As soon as he made a move, he was shocked!

Looking at Chaomeng's quick method of clearing the elves, every member of the Rockets team was invigorated!

As for the players of Team Rocket, they are even more excited and can't help themselves!

I thought that this world-class mission, this battle around the Charles Industrial Park, would become the final chapter of the Rockets. From then on, without the Rockets relying on them, they would become rootless and bleak. !

But now, Mewtwo's powerful combat power has given them hope!

Before the legendary elf made his move, no one would have thought that this super dream would be so powerful!

Powerful beyond imagination!

Every psychic power ball means that at least a dozen elves lose their ability to fight!

This is a crushing level battle!

Immediately, they were all excited!

Looking at this situation, the Rockets still have hope for a comeback!

The battle, with Mewtwo's surprise attack, broke out again!

Originally, because of the confrontation between Lin Wen and several kings and boss Sakagi, the battle here temporarily stopped, but now, it broke out again!

At the beginning of the battle, the NPC members and players of Team Rocket's 053 camp showed far more than usual combat power!

The appearance of Chaomeng made them see a glimmer of light again, so they burst out with far more than usual combat power!Very powerful!

And the response of the alliance camp is much weaker!

Without it, because above the head, there is still a super dream that is cleaning up a lot!Every time the Psychic Ball skill is released, it will cause a burst of chaos!

This kind of battle... is too depressing!

"It can't go on like this!" Ke Natian's brows were wrinkled, and the appearance of Chao Meng gave the Rockets unlimited hope, and at the same time brought great trouble to the Alliance camp!

"If it continues, the situation will be completely reversed!" King Kona said: "We must stop this Chao Meng!"

On the side, Lin Wen shook his head slightly and said, "Kona King... We want to stop this Chao Meng, I'm afraid it will be difficult..."

"Huh?" The eyes of the three heavenly kings all focused on Lin Wen.

"I played against this Chaos dream." Lin Wen said, "This is something you all know."

Seeing the strength of Chaomeng, the three heavenly kings became serious and nodded. .

Chapter [-] Placement Tactics

After Lin Wen reported the information about his solo entry into the Rocket Team base to Dr. Ohno, Dr. Ohno reported all these truthfully to the top of the alliance, and several heavenly kings naturally knew about it.

It is precisely because of this that the three heavenly kings, including Kona and Kazuki Shiba, were so polite to Lin Wen during this large-scale mission.

"During my battle with Mewtwo, my four main elves appeared, but they hardly did any damage to Mewtwo." Lin Wen said.

After a pause, he continued: "As a humanoid combat weapon developed by Team Rocket, the strength of this Chao Meng is perfect in all aspects! Speed, attack, defense! No shortcomings at all!"

"Also, its size is too small!" Lin Wen pointed at Chaomeng in the sky.

Several heavenly kings are silent, this Chao Meng, which was released ahead of time, is only half a meter in size. Among elves, it can be regarded as a small man!

But who would have thought... that he is such a small man, and he has such a powerful force in his body, showing unmatched combat power.

"It's body is very agile." Lin Wen analyzed: "Even if we join forces, we can fight against it for a short time, but don't forget, relying on its agile skills, if we want to stop it, I'm afraid it will be impossible at all. Can't do it..."

"What's more, Team Rocket is not just an enemy of Chao Meng!"

Lin Wen's eyes fell on the Rockets side, and he looked to the side of Sakagi, where several senior Rockets officials had not yet shot!

"Those senior cadres are also very difficult to deal with, and someone must deal with them. If we all go to attack Mewtwo, then... the senior cadres of Team Rocket will undoubtedly cause extreme damage to the battlefield situation. big impact."

"Then..." Kera interjected: "Researcher Yang Yan, you said so much... Is there any good way?"? "

Lin Wen was silent for a while.

The eyes of the three heavenly kings all focused on Lin's tattoo, waiting for his next sentence.

"Leave it alone!"

"Don't care?" Xiba was shocked: "Researcher Yang Yan, are you joking?"

He pointed to Mewtwo, who was constantly releasing psychic balls in mid-air to destroy it: "This Mewtwo is destroying every moment, attacking the trainers of our alliance. The dream will cause irreparable damage to the trainers of the alliance!"

His emotions were a little excited, and he obviously couldn't understand Lin Wen's words!

"Even if you don't care about it, can you control it?" Lin asked rhetorically.

"Uh..." King Shiba fell silent.

Although he is a very belligerent man, and the elves in his hands are even more powerful, but facing this legendary humanoid weapon, Chao Meng!After seeing the combat power it showed at this time, and the information about the battle with Chao Meng that Lin Wen had explained before, he was sure that he was not the opponent of this Chao Meng!

This is a problem he dares to face head on. After all, he is not an opponent of a legendary elves, and it is not ashamed!

Seeing that Xiba was silent, Lin Wen expressed his thoughts.

"Regardless of Mewtwo, it doesn't mean we give up this battle!"

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