Perhaps in the real fight, Lin Wen has absolute confidence to defeat the Fire of the Right, but the current battle is not a battle between him and the Fire of the Right!

Instead, it's a journey to earn points!

The speed of earning points depends on the strength of the enemy!

Naturally, Lin Wen's strength goes without saying. In the face of these players and NPCs, it can cause crushing, basically in seconds, and the battle can be solved in an instant! .

Chapter five hundred and eighty third are all blown out

At the same time, the Fire of the Right will not be inferior when facing these cannon fodders!

His fire-breathing dragon is extremely good at fighting, and can easily defeat opponents and earn points!

More importantly, these players, the bottom-level members contributed too few points, and only gave one or two points, which is one of the reasons why Lin Wen did not catch up with the fire on the right!

In Lin Wen's heart, he had a definite idea for a long time. The number of points obtained by defeating the enemy is obviously closely related to the identity and strength of the enemy!

If you want to catch up with the fire on the right, it is actually very easy to achieve!

That is... Defeat the senior cadres of Team Rocket who do not know when they will appear!

They, it is estimated that the value of each one is very large, and the points that they will bring will probably be very large, and they can make an earth-shaking change in the points in a very short period of time!


When the battle was over, just as Lin Wen had just taken two steps to move forward, not far away, there was a sudden call!

"Brother Yangyan!"

Lin Wen looked back subconsciously!


The president of Lingxi Guild, Ling Feng!

And behind him, there are the members of the Lingxi Guild that Lin Wen is familiar with, Long Aotian, Nirvana, Soul Lament, and so on...

As early as when Lin Wen came to the Dao Charles Industrial Park, he saw the members of the Lingxi Guild in the middle of a fierce battle, but out of consideration, he did not go forward to join their team.

I didn't expect to now... I actually met them by chance!

"Ling Feng." Lin Wen nodded slightly at him, then walked over.

Soon, everyone met together.After meeting, Ling Feng asked, "Brother Yang Yan, when did you come to Charles Industrial Park?"

"It's been a while." Lin Wen replied, "Not long after the mission appeared, I came here to fight."

Ling Feng nodded lightly, expressing understanding.

Then... he suddenly fell silent, staring at Lin Wen tightly, not knowing what to think!

"what happened?"

Being looked at by his strange eyes, Lin Wen couldn't help but ask.

"Yang Yan..." His tone suddenly paused, and then he asked: "Yang Yan Tianwang! Do you know the news about Chaomeng? The battle has been going on, and Chaomeng hasn't appeared yet. This time the information Isn't the film called Mewtwo's Counterattack?"

"Heavenly King?"

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment. If he was drinking water now, he would probably spray it directly.

"What the hell is King Yangyan!" He couldn't help but said.

This is indeed a rather strange name, especially from Ling Feng's mouth, it makes Lin Wen feel even more strange.

"Hehe." Ling Feng smiled, but instead of posing in front of Lin Wen as the guild president, he said very amiably: "You don't know? Now there are some players in the forum who put your name on you. , from the Great God of Yang Yan to the Heavenly King of Yang Yan!"

"As the only player among the players who can be compared with the three heavenly kings in the Guandu and Chengdu areas, and who can stand with the heavenly kings in those areas, everyone thinks that you have the strength of the heavenly kings. Isn't this name just right? "

Having said that, Ling Feng looked at Lin Wen and said as if you don't lie to me: "You won't tell me, don't you have the power of a king?"

"Ghost knows! I haven't fought against each other before. Who knows what traps there are such a big hole in the Elf Century. And I can only work with the regional kings because I triggered the task. When is the time to rise to strength." Lin Wen was speechless. The truth is, these netizens and water friends are really good at making things up. He is really afraid. The higher they hold, the worse they fall.

"Never mind." Ling Feng waved his hand and continued, "Perhaps your strength is still a bit far from the Heavenly King, but it's close. What we need is a sh*t. You don't know that after this title comes out. , the foundation of our consonance union has grown a bit, and more players have joined our union."

Long Aotianxia and Nirvana beside him nodded. After feeling the appeal of Yang Yan's heart, he couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

Since the launch of the Elf Century server, the Heavenly King-level trainers are still high and unpredictable in the eyes of the players, and each one's strength is extremely terrifying!

After all, in a region, there can only be four heavenly kings!It can be seen how amazing the strength of the trainer who can sit in this position.

Although players continue to guess and give examples, saying that the Heart of Yang Yan definitely has the power of the king, but after all, it is only speculation. Now that I hear my admission, I undoubtedly have a more shocking sense.

After all, he is the king!

As former enemies and current teammates, Long Aotianxia and Nirvana are undoubtedly the most delicate, and they are both happy and relieved.

0 ...

Only as the enemy of the Heart of Yang Yan, do you know how terrifying he is!

Because of him, the three major guilds in the Chengdu area became the laughing stock. Because of him, one of the three major guilds was completely disbanded, and the remaining two were merged into the Lingxi Guild. Because of him, the pattern of the Guandu Chengdu area was greatly improved. The transformation has become the dominant family of the Lingxi Guild!

It can be said that what Lin Wen has done is even affecting the entire game!

These are all difficult for ordinary people to achieve!

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