In the distance, the battle between the three heavenly kings and Sakagi and others is still going on. The senior cadres of Team Rocket with genetically modified elves are not good at all, not to mention the boss of Sakagi. Each of them has extraordinary strength and will meet for a while. In between, there is no way to tell the winner!

"Could it be... just let this super dream continue?"

Lin Wen found that he had overestimated Chao Meng as much as possible, but still underestimated Chao Meng in some aspects.

For the biological weapon created by Team Rocket, the legendary elf's Mewtwo, the most suitable battle for it is the scene in front of it!

Big battle!

It seems to have endless physical strength, releasing skills recklessly, and every skill can have a huge impact on the enemy!

"What plan does the Alliance have for this Chaos Dream?" Lin Wen's thoughts turned sharply.

As early as after he returned from Ducheng Waterfall, through Dr. Ohno, the Rockets developed a legendary elves, and told the alliance about Chaomeng. Lin Wen didn't believe it. When the alliance declared war on the Rockets, after such a For many days, the Alliance will be unprepared for Chaomeng!

The legendary elf can't be defeated by anyone!

If you are ready, why haven't you shown up yet?

This is something that Lin Wen cannot understand!

Moreover, Lin Wen also discovered a very terrifying point!

Although he is also constantly attacking the Rockets players and the bottom members, the speed is too slow compared to Mewtwo!

If it goes on like this... it is very likely that the alliance side was bombarded by the extremely powerful Mewtwo and completely defeated!

You know, during this period of time, I don't know how many Alliance camp elves who were originally fighting were hit by a sudden psychic ball, and they lost their fighting ability and lost!

And after they were defeated, the chain reaction was that the Rockets there were idle and had time to support other places!

Step by step, the direct result is that the scale of victory has inadvertently tilted towards the Rockets!

Lin Wen is very powerful, and there is nothing wrong with his original plan!However, he is strong, after all, he is only one person, he can only take care of one place, and can only help these alliance players around him to confirm their advantages!

However, the wanton Mewtwo in the sky has a huge impact on the entire battle situation!

"." It can't go on like this!"

After thinking about everything, Lin Wen thought to himself.

His eyes were fixed on the Chaomeng in the sky: "Even if it's not its opponent, he has to enter (Ha Zhao) to block it. If this Chaomeng really goes on like this... I'm afraid this time. A large-scale mission is really going to be overturned by such a super dream!"

Although the alliance has the means, since it has not yet taken action, then everything... can only rely on itself!

Thinking of this, Lin Wen put away a few elves and jumped directly onto the Flash Dragon!

"Flash Dragon, take off!"

Following Lin Wen's instructions, the flashing dragon wings flashed, and the huge body swept up instantly, flying towards the direction of Chaomeng!

Its moving speed is fast, and it soon came not far in front of Chaomeng, flapping its dragon wings, and looking at Chaomeng across the air!

Chaomeng, who was swaying his super power recklessly, also noticed the arrival of Lin Wen, the movement in his hand stopped temporarily, and his eyes turned to Lin Wen. .

Chapter [-] Fighting Super Dream Again

Mewtwo has an impression of Lin Wen and Flash Dragon, because when they were at the Rockets base in Ducheng Waterfall, they had a battle between them!

Now, this Mewtwo is suspended in mid-air, and the movements in his hands have temporarily stopped, his eyes fixed on Lin Wen, not knowing what the other party is going to do.

For the second time facing Chao Meng, Lin Wen was not nervous.

At present, he is not Chaomeng's opponent. This is something that Lin Wen knows and dares to face.

After all, the opponent is a legendary elf who focuses on fighting, and its strength is simply difficult for players to figure out!

Fortunately...he doesn't need to defeat Mewtwo now!

"Just hold on to it," Lin Wen said in his heart.

Afterwards, Lin Wen commanded: "Flickering Dragon, use Dragon's Wrath on Chaomeng!"


The flashing dragon roared, the dragon's mouth opened, and a powerful shock wave was brewed in an instant, and it blasted towards Chaomeng!

Although the most outstanding part of the Flash Dragon is its powerful defense, its attack is just as sharp!

However... the opposite is Mewtwo!

Still a very skinny super dream!

Facing the incoming shock wave, 763 Chaomeng's face did not change in the slightest, and when the figure dodged, he avoided the shock wave generated by Dragon's Fury!

Because it is fighting in the sky, the other elves of Lin Wen can't appear, and Lin Wen also knows that this Chao Meng will definitely not give up the advantage in the sky and return to the ground to fight!

When he missed a hit, Lin Wen took it easy and was ready to continue giving orders!

At this moment... Mewtwo attacked first!

Its fingers stretched out, and the psychic power ball condensed instantly, and shot towards the flashing dragon!

"Flash Dragon, dodge!"

Lin Wen's order came out quickly.

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