As a legendary elf that can affect the weather, Blizzard is a skill that complements Lugia!

This is a huge indiscriminate attack!But because there is only Chao Meng's figure in the sky, it all acts on it!

In the blink of an eye, Chao Meng's body was covered with frost, and his movements became stiff!

Boss Sakagi frowned, and quickly shouted: "Super dream, break away!"

"Break away?"

Commanding the legendary elf with full combat power, Lugia, the god of the sea, is undoubtedly a very happy thing, Lin Wen did not hesitate, and continued directly: "Lugia, use the bird slam on Mewtwo. ‖!”

Hearing Lin Wen's voice, Lugia's body bowed slightly and began to charge up!

Not far away, Mewtwo is breaking free from the shackles brought by the blizzard!

At this moment, Lugia's power storage was suddenly completed, and the whole body shot out in an instant!

Divine Bird Strikes!

Its body is surrounded by dazzling light, and it sprints to Chaomeng in the blink of an eye!

Boss Sakagi had a bad premonition in his heart and shouted: "Super dream, get away!"

It's too late!

Lugia slammed into Chao Meng's body fiercely!Knock it out!

Moreover, how powerful is this skill that needs to be charged after being used by the legendary elves?

I saw that after Chao Meng was hit and flew again, the damage he suffered seemed to have reached a peak, and he could not stabilize his body any more, but fell towards the bottom!


Sakagi boss screamed!

The players below also made a huge noise!

The fierce battle between these two legendary elves made everyone's eyes firmly focus here and couldn't bear to leave, but now... so suddenly, one side seems to have lost the ability to fight!

Or the Rockets' super dream!

This suddenly made the players present couldn't help but make a noise!

Chao Meng fell towards the bottom!

Boss Sakagi wanted to command the fire-breathing dragon to respond, but there was a figure who was faster than him!

That's Lugia!

Lugia's speed increased to the extreme, caught the falling Mewtwo, and then slowly fell to the ground!

Seeing the legendary elf falling to the ground, the surrounding players stepped aside one after another, looking at them with curious eyes.

These are... two legendary elves!

This is the first time that these players are so close to the legendary elves. At this time, they can't help but carefully look at these two legendary elves!

Lin Wen was riding on the Flash Dragon, and when he saw this scene, he quickly shouted: "The Flash Dragon, let's go down too!"

The flashing dragon roared and agreed, and then the dragon's wings unfolded, and the huge body fell instantly!

Below, next to Lugia and the incapacitated Chao Meng, the two legendary elves had left an open space because of the fall of the two legendary elves. Now that the huge size of the Flash Dragon has come again, the surrounding players suddenly Make way for a big circle, you can let the flash dragon land!

The flashing dragon slowly waved its dragon wings, slowly landed, and fell to the ground, and even the ground felt a tremor!

Then... Lin Wen's eyes turned to Lugia and Chaomeng!

At this time, Chaomeng, with his eyes closed, looked like an unconscious child, without the coldness of the battle period at all.

"." After all... the current Mewtwo is only infancy. "Lin Wen thought to himself.

Because of him, Chaomeng was taken out of the cultivation warehouse in advance. In Lin Wen's view, it was not only Chaomeng's strength that had not reached perfection!

And mind!

The super dream in the original work, but he will betray the boss Sakagi himself!But this childhood Mewtwo is obedient to the orders of Boss Sakagi!

In this case, Chao Meng's attack on the alliance side could not be blamed on it. After all, it has just come to this world, and it has spread to the head of the evil force, the boss of Sakagi, so it is inevitable to do it. Something bad is coming!


at the same time.

In the sky!


Boss Sakagi, who stepped on the fire-breathing dragon, watched as Lugia rescued Chao Meng, and various expressions flashed in his eyes.

Confused, in vain, unwilling, angry...

He understands...he lost!

My most powerful elf at present, the artificial legendary elf that Team Rocket developed after three years, Mewtwo, was defeated in the hands of Lugia...

This means that he loses everything!

Team Rocket has been able to survive this battle until now, and even turned the tide of the battle for a while, entirely because of the existence of the legendary elf and Chaomeng!

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