This made many players below feel envious of Lin Wen.

"The Great God of Yang Yan is strong... Dare to stay so close to two legendary elves." A player from the alliance camp muttered.

His voice was heard by the people behind him, and someone immediately said, "Of course... haven't you watched the previous battle? If it wasn't for Yang 623 Yan Dashen driving a flashing dragon to harass Chaomeng, I'm afraid Chaomeng is now even We have already cleaned up the players of our alliance camp."

"That's right... I don't want to admit it, but it's true!"

"When can I become a master like the Great God of Yang Yan..."

Their voices sounded!

The appearance of Lugia has caused a bit of delay in the already anxious battle situation on the battlefield. Whether it is the players of the Alliance camp or the players of the Rockets camp, they all exerted a certain amount of energy to watch the situation in the sky!

The battle has developed to the present, and both sides have actually understood that the winner of this battle has evolved into the most powerful duel!

Before Lugia did not appear, Chaomeng unscrupulously attacked the trainers of the alliance camp, making the advantages of the alliance camp completely disappear, falling into a disadvantage, and even after a period of time, it would be completely defeated.

This has clearly demonstrated the powerful power of the legendary elf!

And now, with the appearance of Lugia, it is obviously no longer possible for Super Dream to unscrupulously attack the players and NPC trainers of the Alliance camp!

Lugia won't give it that chance! .

Chapter [-] Sakagi panicked

The difference between the outcome of this battle and the outcome of the battle has obviously fallen on these two legendary elves. The one who decides the outcome between them, and the faction represented behind them, will be the final winner of this battle. !

Lugia's voice was transmitted directly into his heart like a telepathy. Under Lugia's intentional control, only not far in front of him, Lin Wen, who was riding a flash dragon, could hear him. Ya's voice.

As for the players below... just want to hear the voice of the legendary elf, it is impossible.

However... although the players can't hear the dialogue, they can see it!

I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at the sky below, these three parties!

Mew-two!Lugia, Linwen and Flash Dragon!

After Lugia came to the arena, many sharp-eyed players immediately discovered that Lugia's eyes had been fixed on Lin's tattoo!

And... after careful confirmation, they suddenly found that they were not wrong!Although Lugia didn't speak, his eyes kept falling on Lin Wen, and the two of them seemed to be communicating!

This scene immediately shocked many players.

"wtf? Does the Great God Yang Yan still know Lugia?"

"Who knows?"

"Damn it, it won't be Lugia who sees the strength of Yang Yan, and is willing to bow down, ready to recognize the master directly!"

"not sure……"

"You really dare to think, that's a legendary elf!"

"Then how do you explain that Lugia seems to be having a conversation with Lin Wen?"

"A lot of explanations! Think about it, this expansion was started by the Great God of Yang Yan, and it was opened in advance! The Great God of Yang Yan made the legendary elf debut in advance, and this time the Quartz Plateau expansion will be available. "Mewtwo's Counterattack", thinking about it like this, Yang Yan can even lead out Mewtwo in advance, so it's not surprising to know Lugia' "!"

"You're right!"

"Xiongtai's reasoning is too reasonable, I'm hot!"

Many players below even stopped fighting. The players from the Alliance camp and the Rockets camp seemed to have reached a tacit understanding at this time.

After knowing the powerful combat power of the legendary elf... they already know that in this battle, it is estimated that which side of the legendary elf wins, then which camp will win the final victory!

So... their eyes are on Mewtwo and Lugia!


on the ground!

Boss Sakagi who is fighting against King Kona!

After seeing Lugia appear, Boss Sakagi's brows furrowed into a ball!

The appearance of the second legendary elf was obviously not what he expected.

He originally thought that after the master ball was created, there was no possibility of an accident in Chaomeng. With such a powerful legendary elf in his hands, the alliance's attack would be blocked by him. This time the alliance The mighty start of the encirclement and suppression of the Rockets will also become a joke!

This is indeed the case. After Chaomeng debuted, it crushed the alliance side and turned the whole battle situation!The Rockets see hope for victory!

But now... the variables appear!

There was even a legendary elf on the alliance side, the long-established god of the sea, Lugia!

This is undoubtedly unexpected by the boss of Sakagi!

Looking at Lugia and Chaomeng in the sky, Boss Sakagi can no longer control the restlessness in his heart and is ready to go!

Because of Chaomeng's strength, he did not command Chaomeng, but single-mindedly dragged King Kona and prevented her from hindering Chaomeng!

But now, the appearance of Lugia has undoubtedly made Boss Sakagi a little nervous.

So, he took out the communicator and exclaimed: "Lance, Apollo, come quickly!"

In less than a minute's perspective, two senior Rockets cadres were already in place!

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