Shocked, Heart of Yang Yan defeated Boss Sakagi!

Team Rocket's BOSS was defeated by the Heart of Yang Yan!

The future of the Rockets is indeed bleak!

The boss has been defeated, what should the Rockets players do?

I don't know how many related reports have appeared one after another!


The screen pulls back to the battlefield.

After his face was slightly gloomy for a while, Boss Sakagi suddenly smiled, and he laughed very happily! "Six Four Three"

After a long time, he closed his smile.

Under the gaze of an unknown number of eyes, Boss Sakagi slowly said: "Researcher Yang Yan, Yang Yan's heart, I admit that you have indeed defeated me."

"But now... will you be my opponent?"

Mewtwo is suspended beside Sakagi Boss...

Boss Sakagi stretched out his hand, gently stroked Chao Meng floating beside him, and said arrogantly: "Now I am here... I am invincible!"

Lin Wen frowned slightly.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Lin Wen couldn't admit it. What Boss Sakagi said now is indeed the truth!

In the Rockets base, Lin Wen successfully defeated Boss Sakagi in the frontal battle, but now, when Boss Sakagi is in control of Mewtwo, Lin Wen really cannot defeat him.

This has been confirmed in the Rockets.

Even if the Rockets base was destroyed and a huge explosion was released, Mewtwo still suffered almost no damage!

The horror of the super dream is obvious!

In this case, the boss Sakagi, who has a legendary elf and a super dream, is indeed invincible in a sense!

Not only Lin Wen, but the three heavenly kings beside Lin tattoo also frowned.

As Heavenly King-level characters, each of them is very knowledgeable and has a very deep understanding of elves. Because of this, they are more aware of the powerful combat power behind the term legendary elves!

That is unrivaled!

Each legendary elf is unique and has its own means of expertise!Although some legendary elves are not suitable for battle, their strength is still far superior to other elves!

What's more, this legendary elf controlled by Boss Sakagi in front of him!

This is a humanoid weapon developed by Team Rocket specially for combat, extracting dream genes and creating it!

Legendary elf - super dream!

As a humanoid weapon, it doesn't even have to think about its combat power!Must be very powerful!

Even according to the information brought back by Lin Wen, it seems that this Chao Meng has not been fully cultivated. Because of Lin Wen's sudden attack, he was forced to take it out of the cultivation warehouse in advance. However, according to the information conveyed by Lin Wen, this Chao Meng was also The powerful combat power displayed makes several heavenly kings have no certainty of victory!

Legendary elf, that is a terrifying Pokémon that completely surpasses other elves!

"Kona." Sheba's eyes were fixed on Chao Meng's body, and he asked: "In terms of the alliance, have you explained how to fight this legendary elf?"

Sheba and Kazuki, the two heavenly kings, are the heavenly kings of the Chengdu area!And this battle is indeed taking place in the Kanto area!

Because it is the main theater of operations around the Guandu area, the current controller of the three heavenly kings is the King of Kona in the Guandu area!

Now that the boss of Sakagi has finally appeared, and similarly, as the legendary elf of humanoid weapons, Chao Meng has finally appeared, Shiba couldn't help but ask.

"When the alliance says there will be a way to fight." Kona's brows furrowed, obviously taking this Mewtwo more difficult, and he replied.

"When is that time? When is that?" Lin Wen heard the news and couldn't help but ask.

For this terrifying Mewtwo, what did the Alliance prepare for?

This is what Lin Wen desperately wants to know!

It is because of the battle with Chaomeng that Lin Wen is far more aware of the power of this Chaos dream than others, and more aware of the invincibility of this Chaos dream!

And what did the alliance side prepare for this?

Just as several heavenly kings were whispering, Sakagi on the opposite side seemed to finally be unable to bear it. He looked around, looked at the players from every alliance faction present, as well as the NPC trainers, and said, "You... get ready. Are you ready for destruction?"

The crowd looked at him blankly, not quite understanding what Boss Sakagi meant...  

Boss Sakagi ignored them.

Then, Boss Sakagi looked at the members of the Rockets camp behind him!

After three days of fighting, the Rockets camp players and NPC members who are still here have decreased a lot, and even the remaining people are scarred and severely hit!

Three days of perseverance is not something that everyone can do. The remaining staff, everyone, can be called elites!

After the appearance of Boss Sakagi, several cadres of the Rockets also appeared one after another and came behind Boss Sakagi.

In these few days of battle, these senior cadres of Team Rocket have played a great role!They rely on the genetically modified powerful elves and the Rockets' 0.3 cards!The lord-level elves successfully contained several heavenly kings and did not let them join the battle of ordinary members, sharing a great deal of pressure for Team Rocket!

The Rockets have been able to persist until now... and their senior cadres are inseparable!

Boss Sakagi looked around for a week and suddenly raised his hand!

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