Just after this goal was achieved, a system prompt sounded in the ears of countless alliance camp players!

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"Ding Dong, congratulations for helping the Alliance break through the Rockets base, Charles Industrial Park, and get 100 points reward!"

Leaderboard... Most of the players' points have risen sharply!

In Lin Wen's ear, a system prompt also sounded!

"Ding Dong, player Yang Yanxin, congratulations on helping the Alliance break through the Rockets base - Charles Industrial Park, because of your great contribution in this battle, you have been rewarded with 300 points!"

Three hundred points!

On the points rankings, Lin Wen's points jumped up a lot again, firmly controlling the number one position, no one can shake it!

After hearing the reward of [-] points, Lin Wen was also slightly surprised, a little shocked by this number, but he was relieved immediately!

If he hadn't been driving the flash dragon to harass Mewtwo in the previous battle, I'm afraid this battle would have ended soon!

And... it was he who directed Lugia and Mewtwo to fight!

Therefore... it is not surprising that you will get more points!

Not long after this system prompt, the system announcement rang again in the ears of every player!

System Announcement: World-class mission: Team Rocket's annihilation war is over!The Rockets have suffered a huge blow that is difficult to recover and have disappeared in the Kanto area.

System Announcement: World-class mission: Team Rocket's annihilation war is over!The Rockets have suffered a huge blow that is difficult to recover and have disappeared in the Kanto area.

System Announcement: World-class mission: Team Rocket's annihilation war is over!The Rockets have suffered a huge blow that is difficult to recover and have disappeared in the Kanto area.

The system announcement lasted three times!Then, it was the cheers of countless alliance camp players!

After the siege of Team Rocket's base, most of the forces finally gathered in the Charles Industrial Park, and now, with the collapse of this base, Team Rocket, which has dominated for many years, has finally been completely defeated!

Lost and found, this is the most exciting thing! .

Chapter [-] Lugia's Decision

I thought that this mission would be lost, but at the most important juncture, with the arrival of Lugia, the situation was reversed, allowing the Alliance to win such a lost and recovered victory again!

The announcement is not over yet!

After three system announcements, the system sounded again!

System Announcement: Players who get points in this world-class mission can go to the alliance store to receive rewards. The top ten players in this time will receive additional rewards!


Redeem points for rewards!

Everyone has been fighting desperately for so long, isn't it just for rewards? As soon as this system announcement came out, it immediately caused a wave of enthusiasm among players.

And now, with the emergence of the system announcement, announcing the defeat of the Rockets, this "seven-seven-seven" world-class large-scale mission: the annihilation of the Rockets has come to an end!


The Charles Industrial Park was full of players and NPC trainers from the Alliance camp. After finally defeating Team Rocket, many players rested here.

Of course, there are also many players who choose to leave here directly, instead of staying any longer, they go to the Alliance Store anxiously to exchange for rewards!

Lin Wen has been sprinting at the forefront of the battlefield since he joined the battle before. Now that the battle is finally over, he breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he summoned the Flash Dragon and flew into the sky!

Then, he began to look down in midair!

He is looking for Lugia, the god of the sea!

After the flashing dragon flew forward for a distance, Lin Wen heard the call.

"Researcher Yang Yan!"

Looking at the sound, it was King Kona who called him!

Next to King Kona, Kazuki and Sheba were also listed. After the battle, the three kings of the alliance gathered together!

In addition to the three heavenly kings, there are two more familiar figures of Lin Wen!

Lugia and Mewtwo!

Commanding the Flash Dragon, Lin Wen hurriedly landed next to them.

Then... He jumped down from the Flash Dragon's back very sensitively, took out the Poke Ball, put the Flash Dragon in it, and walked quickly towards the direction of the three Heavenly Kings and Lugia.

Here, because of the existence of two legendary elves and the Alliance Heavenly King, it attracted many players to watch, but now that Lin Wen came, they all made way for him to pass!

This is the respect earned by one's own strength!

After the guild battle, Lin Wen has not shot in front of the players for a long time, and now, the brazen shot in this world-class mission has undoubtedly confirmed that he... is still the heart of Yang Yan, or the very powerful Yang Yan. heart of!

Soon, Lin Wen came to the side of the three heavenly kings.

"Researcher Yang Yan." After seeing Lin Wen, Kona couldn't help but called out.

It can be seen that this beauty king is in a good mood, and the victory in the battle makes her in a good mood, and there is a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Researcher Yang Yan, this battle is still up to you. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been able to win." King Kera laughed.

Lin Wen shook his head and said modestly, "I just do what I should do."

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