Lugia, the god of the sea, proved its prestige and successfully defeated Mewtwo!

Players nearby, looking at Chao Meng, who has lost his ability to fight now, his eyes are closed, and some can't believe that this powerful guy will be defeated now!


But think about it carefully, only the mythical beast that is also a legendary elf has the possibility of defeating Chao Meng!

Moreover, in the previous conversation between Sakagi and Lin Wen, many players already knew Le's information about Chaomeng!

This Chao Meng, because it was taken out of the cultivation warehouse in advance, its current combat power is not the most perfect time...

This has made countless players think that the current Chaomeng is so powerful, so what should it be like when it is the most complete?

But... now there are no players who think so much!

Because, with the emergence of the system announcement, the battle around the Charles Industrial Park has started again!

As the system announcement said, the alliance camp has sounded the horn for a counterattack! .

Chapter [-] Mission Ends

The most important combat power of the Rockets side, Chao Meng lost the ability to fight, which undoubtedly gave the Alliance side an advantage!

Players from the alliance camps launched attacks frantically to vent their depression!

You know... just now, they almost lost the battle and failed to accept the mission!

The world is impermanent!

In comparison, the resistance of the Rockets side is much weaker...

Their last morale, the successful counterattack was successful, to put it bluntly, they all depended on Mewtwo, and now that Mewtwo loses the ability to fight, these Rockets players are timid before the battle, and their morale drops a lot first!

There is no Mewtwo... Facing the alliance with high morale at this time?What do they win?

Even Team Rocket players discovered that after the battle between Mewtwo and Lugia, Team Rocket's big boss, Sakagi... disappeared!


He was nowhere to be seen on the entire battlefield!

Fuck it!

In a battle about the life and death of the Rockets, after Chaomeng was defeated, the bosses of the Rockets ran away!

Then play an egg? ?

Morale is extremely low!

One side... is the Rockets who have the advantage at this time with the help of Mewtwo, but their morale is demoralized after Mewtwo's defeat!

On the other hand, it was the alliance that was about to fail, but after Lugia showed up to defeat Mewtwo, the morale of the alliance suddenly rebounded!

The positions between the two are swapped again!

The players of the alliance camp started a ferocious attack on the Rockets side!

The place where Lugia landed with Chaomeng was relatively close to the edge of the battlefield. At this time, watching countless alliance camp players start to attack again, Lin Wen hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Luqia, I will also go. into the fight."

"Okay, Heart of Yang Yan."

Lugia's voice echoed in Lin Wen's heart, Lin Wen nodded slightly towards it, and then summoned his elf and joined the battle!

Leaf Elf, Ice Elf, Shanaido, Flash Dragon!

With such a king-level combat power as him joining the battle, the alliance's offensive is a little more severe again!


at the same time.

The battle site of the three kings.

Their opponents are all senior cadres of the Rockets. The original idea of ​​these senior cadres was to drag the three heavenly kings here. Now, with the defeat of Chaomeng, Sakagi has disappeared. Senior cadres, also have the intention to retreat!

Where there is life, there is hope!

Several senior cadres of the Rockets were in a good mood and started to evacuate at the same time!

Seeing this scene, several heavenly kings wanted to stop them, but looking at the fierce battlefield around the Charles Industrial Park, they stopped and turned around to join the larger battle!

With the addition of the three heavenly kings, the alliance has an even greater advantage!In the face of the low morale of the Rockets, it can be said that they have made breakthroughs one after another, and they are not hindered at all!

The battle lasted a total of three hours!

Although there is no help from Chaomeng, there is still a lot of remaining strength of the Rockets, which lasted for three hours!

But...they are powerless after all!

In the face of the four Heavenly King-level trainers including Lin Wen, the Rockets' already low morale suffered a serious blow again!

And now... The Rockets camp elves lost their combat power. The players retreated, ran away, and the members of the Rockets were arrested and brought to justice by the investigators of the Alliance. The gate of the Charles Industrial Park has been opened to the Alliance. Expand!

The Charles Industrial Park is an industrial site with a large area and great value. Naturally, it is impossible to directly destroy it like the previous Rocket Team bases!

After breaking through the Charles Industrial Park and eliminating the last trace of resistance, the Alliance completely occupied the last large base of the Rockets!

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