Chapter five hundred and ninety fourth discussion

If you wait until night falls, the offensive will gradually weaken, and it will be even more impossible to break into it.

However, after one day, on the whole, the Alliance side has the advantage!

The night is getting darker.

Lin Wen stood on the edge of the assembly point and looked at the direction of the Charles Industrial Park.

Considering the battle, this temporary assembly point of the alliance is not too far from the Charles Industrial Park.

Standing on a high place, looking far away, you can still see the players fighting in the dark.

Just as Lin Wen stared at it, a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Researcher Yang Yan..."

Lin Wen followed the sound and looked back, only to see Kona, the ice king from the Guandu area, standing behind him, with a black-framed "Nine One Three" mirror on the bridge of his nose, walking towards him.

"Kona King." Lin Wen nodded slightly towards her.

"I just heard the news that you defeated the senior cadres of the Rockets." Kona said after getting closer, "Your progress is really fast... I'm afraid it's me, and I'm not your opponent now."

After all, the previous evaluation of Yang Yan’s combat power was based on his unilateral recounting of his combat information at Team Rocket Base, but today, in front of countless alliance trainers, Lin Wen defeated him very strongly. The senior cadre of the Rockets!

Knock down every single one of his sprites completely!

This is undoubtedly a thorough proof of Lin Wen's combat power!

You know, apart from Lin Wen, the other three Heavenly Kings did not have a good record today. When faced with the senior cadres of Team Rocket with genetically modified elves, although they did not fall behind, they also did not defeat them. opponent, but was dragged.

Among the three heavenly kings, only the king of Kona repelled the opponent head-on!

In this case, Lin Wen's combat power is particularly obvious!

"You've won the prize, King Kona." Lin Wen smiled modestly, not proud of her praise.

For him, defeating Lance is a matter of course!

Lin Wen looked in the direction of the Charles Industrial Park, and suddenly said, "Kona King, is Sakagi really in this base?"


Kona was slightly stunned, then flicked Liu Hai, who was hanging down from his forehead, and said, "According to the information received by the alliance, there is an [-]% chance that Sakagi is at this base."

"Yeah." Lin Wen nodded slightly, thinking a little.

"Researcher Yang Yan." Cona noticed his expression and couldn't help but ask, "What did you think of?"

"I'm thinking, since Boss Sakagi is at this base, why doesn't he appear yet." Lin Wen said softly: "In today's battle, although Team Rocket was not directly defeated, the Alliance was not able to directly invade the base. , but anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Rockets are at a disadvantage."

"Although their high-level cadres will take you..." Lin Wen glanced at Ke Na: "I will hold you back temporarily, but the lower-level members will not be able to do it. The combat power consumption of each lower-level member is irreparable. "

"The Rockets are not like an alliance. There are countless alliance trainers who can replenish them at any time. If this continues, this base will be breached sooner or later."

"What is Sakagi thinking? He has mastered the legendary elf, Chao Meng. If Chao Meng appears, he will definitely cause very heavy losses to the alliance..."

Hearing what Lin Wen said, King Kona also frowned slightly, showing a thoughtful look.

Lin Wen is right...

Although this base is now being defended by the Rockets, it is inevitable that it will be breached over time!

In this case, if the boss of Sakagi is here, why not take action?

Commanding Mewtwo to destroy the alliance camp is also very beneficial to the Rockets!

After thinking for a while, King Ke Na's brows stretched, and he said to Lin Wen, "Researcher Yang Yan, you don't need to think so much..."

She paused, and then said: "Whether Sakagi is at this base, as long as you wait for the alliance to break through this base, you will naturally know..."

"Anyway, he doesn't shoot with Chaomeng now. For us, it's a good thing, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Lin Wen nodded lightly, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Just as the two were talking, a voice came from not far away.

"Brother Yang Yan!"

Lin Wen and King Cona looked at the sound, only to see the little girl, the cute night cat, looking at him beautifully not far away.

"Researcher Yang Yan, looking for you?" Ke Na looked at Lin Wen.

"Yes." Lin Wen nodded lightly.

"Since that's the case, I won't disturb you." Kona said, then turned and left here in a dashing manner.

Lin Wen nodded secretly, worthy of being Xiaoxia's idol, and his demeanor made people feel comfortable from the bottom of their hearts.

Kona had just left, and the cute night cat quickly came over.

This little girl also participated in this mission. On the Quartz Plateau, it was Lin Wen who took her along a downwind road, and it is not surprising to meet her here now.

What's more, the cute night cat was able to find this place because Lin Wen had spoken to her before and told her the location.

"Brother Yangyan." Soon, the cute night cat walked over, looking at Lin Wen with a little excitement in his eyes: "I heard from the players today that you commanded the elves and defeated a Rocket team head-on. The senior cadre of the company is very handsome! 2.3"

Lin Wen touched his head and smiled.

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