"Don't think I don't know, you're all making super dream ideas!"

Sakagi raised his arm and pointed to everyone present, players and NPCs!

"However, you are destined to be disappointed, Chao Meng, destined to only be under my control!" Sakagi said loudly, flipping the palm of his hand, a uniquely colored Poké Ball appeared there!

Kona's eyes narrowed suddenly!

The eyes of the surrounding players were also fixed on this mysterious Poké Ball.

"Our Rockets have successfully developed the master ball! And we have included Mewtwo in it." Sakagi's voice was very fast: "The idea of ​​playing Mewtwo is just dreaming!"

"Super dream, it can only belong to me!"

Speaking of the end, Sakagi once again showed a wild smile, resounding through the audience!

Master Ball!

The Rockets have developed the Master Ball!

Looking at the uniquely shaped master ball in Sakagi's hands, Lin Wen finally fully understood why the Rockets' disadvantage was getting bigger and bigger in the past few days, but Sakagi hadn't shot yet!

He is waiting!

Wait for a (bdbg) one without any surprises before shooting!

In the original work, although Chao Meng was made by the Rockets, but later defected from the Rockets!

And now, although Chao Meng is not in a complete state, and seems to listen to Sakagi's words, but as a generation of heroes, how can he allow any accidents to happen?

In order to prevent Mewtwo from having an accident and to prevent it from being robbed, Boss Sakagi has obviously been waiting these days!

Waiting for the successful development of Master Ball!

You must know that the important material for making the Master Ball, the mysterious meteorite, was mastered by Team Rocket because of Mewtwo's appearance and repelling Lin Wen!

After so many days of research and development, the Rockets successfully produced the Master Ball!And including Chao Meng in it, completely let Sakagi's last worries disappear!

I finally showed up!

And the players around, after hearing Sakagi's voice, have the urge to curse mother in their hearts!

Everyone gathered together, and most of them have a common goal, that is, the legendary elf, Chaomeng!

Even because of this, many players have deliberately bought the dark ball, wanting to try if they can beat the luck and grab Chaomeng!

And now, Sakagi's words, no doubt, absolutely shattered their minds!

Under the action of the Master Ball, Chaomeng will not be successfully robbed at all. The preciousness of the Master Ball, and its powerful effect, but no Poke Ball can match!

As a Poké Ball that can capture mythical beasts, the role of the Master Ball is unmatched!

In this case, Chao Meng, who was included in the Master Ball, undoubtedly became a mirror image, and it was impossible for players to get it!

It can be said that... the system has perfectly tricked the players. From the very beginning, I never thought about letting players get the super dream!

For a while, there was a sound of complaining.

"My day, I can't catch it, I'm still playing with an egg!"

"Damn, there's no way to catch Chao Meng!"

"I'm so angry, I just need to make a super dream, but I have to make a master ball, I'm so angry!"

I don't know how many players' goal this time is Mewtwo, but now, Mewtwo under the control of the Master Ball has undoubtedly become a fantasy, and there is no way to capture it.

"Master Ball?"

After hearing this term, Kona's eyes couldn't help shrinking. As the king of the Guandu area and the top of the alliance, she had some guesses after seeing the Poké Ball in Sakagi's hand, but she didn't expect it to be so! .

Chapter five hundred and ninety-eight anger

The league also has a master ball, and Kona naturally knows its role!

The master ball that can definitely conquer legendary elves and divine beasts is undoubtedly the most powerful and valuable poke ball!

It's a pity... it was actually controlled by Team Rocket!

At the same time, the other two kings finally arrived!

Kazuki, Sheba!

As soon as they arrived, their eyes couldn't help falling on Sakagi on the opposite side, and Chao Meng in mid-air, and then on Kona on the opposite side, and on Lin Wen_.

Kona and Lin Wen sensed their gazes and directly controlled the elf to land, and the four gathered together.

Mewtwo in mid-air stopped for a while, and instead of continuing to attack, he slowly landed and came to the side of Boss Sakagi.

Boss Sakagi looked at the heavenly kings here in Lin Wen, and after sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, he opened his mouth.

"Researcher Yang Yan." Sakagi said loudly.

This time, it immediately attracted the attention of countless players around. Many players already knew that Lin Wen's sub-profession was a researcher!Because of this, most of the NPCs call Yang Yan Heart Yang Yan Researcher.

And now, the Rockets boss, shouting Lin Wen in front of everyone's eyes, what is he doing?

The transfer of Lin Wen's realization fell on Sakagi.

"Researcher Yang Yan." Boss Sakagi said with a sinister smile: "How about it? Do you want to join our Rocket team? I know your strength, as long as you join, the second position of my Rocket team will be yours! Let's join forces Underneath, where can't we go? The elf alliance can't stop the two of us!"

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