"Ding Dong, congratulations to player Yang Yan's Heart,..."

A series of system prompts sounded!

Under the destructive offensive of Tianlong Meteor, the Rocket players below were dealt a devastating blow!

I don't know how many elves have lost their fighting ability!

Lin Wen only felt that the system prompts in his ears were almost uninterrupted...

This astonishing scene attracted the attention of many players. Even the three heavenly kings who were fighting, as well as Sakagi and others, couldn't help but look over here.

The smoke and dust caused by the meteorite hitting the ground filled the entire area. When the smoke and dust dissipated, the situation here was finally known to the players...

After seeing the scene in the field, all the players couldn't help but take a breath!

I saw that there were an unknown number of elves lying on the broken ground with scars all over their bodies. Under the attack of the Dragon Meteor, they received a huge blow!

At a glance, there are at least more than a hundred elves killed by this Tianlong meteor, countless!

The powerful combat power of the Flash Dragon is fully demonstrated!

After these more than [-] elves were defeated, the battle of the members of the alliance camp here was undoubtedly a lot easier!

And, what matters is the momentum!

Chaomeng's destructive power has made many players kick their hearts and their morale is low, and now, Lin Wen's flashing dragon's destructive skills this time will undoubtedly inspire many players!

What if your Rockets have a super dream?Our alliance also has masters like the Great God Xiangyangyan!

Who will kill the deer, not sure!

Thinking of these, their combat effectiveness suddenly became more active!

Lin Wen did not stop, and directly drove the flashing dragon to the next location!

The Dragon Wing of the Flashing Dragon has been fanned several times, and it has come hundreds of meters away!

The players here immediately focused their attention on Lin Wen!

Some Team Rocket players saw the scene of the Heavenly Dragon Meteor destroying the sky and the earth before, and now they saw the flashing dragon and Lin Wen, and couldn't help but scolded: "This person...wouldn't he be staring at us? ?"

He guessed right.

After Lin Wen glanced left and right, he instructed the flashing dragon and said, "The flashing dragon, the original dragon breath!"

Primal Dragon Breath: Dragon-type active and profound skill, spewing a deadly dragon-type at the enemy, causing huge damage and reducing the opponent's special attack and special defense by 50%. It lasts for three natural days and cools down for ten hours.

This is a powerful skill that is unlocked through the Dragon Mark Crystal after the Royal Dragon Trial. The power is amazing!

Hearing Lin Wen's order, the flashing dragon roared in the sky and shot out a hot dragon breath at the panicked Rocket Team members below!

The dragon's breath was ejected from the air, spread suddenly, and then fell on the bodies of unknown elves!

The mourning sounded, and under the erosion of the hot dragon breath, I don't know how many elves lost their ability to fight on the spot!

With one blow, although the scene is not as thrilling as the previous Tianlong Meteor, the effect is not inferior to the former!

The two group skills of Tianlong Meteor, Primitive Dragon Breath, and Flashing Dragon have created amazing effects!

Because of the limited cooling time of these two skills, in order to prevent any accident, Lin Wen has not used it during the three-day battle, and now, it is finally used!

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On the points ranking, Lin Wen's points rose by more than [-] points in less than five minutes!

All of a sudden, he distanced himself from the fire on the right side of the second place!

And this is the effect of these two extremely powerful skills!

After instructing the Flash Dragon to use these two skills, Lin Wen directly ordered the Flash Dragon to fall to the ground!

Then, several elves were released!

Leaf Elf, Ice Elf, Shanaido!

Facing the hostile Rocket Team members who do not know how many, Lin Wen commanded his elves and started a new round of attacks!Terrifying!

In mid-air, there is no one disturbed at all, and no one has the strength to disturb Chaomeng, who vents his superpower recklessly, and throws out the psychic power balls, which has a huge impact on the entire battlefield!


For a time, the Rockets, which should have been completely unable to hold on today, actually stabilized their positions, and no one could see who the final winner of this battle would be!


No one knows where this battle will go in the end!

After the release of the two group cleaning skills of the Flash Dragon, Lin Wen directed the four elves he summoned to start cleaning the bottom members of Team Rocket and the players on the ground!

Just like what he said, these people are the true backbone of the Rockets, and the Rockets with only Boss Sakagi alone cannot be called an organization!

What if Mewtwo is there?

As long as these people are successfully cleaned up, the Rockets want to regain their strength, which is basically a phantom bubble!

Several elves were instantly in place, and Lin Wen's instructions came out!

"Leaf Elf, use... the moving forest!"

Lord-level skills, move the forest!

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