Although compared to Mewtwo's size, Flash Dragon is definitely a big man!But it's also very sensitive!

With the addition of Lin Wen's riding experts, the Flash Dragon also made a rather thrilling dodge, evading Chaomeng's psychic ball attack!

The psychic ball shot into the distance in the sky, then exploded in the sky, and the super power splashed around!

At this moment, a scene that made Lin Wen frown tightly happened!

I saw that during the time when the flashing dragon was avoiding the psychic ball, Chao Meng did not stop the movement in his hand, and several psychic balls condensed in an instant, and attacked the alliance camp players on the ground!

The player below is not as fast as the Flash Dragon!

In the face of the incoming psychic ball, although they have instructed the elves to dodge as much as possible, they are still doing nothing!

Boom, boom, boom!

A few explosions came out, and the mind ball bombarded the elves of the alliance camp. Then, the super power broke out and hurt the surrounding elves again!

This scene... Happened in many places!

The purpose of Lin Wen's coming here is to limit Chao Meng, but seeing this scene... Lin Wen realized that Chao Meng is not so restrictive!

Its attack is powerful, its speed is flexible, it also has a powerful super shield, and its defense is also very high!

In the face of this kind of super dream, even if it is an elves with a power rating as high as a light purple level like a flashing dragon, Lin Wen still has nothing to do with it!

After's so flexible!

Although the speed of the Flash Dragon has reached an extreme, its huge body is too bulky compared to Chaomeng!

The attack is very easy to be flashed by Mewtwo!Useless!

This is a point that he needs to face and cannot ignore!

Watching Chaomeng continue to attack the Alliance camp elves unscrupulously below, Lin (bifg) gritted his teeth and said, "Flickering Dragon, entangle it!"

There is no way!

If Chaomeng continues to attack so unscrupulously, then the balance of victory will be more and more inclined to the Rockets side, and this great battle will be overturned by the Rockets!

At this time... he is the only one to find a way to control this super dream!

At this moment, Sakagi's voice suddenly came from below!

Although Sakagi is fighting with King Kona, his attention has obviously been on Mewtwo.

Seeing Lin Wen commanding the flash dragon to fight, Sakagi hurriedly shouted: "Super dream, leave him alone! Continue to attack the alliance elves below!"

The King Kona, who was opposite Sakagi, showed anger, facing the boss Sakagi who was distracted while fighting with her, which made her very angry, and ordered the elf to pounce again!

And Chao Meng, after hearing Sakagi's instructions, glanced at Lin Wen and the Flashing Dragon, and then quickly left the place!

This made the Flash Dragon flutter empty.

Looking at Chaomeng flashing to the other side, Lin Wen frowned and continued to say, "Flash Dragon, you can't give up, you must entangle it!"

At the same time, a question also appeared in Lin Wen's mind.

The Elf Alliance is ready to deal with this Mewtwo... what is it?


Kanto area.


This is an undersea base of the Elf Alliance!

If Lin Wen could see this place, he would find that this... it is on the Quartz Plateau where Tianwangdu and him and the other three heavenly kings were talking!

Lens stretch.

In a certain room in the submarine base, the famous Heavenly King in the Guandu area is not the young master of the Yulong family, who is better than a champion. Du is here!

In front of him is a large electronic screen!

And the picture inside is the war that the Alliance camp and the Rockets camp are currently fighting around the Charles area!

On the camera, most of the situation on the battlefield is clearly shown!

Du's eyes fell on the sky, under the constant entanglement of the flashing dragon, still on Chao Meng who was attacking the alliance camp elves below!

In his eyes, fighting intent flashed by.

After staring at the screen for a while, the fighting intent in Du's eyes gradually subsided, and his eyes turned to his side. .

Chapter [-] is hard to match

There, is a porthole, outside, it is the blue seabed.

The indifference on his face turned into respect, which was an extremely rare expression on Yu Longdu's face. He brewed the excitement in his heart and slowly said, "It's your turn to take action, we are not the opponents of this little elf. ."

There is nothing outside the porthole, and I don't know who Dutian~ Wang is talking to.

Suddenly... a pair of white eyes - lit up outside the porthole!

"I see."

A rootless voice sounded in Yu Longdu's heart, and then the eyes outside the porthole suddenly disappeared, leaving only the ripples of sea water.

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