After Team Rocket's base was easily defeated, he was deeply shocked by Lin Wen's formidable combat power, and after obtaining Team Rocket's latest genetically modified elves and the lord-level steel snake, he once thought, I have hope for revenge!

And now... the results are in.

Even if it is the big steel snake commanding the lord level, he still did not defeat the opponent, but was defeated again!

This made Lance's self-confidence a great blow!

The enthusiasm of the players around has not stopped. A battle between powerful trainers is undoubtedly what everyone yearns for!

Just as the players of the Alliance camp cheered... Suddenly, a player from Team Rocket started the raid!

Because of the battle between Lance and Lin Wen, the players who gathered nearby even temporarily stopped their attacks, just to watch this heavenly king-level battle!

And now, after the battle, Team Rocket's players probably saw that their own side was beaten tragically, and they were very angry. Taking advantage of it, they started the attack directly!

"Fuck, these SBs dare to attack, brothers side by side!"

The players of the alliance camp reacted instantly and started to counterattack!

The originally calm situation turned into chaos almost instantly. The two sides fought together again and started a new round of journey!

The place where Lin Wen and Lance fought was originally an open space that the players intentionally gave up. Now that the battle has started again, it was immediately filled with the silhouettes of elves and players, and all kinds of skills splashed around, unstoppable!

Through the obstruction of the crowd, Lin Wen saw that Lance silently retracted a few of his elves into the Poké Ball, and then returned to the interior of the Charles Industrial Park.

Defeat again!

Lin Wen didn't feel excited because this was a matter of course for him!

The battle... still goes on!

The players and NPCs of the Rockets camp gave full play to the spirit of not being afraid of death and tried their best to block the outside of the Charles Industrial Park and prevent the alliance camp from entering.

With the cooperation of several Rockets cadres, even the King of Heaven could not break through, and the scene returned to a deadlock again.

As the battle continued, the sky gradually darkened.

After the sky darkened, the frequency of battles between the two camps was undoubtedly reduced a lot.

After all, the entire Charles Industrial Park covers a large area, and there are many players fighting around the entire Charles Industrial Park.

When night falls, there are no lights in this field of battle, and players can only rely on the sparse moonlight to fight.

So, as it got late, the battle that had lasted all day came to a halt.

Both sides retreated, entering a brief truce.

Except for a very small number of players who were still fighting to score points at night, most players chose to rest, as did the NPCs from the alliance camp.

And Lin Wen did not continue to fight while the night was dark.

Because... his points, after defeating the Rockets' senior cadre Lance, have already ascended to the throne of the first place!

Ding dong, congratulations to the player Yang Yanxin for defeating Lance, a senior cadre of the Rockets, and getting 200 points as a reward!

A full two hundred points!

You know, defeating an ordinary player is only 1 point, and destroying Team Rocket's base is only 100 points!

With the sudden addition of these two hundred points, the first position of the fire on the right was suddenly pushed down by Lin Wen, and the throne was not guaranteed!

Even after surpassing the fire on the right, Lin Wen's points even increased by several points!

Lin Wen's guess was not wrong. The reward points are determined according to the strength of the opponent. Ordinary members of the Rocket Team are naturally worthless, but such an NPC with heavenly king-level combat power is really valuable. of!

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After getting the first position, there were not many players fighting at night, and Lin Wen did not continue to fight, but chose to rest and returned to the temporary gathering point of the alliance.

The three heavenly kings in the Guandu and Chengdu area, as well as the elite trainers, also returned here.

After a brief understanding, Lin Wen figured out today's battle situation.

Overall, the league managed to advance a bit, causing some indelible damage to the Rockets.

Lin Wen found Lance and successfully defeated the opponent, and the three heavenly kings also found the senior cadres of Team Rocket, and started the battle between soldiers and generals!

The senior cadres of the Rockets, in terms of strength, are a little weaker than the kings of the alliance, and they are not on the same level.

...... ......

After all, there are only four Heavenly Kings in a region. These four Heavenly Kings were selected from countless years of elite trainers, and each of them is an existence with outstanding strength!

But after this day's battle, apart from Lin Wen, the other three Heavenly Kings were not able to defeat their opponents in the form of crushing, they just repulsed, or formed a certain deadlock!

All of this is because of the existence of the Rockets' genetic modification!

The elves in the hands of the senior cadres of Team Rocket are all the best elves after Team Rocket's successful genetic modification, and their strengths are far superior to other companions of the same race!

In this case, the gap between the senior cadres of the Rockets and the king of the alliance has been infinitely narrowed!

What's more, apart from Lin Wen, Kazuki, Shiba, the opponents that the two heavenly kings encountered, all brought out lord-level elves!

A very rare existence, second only to the existence of legendary elves!

As a powerful organization that has dominated the Guandu area for many years, the Rockets have a very deep background, but they are usually hidden very deep. If it wasn't for this battle, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to dig out the details!

Under the outbreak of the Rockets' various cards, they forcibly guarded the Charles Industrial Park, so that the alliance's trainers, after a full day of battles, still failed to break into it.

The scene fell into a helpless stalemate. . . .

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