Then, in Lin Wen's ear, he remembered the sound of the upgrade prompt!

As a quasi-god-level elf, the ice elf has a slow growth rate, and the speed of level improvement is very slow, but after defeating so many elves in one fell swoop, it still has its level increased and its strength increased again!

Moreover, in addition to this, there are countless system prompts ringing in Lin Wen's ears!

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Yang Yanxin, who successfully defeated the Rockets player and got 1 point reward...  "

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Yang Yanxin, who successfully defeated the ordinary members of the Rocket team and received 2 points reward!"

That's countless tips for earning points!

In the previous three days, because Chaomeng had never appeared, Lin Wen had not used his combat power recklessly, but kept the power of the elf!

And now, Chaomeng, who had been hidden for a long time, finally appeared, and Lin Wen also had his own combat countermeasures, so naturally he would not let it go!

Under the complete outbreak of strength, the exchange is the crazy growth of points!

At this moment, Lin Wen's points and the fire on the right side of the second place opened a huge gap of hundreds of points!This is 4.6 that no one thought of!

At the other end, in mid-air, the fire on the right is riding a MEGA-evolved fire-breathing dragon, raging in the sky!

This fire-breathing dragon of his is extremely powerful, and every time the scorching flames spit out, the hostile elves are instantly killed!

In this case, he gains points very quickly!

He originally participated in this large-scale mission, and he also planned to see if he could subdue the legendary elves and super dreams. After all... the power of the legendary elves is really affecting the heartstrings of countless people!Even he, who has been focusing on the cultivation of fire-breathing dragons, is not exempt from the custom, and has a competitive mind for legendary elves.

But now, the legendary elf has finally appeared, and players are getting heartbreaking news! .

Chapter six hundred and fifth rushed to the first

The boss of Sakagi turned out to be a super dream controlled by a master ball!

As the most powerful Poké Ball, the role of the Master Ball is known to almost every player, and it is a powerful Poké Ball that must be able to capture successfully!Even the beasts are no exception!

Compared with the master ball, the snatch ball they prepared was completely turned into slag in seconds. You don't even have to think about it, and you know that it is completely impossible to snatch Chao Meng!

After all, Chaomeng, as a legendary elf, is already powerful and extremely resistant. Now, with the addition of the master ball, it can be said to be foolproof, and no one can defeat Chaomeng!

The fire on the right also realized this, and immediately gave up his thoughts about Mewtwo, and instead concentrated on defeating the enemy and gaining points.

After all... in this mission, points are the king, and the top noun in the points ranking list can get rewards, points, and even go to the Alliance Store to exchange rewards after the mission is over.

After defeating an enemy again, after hearing the sound of the system prompting the gain of points, the fire on the right smiled slightly and opened the points leaderboard. 19

He also noticed that after the heart of Yang Yan appeared on the battlefield, his first throne was pulled down by the heart of Yang Yan, but the gap between the two was not large, and the fire on the right felt that he would not be the last. For a moment, no one can be sure who the real number one is!

After all... there is still time, in the eyes of Right Fire, with the speed at which he defeated the hostile spirit, surpassing it is only a matter of time!

However, this time, after seeing the ranking of the points leaderboard, the fire on the right changed suddenly, and lost his voice: "How is it possible?"

Below him, the fire-breathing dragon is still spraying the fire source wantonly, defeating the enemy, and the system prompt of the points earned is still ringing in his ears, but the fire on the right has not paid attention at all!

His eyes were all focused on the points leaderboard in front of him!

Number one, the Heart of Yang Yan!

Second place, the fire on the right!

This is the news he already knew!After Yang Yanxin defeated the senior cadres of Team Rocket, the points were always ahead of him. After all, when he defeated the enemy, Yang Yanxin was also in action. In this case, Right Fire did not. Surprised!

But now, he was completely shocked!

Because, the number of points shown later has changed dramatically!

Originally, the Heart of Yang Yan was a few dozen points ahead of him!

But now... the lead of the Heart of Yang Yan has reached hundreds of points all of a sudden!

This is a number that makes the fire on the right also a little desperate!

After all, defeating an ordinary player is only rewarded with 1 point, and an NPC member is only rewarded with [-] points!

It takes a lot of time to successfully gain so many points!

As for the senior cadres of Team Rocket, Right Fire didn't take it into account. Now, he is not completely sure to face a senior cadre of Team Rocket!

The battles of the past few days have been seen by everyone. These senior cadres of Team Rocket have fought back and forth with the Heavenly Kings, and they have successfully dragged down several Heavenly Kings. Their combat power can be imagined. And know.

"What exactly did the heart of Yang Yan do?" Right Fang Zhihuo frowned and thought bitterly, completely confused!

"Could it be that he... defeated hundreds of elves in one fell swoop?"

No one could answer his doubts.

His position is in two different directions from Lin Wen. Otherwise, if he sees the Heavenly Dragon Meteor in the sky that destroys the sky and destroys the earth, I am afraid that he will know what Lin Wen has done!


The lens pulls the brick!

With the double shot of the Leaf Elf and the Ice Elf, the enemy elves in front of them were suddenly emptied!

The morale of the players in the surrounding alliance camps is shaken!The offensive is getting more and more violent!

There are still many players, shouting directly!

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