"Hold this woman for me!"

Boss Sakagi suddenly put the elf he was fighting into the elf ball, and said to Lance and Apollo, and then tossed the elf ball, and a flying elf appeared in place!

That's a fire-breathing dragon!

Stepping on the back of the fire-breathing dragon, Boss Sakagi quickly swept towards the sky and rushed in the direction of Chaomeng, obviously!He is ready to join the fight!

The appearance of Lugia made his ambition and self-confidence, which had been inflated after he obtained Mewtwo, somewhat restrained. In order to win the battle, he was ready to join the battle and command Mewtwo!

After all, the elf's autonomous combat awareness is still lacking compared with the advanced elf trainer!

Seeing that Sakagi quickly left here riding a fire-breathing dragon, King Kona was ready to catch up immediately. The appearance of Lugia made Kona temporarily relieved. It's Lugia, the god of the sea, the legendary elf fighting!

Now, what she and Sakagi can do are reversed, and Sakagi is anxious, but Kona can find a way to drag him here!

But... just when she was about to set off to catch up, Lance and Apollo, the two senior Rockets cadres who had been dumped by Lin Wen before, directed the elf to come forward and entangled Ke. Take the king!

The main elves of the two of them, although they were at a loss in the battle, are not using the strongest elves now, but they are two-on-one!For a while, King Kona couldn't get away and was entangled by them!

Knowing that there would be no way to defeat these two senior rocket cadres for a while, Conan glanced at the sky and looked at Lin Wen on the flashing dragon.

"." Researcher Yang Yan... It's all up to you! "

Afterwards, she devoted herself to the battle, striving to defeat the two senior cadres of Team Rocket quickly!

It is true that the boss of Sakagi rushed to the battlefield, but now, don't forget, beside Lugia, there is still a main force of their alliance this time! .

Chapter [-] The Legendary Battle

On the forum, it has been completely fried into a pot of porridge. Every time it refreshes, there are countless posts from players who are paying attention to the battle surrounding the Charles Industrial Park, and the server even has a slight freeze!

As early as the debut of Chaomeng, when the players of the alliance camp were attacked, the atmosphere on the forum was already hot, and with the appearance of the second legendary elf, the god of the sea Lugia, the popularity undoubtedly increased. !

Now... Above the sky, Mewtwo and Lugia, two elves confronted each other, while Boss Sakagi and Yang Yanzhi were conversing in meditation.

This scene... undoubtedly made the players' desire to discuss completely rise to the extreme!

This is really quite a movie ending, the final confrontation between the decent and the villain, and then the scene of a deadly battle!

Around the entire sky, except for the four elves, Lugia, Chaomeng, Fire-breathing Dragon, Flash Dragon, and Sakagi Boss and Lin Wen, there is no existence at all, and it has a special sense of picture!

In the forum, there are countless new 383 posts in the discussion posts every time it is refreshed!

"Who is more powerful than Lugia and Mewtwo?"

"The Great God of Yang Yan is cheating! It turned out that Sakagi was forced to take out Mewtwo in advance to fight!"

"Meow, I've been thinking about this question for a long time, and now I finally have the answer. It turned out to be such a private action."

"Yang Yan Tuan: Let's build the building together and cheer for the Great God Yang Yan!"

Originally, because the main combat location of this world-class mission is the Gathering and Guandu area, there are many eyes all over the world paying attention to this place, but now... with the successive appearances of two legendary elves , the confrontation between Sakagi and the heart of Yang Yan, the entire elf century, was completely ignited!

Countless players from other regions, foreign players, have all set their sights here!

Even compared to the first guild battle launched by the Lingxi Guild, it attracted even more attention!

After all, most of the people who watch guild battles are guild players, or a few players who like to join in the fun!

Many casual players don't watch guild battles!

But... it's different now!

What is about to begin is the first legendary elf battle in the elf century!

Legendary Pixie!

Still two!

It was unheard of before this!

This is definitely one of the highest-level battles in the Elf Century, as long as you are a player, you will not want to miss it!

For a time, countless live broadcast platforms were full, and related reports were turned over and over again by players, wanting to know detailed information!

Lin Wen didn't know about the outside world, and he didn't want to know.

After he calmly said that, in his opinion, his attack on the Rockets' secret base could be considered a success, Lin Wen noticed that there was a slight change in the face of Boss Sakagi.

As the big boss of Team Rocket, Boss Sakagi has a very deep city, but he is only a mortal after all.

After a slight anger rose in his heart, Boss Sakagi suddenly smiled and nodded: "Heart of Yang Yan, you are right, your attack on that base can indeed be considered a success."

"However, after all, you were defeated by Chao Meng and repelled by Chao Meng!"

Speaking of this, Boss Sakagi's voice suddenly rose and he said loudly: "Before, you would be defeated by Mewtwo, even now, if you fight Mewtwo...you (biae) will also be defeated by Mewtwo. My subordinates, my Rocket Team, after having Mewtwo, their strength will undergo a qualitative improvement, and the Elf Alliance can't do anything to us!"

At the end of the day, Sakagi's face was already a little hideous!

The appearance of Chaomeng originally made his ambitions bursting. Needless to say, the power of the legendary elf, with such a powerful elf, it can be said that the Rockets will usher in rapid development in the next period of time. The strength is greatly increased!

But all of this has been destroyed!

As soon as Chao Meng appeared, he was known by the Elf Alliance. The alliance that has always turned a blind eye to these underground forces, this time it was ruthless and directly issued a world wanted order!Trying to completely destroy the Rockets at one time!

Immediately afterwards, the Rockets were hit by a series of flips!After the mysterious and legendary elves behind the alliance took action, they found major bases hidden everywhere. Although the Rocket members in the bases have protected the base as much as possible, the players of the Rocket camp have also tried their best one by one. , but in the face of countless alliance camp players, and the NPC trainers sent by the alliance for this battle, it was only in vain.

In a short period of time, countless Rocket Team bases were destroyed.

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