For ordinary players, the senior cadres of Team Rocket who master genetically modified elves, or even lord-level elves, are undoubtedly invincible!

Very powerful!

And it was such an "invincible" senior cadre of the Rockets who was strongly defeated by the Heart of Yang Yan in the spotlight!

Undoubtedly, it can be regarded as a legend!

The Heart of Yang Yan has not been shot in front of the players for a long time, which makes many people not quite sure what the current combat power of the Heart of Yang Yan is like?How strong is he?

Moreover, the large-scale mission started for a while, and the Heart of Yang Yan only came to the top three, and failed to get the first place. .

Chapter five hundred and ninety-fifth white-hot second day

There are powders and blacks!

After all, trolls are the most amazing creatures in the world.

When there are many players who regard Lin Wen as their idol, there are naturally many players who are singing badly about Lin Wen, saying that the heart of Yang Yan is dead, and so on...

After all, the strength of the players will improve every day, and they will improve day by day. You can show a crushing level of combat power before, but after a period of time, you may have been caught up by the latecomers!

And today, under the watchful eyes of countless players, Lin Wen handed in a satisfactory answer!

Defeat the senior cadres of Team Rocket head-on!

Powerful combat power is evident!

The scene where the Flash Dragon and the Big Steel Snake Meteorite collided with the earth was deeply imprinted in the hearts of many players, making their worship for Lin Wen even deeper!

It even slapped the faces of players who don't know how many bad-mouthed forest patterns!

After the battle video was posted to the forum, the entire Yang Yan group celebrated, but the trolls black 19 disappeared completely.

"How, how many points have you got? Lin Wen asked.

"More than 200 o'clock..." The cute night cat stuck out his tongue: "I'm not as good as you, Brother Yang Yan. I received a mission to destroy two Rocket Team bases, and I still have points for defeating enemy players."

"Yeah." Lin Wen nodded lightly and praised: "It's very good."

The strength of the cute night cat is not weak, especially after the Yulong trial, she has conquered one big and one small, two quasi-god-level elves!

Among the players who participated in the world-class mission this time, they can also be regarded as upper-middle-class characters!

After all, the points earned by defeating enemy players are indeed very few, and the valuable Rocket Team senior cadres, looking at the entire player, except Lin Wen, who dares to say that he can defeat alone?

In this case, the result is that the general points of the players are between 100-300. Among them, the 100 high points obtained by destroying the base account for the most.

Even Lin Wen, after fighting for so long, the points he has only just exceeded 700 points!

Two Rocket Team bases, a senior cadre, as well as countless Rocket Team players and NPC bottom-level members only made up these more than [-] points!

Currently being dismounted by Lin Wen, he has fallen to the second right fire in the standings, but only has 632 points.

Hearing Lin Wen's compliment, the cute night cat stuck out his tongue in embarrassment and didn't speak.

For a while, both fell silent.

Today's night is very good, the moon is full of stars, and the ground is clear and bright under the illumination of the moon pass.

After staying here for a while, Lin Wen and Duomeng Yemao went back to rest, the night battle was not worth the loss, a good rest and continued preparation for tomorrow's battle was the kingly way.

Time flies so fast, so soon, the night goes by!

Day two, here we come!

The offensive and defensive battle between the Alliance camp and the Rockets camp is still going on!

Early in the morning, when the sky was still bright, an unknown number of players entered the battle again!

The first appearance of world-class quests and the rules of exchanging rewards based on points have inspired the enthusiasm of many players, and everyone is full of fighting spirit and fighting!

The players of the Alliance camp are like this, and the players of the Rocket camp are also the same!

Just like yesterday, on the battlefield, there is a situation of soldiers against soldiers and generals. The king will face the senior cadres of the Rockets, and the ordinary players will play against the ordinary players!

Although the resistance of the Rockets is still immortal, compared to yesterday, it has weakened a lot!

Faced with the crazy defense of the Rockets, this is destined to be a protracted battle!

In the blink of an eye, the battle has lasted for three days!

In the past three days, I don't know how many players' elves have lost their combat power, and countless high-end players who are known by the majority of players because of their powerful combat power have emerged!

On the forum, someone even posted a list of powerful players!

The Heart of Yang Yan naturally need not be mentioned, it has long been known by the majority of players. In addition, there are countless powerful players who have appeared in the battlefield and are known by the players!

Right now ranked second in the ranking list!

The first-hand MEGA evolution fire-breathing dragon is very handsome, I don't know how many players have paid attention!

In addition, there are also the top [-] players in the ranking list, whooping yellow chicken, doomsday, love to eat spinach, proud of the city... and others, their strength is excellent, and many players have noticed them in the battle. It was even recorded as a video and posted on the forum, which greatly increased its popularity. Many well-known trade unions extended an olive branch to them and wanted to invite each other to join the union.

Lingfeng Guild's president Ling Feng, and the two vice presidents of Long Aotianxia and Nirvana, also became famous.

Lingfeng needless to say, as the president of Lingxi Guild, he is also the best in terms of resources. Lingxi Guild is the largest guild across 983 Guandu and Chengdu area!Even if it is piled up, it can also pile up an elite trainer!

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