This is undoubtedly an unacceptable thing for Sakagi.

In his heart, he was very angry with Lin Wen!

Because in his opinion, everything is ultimately to blame on the Lin tattoo in front of him!

The secret base under the Capital Waterfall has lasted for three years since its construction!The Rockets have also been working on the plan to develop Mewtwo for three years!

If it wasn't for Lin Wen's sudden attack, Sakagi had to take out Mewtwo in advance and fight when he was forced into a desperate situation, then... the information about Mewtwo would not have been exposed and known to the alliance!

The Elf League will not start to clean up the Rockets either!

And Team Rocket can also seize this period of time with the legendary elves, develop rapidly, and make great strides in strength!

But all of this... was destroyed by the person in front of him, the heart of Yang Yan!

Although Boss Sakagi's self-cultivation kung fu is excellent, he couldn't help but have a strong anger in his words at this time: "The alliance thought that Lugia would be able to defeat Chao Meng? I will prove that Chao Meng, will It will be the most powerful Legendary Pokémon in the world!"

After speaking, Sakagi Boss suddenly said: "Super Dream, use the Psychic Ball!

Chao Meng, who was floating beside Sakagi, heard the command, raised his palm, and a psychic ball instantly condensed and threw it towards the Flash Dragon! .

Chapter six hundred and eighteenth high altitude fright

The speed of the mind power ball is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it has already rushed to the front of the flashing dragon!

No one thought that the boss of Sakagi would suddenly attack!

Lin Wen was also slightly stunned, but after reacting, he hurriedly shouted, "Flickering Dragon~, get out of the way!"

But... it's still a step too late!

The Flash Dragon failed to successfully evade the attack of the Psychic Ball, Chao Meng's attack was very sudden, and the distance between the two was relatively close, even with the speed of the Flash Dragon, it failed to dodge successfully!

After's size _ is really too big!


Under the avoidance of the flashing dragon, the psychic ball bombarded his shoulder, and the powerful super power burst out instantly!Swept the surrounding area!

Lin Wen was originally standing on the body of the Flash Dragon, but now the psychic ball exploded, and the powerful super power swept in!The air wave even turned him over, completely uncontrollable, the whole person flew out uncontrollably, and was blasted directly from the flashing dragon!

You know... they are in the sky now!

If you fall down, then...

The thick-skinned Flash Dragon was hit by the psychic ball head on, but the damage caused was limited.

But then, the flashing dragon noticed the master behind him and disappeared!

Its huge dragon head slammed down and saw the forest pattern that was falling towards the ground!


The fierce dragon roared, the flashing dragon was in a hurry, the body was stimulated to the extreme, it flew out in an instant, and rushed towards Lin Wen, trying to catch him!

The speed of the Flash Dragon is already very fast, but there is still a figure that is faster than it!

It was a white figure!


I saw its body turned into a stream of light, and instantly came to the bottom of Lin Wen's fall, successfully caught Lin Wen, and then... rose into the sky!

Countless players below, when Lin Wen was pushed away from the flashing dragon by the blast of the psychic ball, couldn't help exclaiming. Now that Lugia took the initiative to rescue Lin Wen, they suddenly exclaimed. bigger!

"I'm so envious of the Great God of Yang Yan... If only I was the one riding on Lugia."

"Come on... just you? I guess Lugia will watch you fall."

"Hey? How do you talk?"

"I am telling the truth!"

Seeing that Lugia rescued his master, Shining Fast Dragon finally breathed a sigh of relief, then stared at the huge dragon's eyes and looked at Sakagi angrily!

It is completely unacceptable for the Flash Dragon to watch his master get hurt!

After being rescued by Lugia, Lin Wen was still a little terrified. After all, the feeling of falling directly from the sky was too exciting.

Stabilizing his body on Lugia, Lin Wen said, "Lugia, thank you very much."

"This is what I should do, Heart of Yang Yan." Lugia's voice echoed in Lin Wen's heart: "I can't see the elf leader I chose, so let's just die."

Lin Wen grinned and then set his target on Sakagi.


There was already anger in his tone!

"Luogia, put me on the back of the Flash Dragon." After taking his eyes back, Lin Wen said, "Next, you will fight Chao Meng, if I am on your back, I will inevitably fight against you. You make an impact."

"it is good."

Lugia's response came, and then... a responsive turn, suspended beside the Flash Dragon!

Lin Wen made a quick jump and landed directly on the back of the Flash Dragon!

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