Although Mewtwo appears in this world as an artificial elf, its essence is not evil!

The reason why it will attack the alliance is only because it obeys the orders of the boss of Sakagi!

If that's the case, then snatch it back from Boss Sakagi!Then tune in!

After all, this Chao Meng is still only in its infancy. It has just arrived in this world, and its values ​​and worldview have not yet been developed.

Seeing that Lugia understood what he meant, Lin Wen nodded lightly, and then said: "If that's the case, then Lugia, use mental strength on Chaomeng!"

Although known as the god of the sea, Lugia is also a super-type elf, and its super-type skills are very powerful!

Spiritual Strong Mind: Like the opponent sending a powerful mind force to attack, causing a lot of damage, there is a certain chance to reduce the opponent's special defense!

Substantial thought power spewed out and bombarded towards Chaomeng!

Sakagi didn't hear the brief conversation between Lin Wen and Lugia. Seeing Lugia's strong mental attack, Sakagi's boss repeated his old tricks and said: "Super dream, use mental shock to directly blast its skills away. !"

Mental shock: Mewtwo will materialize the power of mind and directly attack the opponent, giving the opponent powerful physical damage!

The materialized thought force wave bombarded out under the control of Chaomeng, and in the blink of an eye, it was bombarded with Lugia's mental force!


After the two super powers were bombarded together, super power burst out instantly, but then, a scene that shocked Sakagi happened!

Lugia's mental strength skills, after the outbreak, broke through the mental shock of Chaomeng in a very short time, tearing its skills to shreds!Then attacked towards Mewtwo!


The strong mentality has a ruthless effect on Chaomeng!

The super shield was broken by Lugia as early as just now, and now it can't be protected against it. Even Chaomeng is a super spirit, but it was attacked by the legendary elf, the god of the sea, Lugia. In the midst of strong mental thoughts, there was still a painful expression on his face!My mind was frozen for a while!

This scene completely shocked Boss Sakagi!

He couldn't understand why Lugia was still the same Mewtwo before, why this round was completely defeated, the power gap between the skills can be seen at a glance!

Lugia, who showed all her strength, is really powerful!

Lin Wen nodded lightly, seized the opportunity, and the next order had already blurted out!

"Lugia, use the ultimate shock!"

Hearing the words, Lugia sprinted over in an instant!

Chao Meng was disturbed by the effect of strong mental thoughts, and he was in a state of rigidity. Facing the body that Lugia was rushing towards, there was no way to dodge!


In the blink of an eye, Lugia sprinted to the front of Chaomeng, and the small body of Chaomeng was suddenly knocked away and suffered a lot of damage!

Boss Sakagi saw it in his eyes, anxious in his heart, looking at Lugia, who had a tendency to sprint again, and quickly said: "Super dream, use the power of secrets!"

Secret Power: The powerful power hidden in 947 Mewtwo attacks the enemy with special energy. Depending on the place of use, the additional effect of this move will also vary.

After Chao Meng was hit by Lugia, he also recovered from the harassment of strong mental thoughts. Hearing Sakagi's instructions, his eyes flashed, and the secret power acted on Lugia, letting it be The body is a meal!

In addition to causing damage to the enemy, the secret power can also produce different effects depending on the terrain. Now, Mewtwo and Lugia are above the sky, and the effect is that Lugia's speed Significantly weakened!

"Super dream! Use the power ball!"

After slowing down Lugia's speed, Sakagi Boss followed the order.

The corners of Lin Wen's mouth twitched, and he said, "Since that's the case... Lugia, use a shadow clone!"

In an instant, hundreds of Lugia's figures appeared in the sky instantly, looking very spectacular, and at the same time sprinted towards Mewtwo!

Chao Meng condensed five mind power balls in one fell swoop, but facing seven or eight Lugias, it was also a little confusing. After the mind power balls were bombarded, with the sound of bang bang bang, the phantoms made by shadow clones were all numbered. disappear! .

Chapter [-] Defeated

Mewtwo, did not bombard the real Lugia!

"Lugia, use primal power!"

Primal Power: Attack with Primal Power, sometimes increasing all of your abilities!

Lugia, who had sprinted in front of Chao Meng, radiated light from her body, her attributes suddenly increased, and then slammed into Chao Meng's body!

Chao Meng's body was instantly knocked flying again!

"Super dream, use self-regeneration!" Sakagi's voice came!

Self-regeneration: Regenerate cells in the whole body and restore half of HP!

Chaomeng's short body suddenly appeared wriggling, and as the wriggling gradually disappeared, the scars on its body also weakened a lot!

After Lugia's true strength is fully developed, the damage caused is extremely huge!But with Mewtwo's self-regeneration, it has the stamina to fight again!

"Sure enough..." Lin Wen said softly, and then said, "Lugia, use Blizzard!"

Blizzard Skills!

The second blizzard skill!

But when Lugia released her full power, the effect was huge!

The frost quickly condensed, and the cold wind swept away in the direction of Chaomeng!

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