The opposite Lance frowned slightly and shouted: "Heart of Yang Yan, don't get too complacent, after being defeated by me, you will naturally have nothing to say!"

Lin Wen shook his head: "It's useless to talk too much, let's fight!"

I explained to Ling Feng and others before that when he rode a flashing dragon to get here, Lin Wen had already taken back all the sprites he had released before. Now, with the flip of his palm, two sprite balls appeared in his hands!

"Come out, Ye Elf, Shanaido!"

The light flashed, and two elves appeared in place!

The "Five Nine Zero" fairy girl is very beautiful, a light green head curtain covers one eye, and her red pupils are exposed, full of strange charm.

Her white skirt waving in the wind seemed to add color to her beauty.

After being released, Lin Wen heard Shanaido's familiar voice in the telepathy.

"Master Yang Yan."

At the other end, the Leaf Elf King also appeared on the spot.

As the only Leaf Elf King in the entire Elf World, it has a very noble bloodline, standing proudly on the ground, noble and elegant, full of momentum!

As soon as the two elves were released, they caused bursts of exclamations from the surrounding players.

"It's the elf king! This elf is said to have been promoted to Ye elf by God Yang Yan accidentally. There is only one elf in the entire elf century!"

"That's right... Really handsome! I really want it!"

As Lin Wen became more and more famous, all kinds of information and gossip about him have been excavated. Many players have seen all kinds of information about him, so they are very familiar with him.

"Shanaido... so beautiful."

"This Shanaido is not weak. During the guild battle, it was its last blow with an unparalleled super power storm, which completely defeated the three guild people, so that they no longer had any heart to resist!"

"I really can't tell... Shanaido, who looks so weak, is so powerful!"

The chatter of the players came in bursts.

Lin Wen didn't care, and after looking at Lance's three elves, he smiled softly: "Since you have released the three elves, let's have a 3v3 battle!"

Lin Wen has absolute confidence in his own strength, and is not ready to rely on numbers to besiege!

Although he could control four elves to fight at the same time because of the role of the head of the elves, Lin Wen felt that there was no need for him when facing Lance!

"As for the last one..." Lin Wen's eyes turned to the flashing dragon beside him: "It's up to you."


The flashing dragon roared in the sky, his domineering suddenly appeared, and he walked to the battlefield!

Its body is huge, and every step on the ground will make a depression in the ground, leaving huge footprints.

This is definitely the most exciting battle on the entire battlefield so far. Players from both camps have given up a very empty space for Lin Wen and Lance!

A total of six elves entered the battle!

Wonderful frog flower, strange force, big steel snake!

Leaf Elf, Shanaido, Flash Dragon!

Six elves stand opposite each other.

The battle... is about to start!


At this moment, not far away, a team of players suddenly arrived.

It is Ling Feng and others from Lingxi Guild!

They are not the same as Lin Wen. They can leave alone if they want, and the speed is very fast. Their Lingxi Guild is a large group of people. If they want to transfer a location, it will inevitably take a long time.

So now, the huge team of their Lingxi Guild has just arrived here.

As soon as he came here, Ling Feng noticed this slightly strange atmosphere.

The battle of the players is almost stopped, and they are all watching the battle in the middle!

Then, he saw Lin Wen in the center, and Lance in black uniform opposite Lin Wen!

The uniforms of the senior cadres of the Rockets are completely different from the uniforms of ordinary members, and people can easily tell them apart...  

"This is... Brother Yang Yan is going to fight?"

Ling Feng's spirit was shocked. After the guild battle, he had never seen Lin Wen's battle in person. He also wanted to have an intuitive understanding of Lin Wen's strength, so he watched it with great interest!

The members of the Lingxi Guild behind them all watched very seriously!As for the legend of their guild, the Heart of Yang Yan, everyone has their own ideas.

The six elves looked at each other, and after a while of silence, it was Lance who couldn't help but take the lead.

"Miaohuahua, use the vine whip on the leaf elves!" His command voice came out!

"Strange power, use the bare-handed chop on the leaf spirit!"

"Big Steel Snake! Use Earthquake!"

Three orders were released instantly!

The 3v3 battle is not just a genie versus a genie, it is completely possible to besiege an enemy elf first, defeat it, and gain an advantage for further victory!

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