The next battle is destined to be a protracted battle. In order to speed up the pace, Lin Wen let Ye Elf use this powerful lord-level skill from the very beginning!

The greenness is sprouting, and the powerful grass-type power comes into play. In an instant, this field has been turned into a forest scene! .

Chapter [-] Heartbroken Player

Ye Elf's strength has increased again!

At the same time, all the elves of the surrounding hostile players have been weakened!

Lin Wen's multiple weakening skills are not just sitting there for nothing!

Quasi God, it works!

The attributes of elves such as leaf elves have been improved!

Quasi-god elves, even until now in the game, are very rare elves, and only a few players control them!

Therefore, the quasi-god skills of leaf elves, flashing dragons, ice elves, etc., are simply ordinary elves like Tianke!

Next up... The cleaning begins!

"Leaf Elf, use the seed bomb!" Lin Wen's order came!

In front of countless bottom-level members of Team Rocket, as well as players from Team Rocket's camp, Lin Wen did not need to issue a very clear order of "two four seven" to his elves!

Since they are all enemies, bombard as much as you like!

The leaf elf opened his mouth slightly, and the seed bomb filled with strong grass-type energy was condensed in an instant, and then bombarded forward!

In the blink of an eye, the seed bomb has come to the side of dozens of elves!And suddenly bombarded one of them!

That is a water-based gem starfish!Just being restrained by the grass system!

In the trembling figure of Jewel Starfish, the seed bomb exploded!


The powerful grass-type energy swept the audience and spread out!

Under the skill bonus of Lin Wen, the strength of the Leaf Elf is not like the one shown by its attribute panel!

What's more, the current Ye Elf is in the moving forest with its lord-level skills!

Has extremely powerful attributes and skill enhancement!

The power of grass-type skills is doubled!This is the effect of one of them!

Under the bonus of the moving forest, the seed bomb exploded, and the powerful grass-type energy swept the audience, and the range was much larger than usual!

The surrounding elves were affected one after another. The gem starfish that was hit at the beginning had already lost its fighting ability. In addition, other elves that were affected by Chiyu also fell down neatly!

This... is the Leaf Elf King at the lord level!

In the elf century, templates are greater than everything!Ye Elf, who already has a lord-level template, is completely different from what it used to be!

These Rocket players, the elves of the bottom members, although most of them are also elite elves, there are even a few elves of the leader!

But compared with the lord-level leaf elves, it is completely more than a mention!

After a seed bomb... what remained in place... was a dozen little elves that had lost their ability to fight!

Super power!

At the same time, another order from Lin Wen came out!

"Ice Elf, use the frost aura!"

Frost aura!

Powerful deceleration skills and damage!

In the elf group of Linwen, the strength of the ice elf is not the strongest, but when facing these ordinary players, it has received the genetic modification of the Rockets. As a quasi-god-level elf, it shows the same Unrivaled power!

The frosty aura was released, the cold wind swept up, and the ice slag was condensed arbitrarily!

The entire battlefield changed in an instant!

"Ice Elf, use Bing Shuo!"

I don't know how many elves were severely slowed down because they fell into the range of the frost aura, and the movements of the whole elves slowed down!

In this case, they have become living targets one by one, and they are not human if they don't hit them!

Naturally, Lin Wen couldn't let go of this opportunity. After seeing the effect of the frost aura, another command was issued to the ice elf!

Ice flashing skills!

The power of this skill is not outstanding, but it is fast!When the ice elf used it, it was like a machine gun, it was continuous!

As soon as the Linwen command was issued, the Ice Elf immediately implemented it!

Sharp ice flickers were spit out one after another and attacked the slowed down elves!

Perhaps, the damage of one or two can't defeat them, but after the countless ice flickers are attacked at the same time, there is no elves that can make a favorable resistance!

I don't know how many elves were frozen in place by the frost, and the ice cubes on their bodies condensed, and they lost their ability to fight!

With one blow, many elves were directly cleared out!

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