"Team Rocket is a large organization. After all, it's not Sakagi alone, and only one elf can support it!"

Lin Wen's gaze turned to the ordinary Rocket players and members who were fighting very excitedly because of the appearance of Chao Meng, and said coldly: "These people are the true backbone of the Rocket team! If these people are defeated, Then there is only Sakagi left, what kind of Rockets is that!"

"not to mention……"

Lin Wen's eyes turned to Ke Na: "Kona King, didn't you say that the alliance has a way to deal with Chao Meng."

"Although I don't know exactly what it will be, now that Chao Meng has finally appeared, presumably the alliance has already received the news, and it will definitely take action!"

"What we have to do is to stabilize the situation temporarily!"

Kona and the other three heavenly kings looked at each other.

They had to admit that every word Lin Wen said made sense.

Researcher Yang Yan can become a rookie trainer step by step and grow up to this point. Sure enough, it is not just by good luck. He has his own unique insights and unique responses to various things. Therefore, he can go step by step. Now!

Not luck, but real strength!

Immediately, Kona made a final decision.

"." Just do as Researcher Yang Yan said!"

The two heavenly kings Kazuki and Shiba also nodded in agreement.

Heavenly King Kazuki doesn't like to talk, so in the previous conversation, he had been listening silently, but now nodding his head, it is undoubtedly a sign that he agrees with Lin Wen's point of view!

The plan is here to stay!

Lin Wen and the three heavenly kings were ready to set their sights on the members of Team Rocket, but temporarily let Chao Meng be ignored!

Everything is waiting for the countermeasures against Mewtwo prepared by the alliance!

As soon as Lin Wen and the three heavenly kings set off, several senior cadres who were behind Boss Sakagi on the opposite side reacted one after another, and all of them were ready to take action!

The reason why they did not join the battle is obviously because the three heavenly kings have not joined the battle!

The strength of every Heavenly King is immeasurable!It may have a huge impact on the situation of the war. The Rockets' personnel are obviously very clear about this kind of thing. They did not relax their vigilance because of Chaomeng's debut. Instead, they made up their minds. Heavenly King, don't let the battle situation change!

There are four senior cadres of the Rockets here!They are Apollo, Lance, Lambda, and Athena!

In the previous battle, Lin Wen defeated Lance!Later, he assisted King Kona in defeating another senior cadre!

It took a long time for the elves to recover from their loss of combat power. Now, the elves in the hands of the two senior cadres are not enough to support the battle at the king level!

Athena met Shiba, and Lambda met the King of the Tree!

And Sakagi boss!Welcome to the King of Kona!

As for the other two senior Rockets cadres who were defeated in the previous battle, their eyes were focused on Lin Wen! .

Chapter [-] The respective battles

The three heavenly kings have their own opponents in the blink of an eye!

There is nothing wrong with Lin Wen's plan at all. Even the three heavenly kings do not choose Lin Wen's plan, but choose to intercept Chao Meng, and they will be stopped by the senior cadres of Team Rocket!

Chao Meng's combat power, in such a large-scale battle, is very powerful. Every range-type skill can cause huge damage and defeat an unknown number of elves. In this case, how could Sakagi let Chao Meng go. How many kings will you fight against?

You must know that the strength of the Rockets side is weaker than that of the Alliance. If the super dream of the comeback is dragged by several heavenly kings, it will really lose the whole game!

After looking at each other, several heavenly kings all saw the wry smiles on each other's faces. As of now, they really can only wait for the alliance's solution to Chaomeng to appear!

Then, the battle begins!

The battle of the king level is completely different from that of ordinary players!

The King of Sheba vs. Team Rocket's senior cadre Athena!

King Kazuki vs. Team Rocket's senior officer Lambda!

Kona 680 Tianwang vs. Rockets boss, Sakagi!

And Lin Wen's opponents are Lance and Apollo!

Two senior cadres of Team Rocket who were defeated in previous battles!

In the blink of an eye, the battle begins!

Lin Wen's gaze stopped at the two senior cadres who were not far in front of him, and then he didn't pay any attention to them.

He directly called out the Flash Dragon!

With a dragon roar, the Flash Dragon appeared!

Then, Lin Wen made a sensitive jump and jumped to the back of the Flash Dragon!

"Flash Dragon... take off!"

The dragon wings slammed, and the huge body took off instantly, and a shadow appeared on the ground.

The two opposite Lance and Apollo did not expect such a scene at all. They were swept away by the gust of wind fanned by the dragon wings, and they quickly covered their faces with their sleeves, revealing a slit in their eyes.

"What is he going to do?" Lance asked, looking at the flashing dragon and Lin Wen in midair.

"I don't know!" Apollo also couldn't understand (bjde).

"Could it be... this guy is trying to stop Mewtwo?" Lance guessed.

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