan! I've seen his photo on the forum!"

He hurriedly looked in the direction Lin Wen left, but after so long, where can he see Lin Wen's figure...

In this regard, the player did not feel frustrated at all, but was very excited, and muttered: "Hey, I didn't expect that I would have a face-to-face with the Great God Yang Yan (biaa), and even the Great God Yang Yan helped me. a bit!"

"If you say it, you must be envious of those guys!"

Since the launch of Elf Century, the Heart of Yang Yan is undoubtedly the most successful player, and its reputation has spread to everyone among the players, and it has already extended a very large fan group!

In the forum, the Yang Yan Group has grown stronger and stronger, and many players have joined it every day.

Everyone has a worship mentality for the strong!

In this case, the player, Heart of Yang Yan, has been subconsciously placed in a higher position by the player, so this player will be very excited after encountering Lin Wen.

Even... encountering the Heart of Yang Yan, and getting his help, can already become the capital to show off!

This is undoubtedly a very rare point!


Lin Wen didn't know what the player thought after he left, commanding the four elves in constant battles!

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Yang Yanzhi, who successfully defeated the Rockets player and got 1 point reward."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Yang Yanzhi, who successfully defeated the bottom members of the Rocket team and received 2 points as a reward."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to player Yang Yan's Heart, successfully defeated..."

All the way forward, the sound of the system prompt is almost uninterrupted!

It goes on and on!

Compared to the ordinary members of the Rocket Team, the players, Lin Wen's strength has reached a level that they can only look up to. When facing Lin Wen's four elves, they are rarely even one-to-one enemies!

Under the strong attribute difference, the result is a spike!

Although compared to the lord-level flashing dragon and the lord-level elf king, the four elves currently playing in Lin Wen are weaker, but they are also elves with amazing potential and strength, which cannot be compared with the lord-level elves. Compared, but compared to the players and the elves of the bottom members of Team Rocket, that is the existence of the elite level!

With these four elves participating in the battle, Lin Wen is almost invincible!

All the way forward!

At this time... the Alliance side and the Rockets side are still entangled outside the Charles Industrial Park. The Rockets players and many of the Rockets' bottom-level members have given full play to the mangy dog's ability to hold back the players of the Alliance camp!

In this case, the players of the alliance camp could not break in for a while.

Lin Wen wasn't in a hurry either. The Heavenly Kings on the alliance side didn't make a move. Obviously, he had his own plans... And he wasn't going to send the two super elves, the Flash Dragon and the Ye Elf, to join the battle, because there was really no way to do so. necessary.

There is no time limit for world-class missions. Under the attack of the alliance camp, the Rockets will not be able to hold on sooner or later. Therefore, there is no need to worry!

Under the attack of the ice elf's Bing Shuo, after defeating the fire-type fire monkey in front of him, Lin Wen led the four elves and was ready to move forward!

Under his continuous attack for so long, he has advanced to a relatively advanced position on the entire battlefield, that is, a position closer to the Charles Industrial Park!

It is worth mentioning that, in the standings, Lin Wen's position has only risen by one place, to the third place, and the gap between the first and second place is not big, but he has not caught up.

The first position is still occupied by the fire on the right!

Faced with this situation, Lin Wen was completely impatient, and he knew why he didn't catch up.

That's because, when he keeps beating his opponents to get points, so does the fire on the right!

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