He clenched his fists tightly and said, "The counterattack... has begun!"

Then, the first order was issued!

"Super dream... shot!"

As soon as the order was issued, Mewtwo, who had come to the side of Boss Sakagi, suddenly shot!

It was suspended in mid-air, with both hands raised, the Psychic Power ball quickly condensed, and then hurriedly threw it in the direction of a player from an alliance camp! .

Chapter [-] The Rockets' Comeback Hope

There are dozens of elves in the direction Chao Meng chose!

As early as when Chao Meng first appeared, he used the Psychic Ball skill, so the player knew about its power, and when he saw the super power move, a series of orders were sent out in an instant.

"Bada Butterfly, get out of the way!"

"Jewel Starfish, dodge this attack!"

"Iron armored tyrannosaurus, use the iron wall!"

Or dodge, or the command of defense came out!

Under the control of the elite trainer, the little elves suddenly moved!

But...it's too late!

Chao Meng's skills are so fast, even when Lin Wen was fighting it, with the speed bonus of the moving forest, Ye Elf still suffered a head-on Psychic Ball attack, you can see it!

In the blink of an eye, the two psychic balls had already hit their destination!



Two loud noises!

Smoke is flying!

The bodies of the little elves were thrown out!

The elf who wants to dodge can't dodge under the 19 psychic power ball with such a wide range of attack, and is directly bombarded by the front!

They don't have the powerful recovery ability of the Leaf Elf, nor the thick-skinned defense ability of the Flash Dragon!

Facing the attack of the Psychic Ball, he lost consciousness almost at the moment of direct contact!

As for those elves who took defensive measures, it was even worse!

When Lin Wen was at the Rockets base, he had some guesses about Chaomeng. If he could launch this kind of substantive psychic attack, Chaomeng's special attack would most likely exceed [-]!

Three thousand points of special attack, what kind of power is that?

That is a force that all the players present cannot resist!

The dodging elves may have avoided the most square of the attack, and the damage they received is not that high, but these elves who stayed in place and did not move, but chose to resist hard, would be miserable!

Under the frontal bombardment of the Psychic Ball, even a deep pit appeared on the ground!Not to mention these sprites!

I saw that when the smoke and dust dissipated, a deep pit appeared in the bombardment position of the mind power ball, and in the deep pit, there were dozens of elves who were only severely injured and were already unconscious!

Their master was in a hurry, and quickly took out the Poké Ball, put away the Pokémon, and hurried to the Pokémon Center to restore them!

These elves have been severely injured, and if they are not treated in time, there is a high possibility of a tragic incident!

After all, not everyone can resist the attack of the legendary elves and Chaomeng!

And after sending out two mind power balls, Chao Meng didn't even look at it, and didn't pay attention to what happened next here!The psychic power ball condensed again, and then slammed into another place!




People turn their backs!

I don't know how many elves lost their combat power!

This kind of destructive battle has completely disrupted the alliance side!

Especially players!

Everyone originally came here with the idea of ​​seeing if they could get the legendary elves, Chaomeng, but now because of the existence of the Master Ball, Chaomeng has become an extravagant hope!I didn't expect it to be so powerful!

That kind of psychic power ball that was instantly condensed looked like a very simple attack, but it caused a terrifying power that was completely unimaginable!

No one thought of this!

In a short period of time, the alliance camp was in chaos!

At the same time, it is the members of the Rockets who are excited!

Sticking to it for three days, everyone's mind is tense to the extreme, purely relying on a single thought to support it!

I don't know how many members have thought in their hearts why their boss, Sakagi, hasn't appeared yet!Not yet shot!

And now, Sakagi finally shot!

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