Obviously, Lance set the target of the first round of attack on Ye Elf!

At the same time, just after the battle started, Lin Wen's skills came into play!

The person who fights, the power of the master, the 4.1 control of the wizard palm!

The three skills play a role at the same time, suddenly weakening the attributes of Lance's three elves, while the attributes of his own three elves have been increased to a certain extent!

In the face of ordinary players and the bottom-level members of Team Rocket, the huge gap between the strengths makes these skills inconspicuous. After all, even if they are not weakened, they will be crushed in seconds, and the situation after the weakening is the same.

And in the face of powerful opponents, these skills can play an unimaginably huge role!

Very powerful!

Under the condition of my growth, it will widen the gap between attributes and increase the odds of winning in battle!

At the same time, the wind of the king of the leaf fairy comes into play! .

Chapter five hundred and ninetieth horror sword

Lance's three elves, the attributes have weakened again!

Ye Elf is also a lord-level elf at present. Facing the lord-level steel snake, the wind of the king also plays a role!

Although Lance's three elves have been strengthened by genetic modification, they are very powerful compared to other elves of the same kind, but under the successive weakening, even the speed is inevitably slow!

Seeing that Lance focused the first round of attack targets on Ye Elf, Lin Wen smiled slightly, and then said, "Ye Elf, move the forest!"

Lord-level skills of the Leaf Elf!Moving the forest!

Moving Forest: You can freely manipulate other trees to fight, the effect of all grass-based skills is doubled, you are immune to grass-based skills, your movement speed in the forest is increased by 100%, and all attributes are increased by an additional 50%.

This skill will cooperate with the power of nature and the deep-rooted two skills, the exclusive lord-level skill of the Leaf Elf King

Force of Nature: An advanced skill gifted by nature, the effect of all grass elements is increased by 50%, and the field under the feet can be turned into a forest environment by 18.

Deep-rooted: One of the unique skills of the Leaf Elf King, fighting in the forest environment, automatically recovers 10% of the HP value every 5 seconds.

As a lord-level skill that Ye Elf learned when he was promoted to the lord level, the power of the moving forest is undoubtedly very powerful. It is not an active skill, but it can cause a great increase to Ye Elf!

With the light cry of the leaf elf, the green grass energy scattered, and the surrounding environment changed quickly!

Green trees and tender grasses are popping up one after another!There is also a layer of greenery on the original withered land!

This scene shocked the surrounding players: "What is this?"

There are many skills that can change the weather, such as sunny days, praying for rain, thunder, etc., but skills that can change the environment are rare!

"What kind of skill is this, I haven't seen it at all!"

"Listening to the instructions of the Great God of Yang Yan, it seems to be called a moving forest? What kind of skill is this? I have never heard of it..."

This battle between Lin Wen and Lance has attracted the attention of many players. Now that I have seen the environmental changes caused by the moving forest, I can't help but discuss it!

Without personal experience, you will never feel the power of moving forest skills and change the environment. This is undoubtedly a miraculous skill!

And, not to mention, the moving forest has more functions after it is deeply integrated with the power of nature of the leaf elves!

The moving forest can be called a domain skill. Within the range of the moving forest, all the attributes of the leaf elves have been increased by 50%, the speed has been doubled, the power of the straw mat skills has doubled, and the physical strength has been restored all the time. !

It can be said that here, it is the king!

Even the opposite Lance couldn't help but be slightly lost after seeing the moving forest. He had never seen such a skill!Completely ignorant of the role of skills!

The speed of the moving forest is extremely fast. After the forest pattern command is issued, in just two seconds, the range of the moving forest covers the entire battlefield!

Until now, the vine whip of the wonderful frog flower came too late, trying to bind the leaf elves.

Under the action of the moving forest, the Leaf Elf is completely immune to grass-type skills, and it can be said that this vine whip cannot even cause any damage to it!

However, Lin Wen still said, "Elf Ye, avoid the vine whip!"

Ye Elf is already very agile, not to mention that in the moving forest, the speed has been doubled, which can be described as extremely fast. Every time he moves quickly, a stream of light will be left behind!

Hearing Lin Wen's command, facing the rushing vine whip, Ye Elf kicked his hind legs and jumped up suddenly, dodging the attacking vine whip!

At this moment, the attack of the strange force has arrived!

This genetically modified strange force is obviously very powerful, the muscles on the body are full, and it is full of powerful strength!

Knife Knife: Attack the enemy with a sharp hand knife, it is easy to hit the key point!

I saw the strange force sprinting along with the Ye Elf suddenly jumping up, pointing his right hand like a knife, and slashing straight towards the Ye Elf's back!

It looks so powerful!

Ye Elf just jumped up and seemed to be unable to avoid it in the air. This scene made the hearts of many players in the alliance camp.

"No way... Ye Elf won't be able to escape, right?"

"This hand knife looks very powerful."

"What is the function of that moving forest skill?"

There were discussions everywhere.

Lin Wen had no intention of being nervous. Facing the sword that was about to attack Ye Elf, he calmly said, "Ye Elf, the mysterious sword!"

Mysterious Sword: Use the long horn to perform a slashing attack. The incredible power on the horn will cause powerful physical damage. Use the target's defense instead of the target's special defense for damage calculation, ignoring 50% of the opponent's defense attribute, and Ignore the increase and decrease of the target's evasion rate ability level, and the increase and decrease of the defense ability level of 787.

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