"Oops!" Apollo suddenly woke up: "Maybe he really wants to stop Mewtwo."


Lance and Apollo looked at each other and both showed a wry smile.

The two of them were defeated in the previous battle, and the elves lost their combat power. Now the main force is still recovering!

They are currently using everyone's elves, which are currently the second batch of genetically modified elves of the Rockets. They are not as powerful as before, so they are ready to fight against Lin Wen together.

And now... Lin Wen left them behind and ran away...

What made the two of them even more depressed was that...the elves in the two of them currently had no flying elves at all. Facing the flashing dragon flying in the sky and flying into the distance, there was nothing to do. !

very powerless...


Naturally, Lin Wen's goal was not to go to hinder Chao Meng like the two senior cadres of Team Rocket thought!

After the battle between Team Rocket and Chaomeng, Lin Wen already understood that at this stage, he is not Chaomeng's opponent. If he wants to defeat Chaomeng, I am afraid that there are also legendary elf shots. Certainly possible!

As a legendary elf, a combat weapon secretly developed by Team Rocket, Chao Meng was born for battle!Its strength is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination!

If Lin Wen goes to intercept Chao Meng now, although he can rely on his own strength, he should be able to successfully block Chao Meng for a period of time, but if it persists, it will definitely be Lin Wen who suffers!

This was something that Lin Wen had already understood when he was at the Rockets base in Ducheng Waterfall.

Even, it may cause damage to the elf and affect the combat power.

Therefore, Lin Wen naturally would not choose this thankless method.

He rode the flash dragon and flew directly to the place where many players gathered.

Below, most of the players from the Rockets camp are fighting fiercely with the players on the alliance side!

Because of the appearance of Chaomeng, the Rocket players who were already on the verge of collapse became excited one by one, and even saw the dawn of victory!

The power of the legendary elf is really too powerful!

The huge figure of the Flash Dragon attracted the attention of many players, but because of the anxiety in the battle, not many players paid attention.

Stepping on the back of the flashing dragon, Lin Wen took a deep breath, and then said: "The flashing dragon, the Tianlong meteor!"

Dragon Meteor: Summons meteorites from the sky to smash at the opponent. After use, the special attack is greatly reduced by 50%. It lasts for a natural day and cools down for ten hours. The effect of the skill is related to the special attack and level.

Flash Dragon's boss-level skill, Tianlong Meteor!

The flashing dragon roared, and the skill suddenly began to brew. In an instant, the sky began to darken, and even the light was blocked!

From the very beginning, Lin Wen did not have the idea of ​​looking for Chao Meng, but made up his mind to target these Rocket Team members and players!

Just like the plan he said with the three heavenly kings before!

In the sky, it suddenly dimmed, and countless rocks emerged, hanging above the sky!

The suddenly darkened sky made countless players aware that something was wrong and raised their heads one after another.

Then, I saw a flashing dragon in mid-air, the dark sky above the sky, and countless meteorites hanging on the sky!

"God? What is this?"


"No, what the hell is this?"

"This is the Dragon Meteor! The skills of the Flash Dragon!"

The Flash Dragon shot many times in front of the players, and many players recognized this skill.

Immediately, the Rocket players who were under the shroud of the Tianlong Meteor immediately panicked!

"My day, get out of the way!"

"Damn it, what the hell is this heart of Yang Yan, why did you get us here!"

The players here were very excited because of the appearance of Chaomeng. After naturalization, they could see the Tianlong meteor shrouded in the sky, and they suddenly became confused and hurriedly avoided! .

Chapter [-] Crazy Score

However, it's too late!

As the first meteorite fell from the sky, countless meteorites swept in!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

I don't know how many huge meteorites hit the ground, causing deep pits!

I don't know how many elves of Team Rocket were damaged by meteorites and were killed instantly!Lost the ability to fight~!

As the Tianlong Meteor continued, Lin Wen only heard the system prompt ringing constantly in his ears!

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Yang Yanzhi, who successfully defeated the Rockets player and got 1 point reward."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Yang Yanxin, who successfully defeated the ordinary members of the Rocket team and got 2 points reward."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Yang Yanzhi, who successfully defeated the Rockets player and got 1 point reward."

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