but now……

After Lugia's eyes stayed on Lin's tattoo for a while, it fell on Lin's tattoo, the body of the Flash Dragon!

With its strength, one can easily see the strength of the Flash Dragon!And you can see the potential contained in this rather huge fast dragon!

As a descendant of a huge fast dragon, the potential of the flash fast dragon should not be underestimated. If it keeps growing, it will definitely be very powerful in the future!

Unexpectedly... this human being has changed so fast!

This is also because Lin Wen is currently in the air, and the only summoned elf is the Flash Dragon. Lugia has not seen Ye Elf King and other little elves, otherwise Lugia will be even more shocked by the changes in Lin Wen.

After staying on the body of the Flash Dragon for a long time, Lugia's voice suddenly sounded from Lin Wen's heart.

"Human, long time no see." It said.

"Yeah, long time no see, Lord Lugia."

Lin Wen smiled, revealing a very bright smile 2.0. He and Lugia really haven't seen each other for a long time!

And... there is relief in his smile!

Because Lin Wen has already figured it out clearly, Lugia, the god of the sea, must be the back-hand that the Alliance is going to use to deal with Chao Meng!

Facing the legendary elves, only the legendary elves can successfully defeat them!

So... the alliance party directly invited Lugia, the god of the sea, such a legendary Pokémon that I don't know how long it has survived!

The strength is unfathomable!

"You've changed, human." Lugia's voice sounded in Lin Wen's heart. It seemed to hesitate for a while, and then continued: "Compared with the last time I met you, you seem to have changed a bit.".

Chapter [-]: Fighting Together

"Yes, Your Excellency the God of the Sea, I have indeed changed to a certain extent." Lin Wen nodded lightly without denying it.

He knows what has changed in him!

That is the confidence that comes from the growth of strength, self-confidence!

The last time he faced Lugia, he was still a trivial rookie trainer. It can be said that he harbored fantasies and respect for divine beasts. When facing Lugia, he unconsciously put himself on the line. Next class location!

This is the humbleness that comes from strength!

Of course... In the face of this long-lived, unfathomable strength, and mastering the lifeblood of the elf world, and being honored as Lugia, the god of the sea, it is quite normal to be humble!

But now, when we meet again, it's already a different person!

He is no longer that trivial rookie trainer, but a Yang Yan researcher whose reputation has spread throughout the Quartz 18 Plateau, and has even spread all over the world of elves, known by countless alliance personnel!

The huge increase in strength allowed Lin Wen to completely let go of that humility when facing Lugia, and instead be full of confidence!

That's confidence in your own strength!

It is true... After the battle with Chao Meng, Lin Wen realized that now, the legendary elf is not an opponent he can defeat. After all, Chao Meng is still in an incomplete state, and he has assembled his best Strong combat power, but also can not cause any effective damage to it!

But... Lin Wen's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes!

If it was before, let alone fighting with Chaomeng, if Lin Wen commanded the elves to fight with Chaomeng, then it would be like the countless players who were played by Chaomeng on the battlefield before, unable to withstand even a single skill. down.

But today's Lin Wen can fight back and forth with Chao Meng. Although he cannot defeat Chao Meng, Chao Meng cannot defeat him in a short period of time!

This is undoubtedly a very huge progress!

It is this kind of progress that makes Lin Wen feel confident when he faces Lugia again, because he believes that although he can't beat the legendary elf now, over time, his elf will become stronger. Growing up again, then sooner or later, defeating the legendary elf in a frontal battle is not a joke!

It is a fact that can be achieved!


Because of the appearance of the second legendary elf, on the entire battlefield, I don't know how many players' eyes fell on Lugia!

Mewtwo has appeared for a long time, and players have a general understanding of it, but Lugia, this is the first time it has appeared!

Every player is very curious!

Almost most of the legendary elves are unique. They usually hide in various places in the elf world, mountains, forests, lakes, and oceans. Unless they take the initiative to show up, otherwise, humans want to find them. The figure is completely a fantasy!

There is no possibility!

This also makes most players, after the game has been open for so long, they have not even seen the hair of the legendary elf. Today, within one day, two legendary elf appeared one after another, which undoubtedly satisfied most players. curiosity!

And now, both Lugia and Mewtwo have come to the Charles Industrial Park, both above the sky.

In the sky, although there are also players riding on flying elves to fight, but at this moment, they don't dare to approach the surroundings of the two legendary elves.

Players from the Alliance camp dare not, and neither do players from the Rocket camp!

If it was before, when there was only a legendary elf belonging to the Rocket camp in Chaomeng in the battlefield, the players of the Rocket camp would dare to be a little presumptuous. After all, under the order of boss Sakagi, Chaomeng would not face The Rockets really have some player shots!

But now... With the debut of Lugia, after most players speculated that it is probably a legendary elves sent by the alliance to participate in the war, no players dare to be presumptuous, and even try not to go there. Approach these two legendary elves.

God knows what their tempers are like...

Although the legendary elf is good, but they can't catch it at all. If they get close, which legendary elf is not pleasing to the eye, kills his elf at will, and loses the ability to fight, then it will be a big loss!

Therefore, above the entire sky, Lugia, Chaomeng, in this area, only Lin Wen is here!

Lin Wen is riding a flashing dragon, and his momentum is not weak at all!

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