Yu Longdu's eyes turned to the electronic screen again, watching the battle!


On the calm sea, a whirlpool suddenly appeared...

Then, a streamlined figure rushed out of it and flew into the sky!

If Lin Wen was here, he would definitely be able to recognize this figure successfully!

Because... this is the first legendary elf he has ever seen, the god of the sea - Lugia!

Its wings are blooming, and it is rapidly heading towards the battlefield!


Charles Industrial Park, the battle continues...

Under the constant entanglement of Lin Wen commanding the flashing dragon, Mewtwo's attack on the elves of the alliance camp below has weakened a lot, but Lin Wen has no way to completely stop Mewtwo!

In the battle between the alliance camp and the Rockets camp, the alliance camp originally had the advantage, but under the constant bombardment of Chaomeng's incomparably powerful psychic ball, the alliance's advantage gradually weakened, but the Rockets side counterattacked!

A legendary elf will undoubtedly have a huge effect on the battlefield!

If it wasn't for Lin Wen who had been directing the Flash Dragon to intercept and obstruct it, I'm afraid the Alliance faction wouldn't have to fight at all now!

Even so, the alliance side still suffered heavy losses!

As the battle continued, I had gained a lot of points in the battle, but I don't know how many players are still in the battle alliance camp. Because they were suddenly attacked by Chaomeng's psychic ball, the elves lost their combat power and had to withdraw from the battle. middle!

This number is still growing!

With the passage of time, it has even reached half of the alliance players who participated in the battle in this Charles Industrial Park!

This is an incomparably huge number!

With Mewtwo alone, it is naturally impossible to achieve this level, but after Mewtwo hit the alliance players in countless places, the alliance camp players were defeated, and the Rockets camp players were naturally liberated!

It's a chain reaction!

The more Alliance players are defeated, the closer the scale of victory is to the Rockets!

Lin Wen saw it in his eyes and was anxious, but he had done his best. If he hadn't been obstructing Chaomeng, I'm afraid this war would have ended in the failure of the alliance!

The three Heavenly Kings naturally noticed this and wanted to intercept Chao Meng, but none of their opponents were good!After clearly knowing the role of Mewtwo, Sakagi and the two senior cadres of Team Rocket no longer wanted to win, but just wanted to hold back the three heavenly kings!

In this case, there is no way for them to escape in a short time!

And now, half of the Alliance camp elves have been defeated and lost their ability to fight. This is a huge loss for the entire Alliance camp, and at the same time, Team Rocket has the upper hand!

I don't know how many Rockets players there are, they are very excited, shouting to win!

From the near defeat to the reversal of the battle situation in Chaomeng, this is undoubtedly very exciting!

In contrast, the morale of the players in the alliance camp is very low...

A battle that lasted for several days, with the sight of victory, was reversed because of a sudden appearance of a legendary elf - Chao Meng!

No one can stand this blow!

You must know that many players from the alliance camp are still thinking about seeing if they can conquer Chao Meng before coming here!After all, it is a legendary elf. If you hit the big luck and conquer it, you will have to turn over the serf and sing, and the salted fish will turn over!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

And now... the players of the alliance camp only think, if Mewtwo never appeared, how much would it be?

After knowing that Chao Meng cannot be conquered by the players, whether they can defeat the enemy faction and win this large-scale mission is undoubtedly the most important point for the players...

Too bad...it seems to be a fantasy.

Outside the Charles Industrial Park, somewhere.

Lingfeng commanded the elves to fight with the opposing Rocket team players.

There is no fixed location for Chaomeng's attack. It is entirely because you are unhappy. Just throw a mind ball and throw it away. Under this indiscriminate blow, even the players from the Lingxi Guild who came to this battle are elites, but Still hit hard.


Now... the entire team is less than half the number.

After all, Chaomeng, a legendary elf born for battle, has a very powerful combat power. Even a mind ball that is used casually, under the effect of substantive superpower, is not something players can resist!

After defeating the stubborn disease in front of him, Ling Feng's eyes fell to the sky.

There... Lin Wen is commanding the Flash Dragon, and he is entangled with Chao Meng!

"Brother Yangyan..." Ling Feng said softly.

The scene of Lin Wen and Chaomeng fighting in the sky can be seen by all the players of the alliance camp present. Therefore, Lin Wen has a deep admiration for Lin Wen!

Everyone knows very well that if it wasn't for Lin Wen's entanglement with Chaomeng, Chaomeng had to put forward a mental response, I am afraid that with Chaomeng's strength, this battle would have already been lost!

There is not a single player in the alliance camp below, who is the enemy of Chaomeng!

Only Lin Wen, who is commanding the flashy dragon with thick skin and thick flesh, whose defense is not inferior to the legendary elves, can continue to haunt Chaomeng without being defeated!

"But..." Ling Feng shook his head gently. As the president of Lingxi Guild, he was undoubtedly very keen on the situation of the battle. He could see that the alliance camp was already resisting at the end. .

Chapter six hundred and ninth final resistance

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