
At the moment of contact, the power ball exploded instantly!But the power of the air vortex is also very violent, and it completely blocks the super power that the mind power ball erupts!

This time, the skills of the two elves were hedging, and they were evenly divided!

The players in the entire Charles Industrial Park battlefield are very quiet!

They are all watching the battle between these two legendary elves in the sky!

At the moment when the skills collided, Lin Wen said again: "Lugia, use the Dragon God to dive!"

Lugia's body turned into a streamer, shot out in an instant, and charged towards Mewtwo.

It's faster than expected!

Looking at Lugia who was swooping over, Boss Sakagi said: "Super dream, dodge Lugia's attack, and then use the mental blade!"

Spiritual Blade: Mewtwo turns mind power into a blade, inflicting powerful physical damage on the opponent!

Lugia's attack is coming in an instant!

The powerful impact of the Dragon God's dive swept over!

At the moment when Mewtwo was attacked by Lugia, his body suddenly vacated, and he avoided Lugia's attack!

However... the super-power shield that it wrapped around was swooped and hit by Lugia's Dragon God, and it was simply broken!

As a legendary elf who has lived for thousands of years, Lugia's strength is evident!

The super shield that Lin Wen used four elves to fight over and over again finally broke. In Lugia, it was as fragile as paper, and it would be broken with a poke!

Of course... this may also be because the previous blizzard has already dealt a certain blow to the super shield!

After escaping the Dragon God swooping that Rocky wanted, on the right hand of the superpower, the thought force quickly condensed and turned into a sharp blade, which was then held by Chaomeng in his hand!

It was just above Lugia, and the body suddenly fell, and the blade condensed by thought force was about to swing straight towards Lugia!

"Lugia, use Hold!"

Lin Wen's voice came, and light flashed across Lugia!

Then, the mental blade was stabbed straight into Lugia's back!

The light flashed by, and the spiritual blade condensed by the power of thought was directly bounced off!

Defend successfully against this attack!

After a brief confrontation, Mewtwo and Lugia were separated again, staring cautiously at each other...  

Lin Wen's eyes fell on Lugia, thinking about the various battles just now, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, as if he understood something!

In terms of strength, one side is Chaomeng who has not yet reached a complete state!On the other side, is Lugia, the god of the sea who has lived for thousands of years!

From Lin Wen's point of view, Lugia's strength should have been able to crush Mewtwo!

But in practice?Fighting 5.4 to the present, Lugia's strength has been evenly matched with Mewtwo.

This is what Lin Wen can't understand!

And now... he finally wants to understand everything!

Lugia, I don't want to hurt Mewtwo!

Although artificial elves are something that the Alliance has always banned, legendary elves are also opposed to this kind of thing!But after Mewtwo was made, it was a living legendary elf after all!

It's just that, under the control of the boss Sakagi, the current Chao Meng is doing bad things!

The sea god Lugia is actually a very good-natured and kind-hearted elf. In this case, it does not want to hurt Chao Meng, so it is suppressing its own power! .

Chapter six hundred and twentieth full attack

Otherwise, the complete Mewtwo might be able to compete with the Sea God Lugia, but how could this young Mewtwo be the Sea God Lugia's opponent?

Thinking of this, Lin Wen couldn't help but said to Lugia, "Lucia."

Lugia turned her head slightly and looked at Lin Wen at the back. The voice sounded in Lin Wen's heart and asked, "Heart of Yang Yan, what's wrong?"

Lin Wen frowned, considered his words, and then said, "Lugia, I know you have scruples, so I didn't use all my strength, but now... after all, this is a very important battle!"

"Under the control of Boss Sakagi, this Mewtwo has caused great losses to the Alliance!"

"Even now, the outcome of this battle falls on you and me!"

"Only by defeating this Chaos dream, can the alliance turn around the disadvantage and defeat Team Rocket!" Lin Wen said slowly.

"You can't keep it any longer, it is precisely because this Mewtwo is under the control of Sakagi, so you should use all your strength to defeat it and take it back from Sakagi's hands! Don't let it go! Once again under the control of evil forces!"

After Lin Wen said a series of words, Lugia fell into silence.

Just as Lin Wen thought, it really felt that it shouldn't hurt Chao Meng, so it kept suppressing its strength and didn't use all its strength!

After all, after being produced, Chaomeng is already a living legendary elf. Each legendary elf is unique. Except for a very small number of evil legendary elf, most of the legendary elf The elves are all kind and lawful. They maintain the operation of the entire elf world and guard the world!

But now, after hearing Lin Wen's voice, Lugia nodded lightly after being silent for a while.

It already understood what Jiang Li meant.

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