Now that more than half of the people have left the field, as the battle continues, the members of the alliance camp who cannot withstand the attack of Mewtwo will collapse completely sooner or later!

At that time, it is time for the alliance side to fail!

At that time, although the Alliance will not be completely defeated in this large-scale mission, it will undoubtedly suffer great losses and will not be able to attack Team Rocket again in a short period of time!

This is a scene no one wants to see!

But don't want to go back, no one can stop this scene from happening!

In the face of the super-strength Chaomeng, even if it was born before its strength has reached the perfect stage because of the forest pattern, but on this battlefield, this Chaomeng is still an unrivaled existence, no one can Victory, no one can stop "[-]"!

For a time, all the alliance camp players fell into a pessimistic mood...

This large-scale mission that covers the entire elf world, from the very beginning... it started with the lead of the alliance side, and the players of the alliance side have always had the advantage.

After all, although Team Rocket is the most powerful underground force in the Guandu area, its power is not weak, but compared with the Alliance, it is still much worse.

Alliance players and NPC trainers have been advancing step by step, gradually cleaning up Team Rocket's base!

The Guandu area, as the most rooted area of ​​Team Rocket, the battle has not yet ended, but in the entire Elf World, Team Rocket branches in other areas have long been cleaned up by the surging players and alliance NPCs!

Even in the Kanto area, where the Rockets' base camp is located, the Rockets bases have been swept away in many places and destroyed countless times!The Rocket Force in the entire Kanto region has been severely hit!

After the alliance got news about Charles Industrial Park, a large base that the Rockets had been hiding for a long time, and realized that Charles Industrial Park was likely to be the hiding place of Boss Sakagi, they began to gather!

This Charles Industrial Park can even be said to be the one with the largest area and the most personnel among the few remaining bases of the Rockets!

This is also the case. In the face of the assembled attacking and ferocious alliance trainers, the Rockets also made preparations for the final battle. Countless Rockets players were urgently summoned to the Charles Industrial Park. Several Rockets Senior cadres have also rushed here. It can be said that the Rockets are even defending here in a desperate attempt!

Here... it could even be called the final battle between the Rockets and the Alliance!

If the alliance wins, then the Rockets' last resistance force will disappear completely, and this underground force that has dominated the Guandu area for a long time will also completely disappear, leaving everyone behind!

And if the Rockets win...

So, although the alliance will not be hurt, but in the short term, it will temporarily lose the possibility of continuing to attack the Rockets, giving the Rockets a chance to survive and recuperate!

But... this matter, no one has thought of before!

Not only the players on the alliance side think that they will win, but even many players of the Rockets camp also think that they have no chance of winning!

Facing the surging army of alliance trainers, all they can do is resist and then lose the battle!

This is before the battle in the Charles Industrial Park. I don't know how many Rockets players have been prepared for a long time!

In the face of such a fierce round of alliance offensive, they do not think they can successfully carry it!

Even... many Team Rocket players have found a way out and decided what to do next once Team Rocket disappears completely!

This is the last battle, and it is also a battle to give up faith!

In comparison, it is much easier for the Alliance side to play a few doors. After the Alliance released a world-class mission and announced the start of the siege of Team Rocket, the players of the Alliance camp can be said to be smooth sailing, and it has been very smooth all the time. !

Even though some Rockets bases have stood firm for a long time because of the tenacious defenders in them, but under the wave after wave of offensives from the Alliance camp, they will be exhausted sooner or later, and they will be successfully defeated!Destroy this base!

The players who can come to Charles to participate in the battle are all players who have participated in the mission of destroying the Rocket Team at least once!

They are so confident!Full of self-confidence, I feel that this battle around the Charles Industrial Park is just an enlarged version of the previous battle...  

As long as the alliance's offensive continues, the Rockets will be completely defeated and the battle will be won!

In fact... it seems to be the case!

This battle, which included many people, players from both camps, NPC trainers, and countless other battles, lasted for three days at the beginning!

In the past three days, many high-end players of the alliance have bubbled up and displayed their powerful combat power!

When facing the opponent's Team Rocket player, he showed a crushing combat power!

Right Fire, Ao Qingcheng, Ouch Yellow Chicken... Wait wait!

certainly!And the name that has to be mentioned, the Heart of Yang Yan!

The Heart of Yang Yan is undoubtedly the most outstanding existence in this battle. It can be said that it is very exciting to successfully defeat the senior cadres of Team Rocket!

Although several heavenly kings of the alliance were blocked by the senior cadres of the Rockets and could not join the lower-level cadres, the 3.1 of the alliance side is gradually expanding its advantages, and it is getting closer and closer to victory!

When the three days of fighting were over, both sides had attrition to varying degrees, but obviously!The Alliance side has a greater advantage, while the Rockets side is demoralized and has to admit that defeat is coming to them.

And after this battle... Maybe Team Rocket will disappear as a result!

But... it was at this time that Super Dream appeared!

The legendary elf that countless players have been looking forward to, Super Dream finally appeared!

This is the first time that many players have seen the legendary elves!

It's not a super dream in a complete state. It doesn't seem to be very conspicuous. With a short stature and lavender skin, it looks quite mysterious! .

Chapter [-] is almost incomprehensible

However... I don't know how many players are excited because of the appearance of Chao Meng!

Because...they have been holding on to the idea of ​​capturing the super dream!

Faced with such a legendary elf, no one will not be tempted. If Chao Meng can be successfully captured, then, looking at the entire elf world, how many people are there left who can pose a threat to him?

This is the common idea in the minds of countless players!

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