His tone was full of arrogance, staring at Lin Wen tightly.

No one would have thought that Sakagi would actually invite Lin Wen under the spotlight!

This makes many players slightly absent-minded.

"Fuck, God Yang Yan is cheating! The boss of the villain is directly invited!"

"Being a person is the heart of Yang Yan!"

"Crazy cool tyrant, invincible!"

As soon as the voice of Boss Sakagi fell, the three heavenly kings beside him also turned to look at Lin Wen.

Lin Wen was slightly stunned, and did not expect that Team Rocket's big boss would invite him at such a moment.

This kind of invitation is not the first time, but before, there were not so many witnesses, so many people watched!

Without any hesitation, Lin Wen laughed twice, then looked at Sakagi and said, "Sakagi, how did you have the courage to tell me to be your second-in-command of Team Rocket?"

Lin Wen paused and continued: "Well, how about you let me be the boss of the Rockets?"

As soon as the words came out, the whole audience was shocked!

"What did I just hear? Could it be that I heard it wrong?"

"Destroyed! Walter?"

"Boss Sakagi turned out to be a defeated general under the Great God Yang Yan?"

"Is God Yangyan so powerful? Can even Boss Sakagi be defeated?"

"Fuck, what should I say, I have to take time to defeat even the Rockets' minions, but God Yang Yan can actually defeat Boss Sakagi!"

The news that Lin Wen defeated Boss Sakagi in the battle was only known to the NPC personnel, and the players did not know.

And now... under the attention of countless players, this news was spread, and the eyes were suddenly shocked!I don't know how many players fell into shock!

Defeating Team Rocket's big boss Sakagi, in their opinion, is an impossible task!

At this time...because of the confrontation between several kings and Sakagi, the battle between the two sides temporarily stopped!

After hearing Lin Wen's words, Boss Sakagi's face turned gloomy, as if he was mentioned something he didn't want to touch.

To be defeated by a trainer who debuted for less than a year, in Sakagi's view, that is a shame!

Moreover, it was actually brought up by Lin Wen in front of so many people!


As the boss of the Rockets, the man who dominates the Guandu area, the famous boss Sakagi naturally has a proud dignity!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

In his opinion, being defeated by a rookie trainer who has just debuted for less than a year is a shame that cannot be erased at all!

It's unacceptable for anyone to put it on.

Fortunately, in the Rockets base at Capital Waterfall, Boss Sakagi's face was not completely lost. He took out the legendary elf Mewtwo in advance and asked him to repel Lin Wen, which finally saved his face.

Otherwise, if everyone knew that a Rockets base with Banmu in the town was actually breached by a rookie trainer, it would be a big laugh!

Now that he heard that Lin Wen couldn't open the pot and raised it, Boss Sakagi's face couldn't help gloomy a lot, especially when he heard the shocking noise from the players around him, which made Boss Sakagi even more annoyed.

0 ...

He stared at Lin Wen with a gloomy face for a while, but didn't make a sound...

This scene undoubtedly confirmed Lin Wen's statement!

The Rockets' big boss, the boss of Sakagi, was really defeated by the heart of Yang Yan!

For a time, the clamor of the players was even louder!

"The Great God of Yang Yan is really invincible, I am convinced!"

"The Great God of Yang Yan is cheating!"

Even the second place in the standings, Right Fire, came here because of the appearance of Sakagi Boss. Now, after hearing the conversation between Lin Wen and Sakagi, he couldn't help but look at Lin Wen.

"Heart of Yang Yan, is it already so powerful?" Right Fire Heart said.

This is undoubtedly a very shocking thing!

This offensive and defensive battle that has lasted for three days around the Charles Industrial Park has continued to this day. I don’t know how many people are watching the battle at all times, and I don’t know how many media have entered it. Once there is new news, it will be reported immediately. Attract public attention.

Since the launch of Wizard Century, with the increase in the number of players, it has long become an item that cannot be ignored in human life!

Participate in it, the number of people who pay attention is countless! .

Chapter five hundred and ninety-ninth super dream counterattack

Today, no one would have imagined that they would have heard such an explosive news on the battlefield!

The boss of Team Rocket, the boss of Sakagi, was defeated by the player Yang Yanzhixin!

After being slightly stunned, I don't know how many players immediately went offline and started taking action!

A piece of real-time news is reported!

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